The Mystery of the Resurrection in the Light of Anthroposophy

Book Description

"We live today at a time when the full mystery of the Resurrection body can become manifest to human beings out of the inspirations of Michael.... This was accomplished by Rudolf Steiner not just in a theoretical sense but also practically, and came about through the establishing of a path, accessible to all human beings, which leads to a union with the forces of the Resurrection body." Sergei Prokofieff approaches the deepest mysteries of the Turning Point of Time (the Christ event) through Rudolf Steiner's spiritual research. At its heart stands the question of the restoration of the "phantom" of the physical body and its transformation into the resurrected body of Christ through the Mystery of Golgotha. The author draws a broad and differentiated picture of the tasks and possibilities that the Easter event--as well as Ascension and Pentecost--present, both for the individual and humanity. The final chapter considers the mystery of Easter Saturday, through which the two polar aspects of the Mystery of Golgotha--death and resurrection--interconnect, also explaining the relationship between the Earth Spirit and the interior of the Earth. An appendix tackles the phenomenon of stigmatization from a spiritual-scientific perspective.

The Lights, The Resurrection

Book Description

I have heard people say that if you want to live, then you shouldn't walk into the light. Some have said that if you want a better life, step into the light. There is where you will shine. Then there is that old saying, "There is a light at the end of every tunnel." As for me personally, I say that searching for lights always leads to darkness. It always leads you back to the truth and the reality of it all. My whole life has been filled with lights that have led me down a path of both good and evil. Some were put out by others, some I turned off. I tried to stay in the excitement of the night lights in search of a way to ease the pain of all the things I have seen and done. I've tried to forget about the lights I saw at a young age for the very first time. I saw the taillights of my mother's car as she drove off in search of her own light. That was the beginning of a new me. No one can know about the secrets that we keep buried deep down inside us, deep down where the light still flickers. I would like to share a story with you about heartache, mistrust, greed, and pain. A story about my search for happiness and how I had to walk through the flames. I was still in darkness even when I tried to walk in the light. Let me introduce myself. Hi, my name is Antonio Brown, a.k.a. 45, but you can just call me Tony.

How to Escape from Jehovah's Witnesses

Book Description

Jehovah's Witnesses number into the millions globally and are well known for their public evangelism about God's kingdom. But beneath the facade of brotherly love and organizational unity lies a captive organization in which doubts are stifled and dissent is ruthlessly crushed. Once a Witness stops believing, they face being ostracized as a loathed "mentally diseased" apostate. They must navigate a labyrinth of obstacles and dilemmas due to the organization's cruel policy of shunning former members. Lloyd Evans is a well known ex-Witness writer and activist, and in his second book he draws on his firsthand, insider knowledge as a former elder to guide would-be escapees through the minefield that awaits them. How should elders be dealt with? What resources are available for objective research? What should someone do if they are threatened with judicial action? What about coming clean to family members? How does someone go about rebuilding their social circle? What precautions should be taken to maintain privacy when browsing apostate material online? All these questions and more are answered in How to Escape From Jehovah's Witnesses, described by Paul Grundy of as "an invaluable tool in helping [former Witnesses] move on as efficiently and painlessly as possible."

The Resurrection of Jesus

Book Description

The earliest traditions around the narrative of Jesus' resurrection are considered in this landmark work by Dale C. Allison, Jr, drawing together the fruits of his decades of research into this issue at the very core of Christian identity. Allison returns to the ancient sources and earliest traditions, charting them alongside the development of faith in the resurrection in the early church and throughout Christian history. Beginning with historical-critical methodology that examines the empty tomb narratives and early confessions, Allison moves on to consider the resurrection in parallel with other traditions and stories, including Tibetan accounts of saintly figures being assumed into the light, in the chapter “Rainbow Body”. Finally, Allison considers what might be said by way of results or conclusions on the topic of resurrection, offering perspectives from both apologetic and sceptical viewpoints. In his final section of “modest results” he considers scholarly approaches to the resurrection in light of human experience, adding fresh nuance to a debate that has often been characterised in overly simplistic terms of “it happened” or “it didn't”.

The Resurrection of Jesus

Book Description

I accept the resurrection of Jesus not as an invention of the community of disciples, but as an historical event.Ó When a leading orthodox Jew makes such a declaration, its significance can hardly be overstated. Pinchas Lapide is a rabbi and theologian who has specialized in the study of the New Testament. In this book he convincingly shows that an irreducible minimum of experience underlies the New Testament account of the resurrection, however much of the details of the narrative may be open to objection. He maintains that life after death is part of the Jewish faith experience, and that it is Jesus' messiahship, not his resurrection, which marks the division between Christianity and Judaism. Dr. Lapide quotes Moses Maimonides, the greatest Jewish thinker, in his support: All these matters which refer to Jesus of Nazareth...only served to make the way free for the King Messiah and to prepare the whole world for the worship of God with a united heart.Ó

The Resurrection of the Son of God

Book Description

Explores ancient beliefs about life after death, highlighting the fact that the early Christians' belief about the afterlife belonged firmly on the Jewish spectrum, while introducing several new mutations and sharper definitions, forcing readers to view the Easter narratives not simply as rationalizations, but as accounts of two actual events: the empty tomb of Jesus and his "appearances." Simultaneous. Hardcover no longer available.

The Resurrection Fire

Book Description

What is described in this book (and the other Aquarius books that will follow) is being revealed at a time on Earth when all of us are meant to know the Truth about our existence as a human race and have a full comprehension of how the Universe works. This is the Time of Awakening to the full Knowledge of The Truth about Life, about God, ,and about who we are, in essence, as Spiritual Beings. The Teachers who speak to readers in this book say it is the time of the long-awaited Second Coming, although their description of this Event is amplified and expanded. This is the second book in Series I of The Aquarius Materials. It includes twenty Discourses that were trance channeled from the Realms of Light and the level of the Christ-Consciousness. These Teachings were given to a group in the heartland of the United States during 1985-1987 and were held until the internal guidance was given that the time had come to release these Messages to the public. The Universal Teachers foretold the upheaval in the world-wide events that we are experiencing today as the signal for the beginning of an entirely New Era on the Earth. The Universal Teachers say of these Teachings: This is The Light that we are bringing to you. This is the actual polarization right here of the Resurrection Fire by which each one of you must attain. Believe it! We take individuals right straight to the Resurrection of Themselves. We do not give more information so that you might make more books. We do not give you information so you may start study groups to teach others. We tell you, the Resurrection is going on upon the planet and for those of you who will continue to learn and attain, you are among those to be Resurrected. Marcella R. Womack, a.k.a. Maria Weaver Editor

Seeing Light

Book Description

Based on a close reading of a wide range of Jewish and early Christian sources, the author explores how faith in the resurrection developed in the Early Church and what believing in the resurrection might mean for twenty-first-century people.