The Millennium First Night

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The Millennium

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Plan your own big bang for the turn of the millennium with the help of Rough Guide's fastest-selling title. Illustrations.

Approaching the Millennium

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Leading critics, scholars, and theater practictioners consider the most talked-about play of the 1990s

Living in the Millennium

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“Living in the Millennium” Why is the Millennium the neglected prophecy? Why were thousands of books written predicting who the anti-Christ might be, or trying to determine if we would be raptured at the beginning, the middle or end of the tribulation, or myriads of books about heaven itself? Why do we skip right over the Millennium? Revelation 20:6, “but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years.” Ruling and reigning are verbs, what part of that did we not understand? The time line we crossed coming into this Millennium was not the finish line, only a new starting line. We, who entered the Millenniums as immortals, are given assignments, celebrate holiday feasts, attend courses given by prophets from every dispensation, ride giant turtles in the reconstructed Garden of Eden, formulate advances in all areas of science, and have joy unspeakable and full of glory. Pleasures are innumerable but our responsibilities and labors have not ended. We all know Isaiah 2:4, “and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks,” which indicates the need for plowshares and pruning hooks, which indicates a time of labor, a time of labor that we misunderstood. There are many mortals who have also entered into this kingdom and King Jesus’ reign. We are dwelling and reigning among these mortals, mortals that still need to accept the one and only way to obtain a place in the promised everlasting heaven. II Peter 3:12-13, “Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat. Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.” How will we be protected while the Almighty God accomplishes this monumental task, where and will he preserve the animal and plant life during this time of fire, like he did in Noah’s time? Will we be able to witness this recreation? After being able to watch the first creation by heavenly recordings made at the beginning of time, the anticipation is almost overwhelming, waiting for this promise to be fulfilled. Luke 21:33, “And though all heaven and earth shall pass away, yet my words remain forever true.” The Almighty God has promised us this newly created eternal dwelling place following this Millennium, and it will appear. His word remains forever true. This journal is filled with interesting submissions from numerous individuals around the world, from various cultures, different nations, diverse professions and from different age groups, each describing the circumstances surrounding their own journey into this distinct world. A world that sees King Jesus walking the hills of Judea once again, or strolling the streets of Trondheim, Norway, as well as helping students in classrooms interpret weather patterns, or encouraging musicians to master the new musical notes he has introduced. Why hasn’t the New Jerusalem already descended, why would this Gracious Ruler still allow men and women to hunt for wild game, what is the Abyss and why is Satan cast into it for this short period of time, and not for all eternity? These are questions we explore in our journeys in the Millennium. We learn of insurrections by mortals that must be controlled by those of us ruling and reigning with Jesus, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. The Eternal One who now sits upon his glorious throne, ruling with justice. We see millions of mortals, who have been born in this Millennium, still experiencing sorrow, tears, pain, yes and even death. Satan is bound but sin is still present because of self and the temptations of the world. Those things, in addition to time, will not be destroyed until the end of this Millennium. Read about “Hard to Understand Q & A” programs meant to help us

A Journey to the End of the Millennium

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The year is 999 A.D. Christians in Europe are preparing themselves for the arrival of the Messiah at the millennium and religious fervour is in the air. Sailing from the North African port of Tangier to a small, distant town called Paris are a Jewish merchant, Ben Attar, his two beloved wives and his Arab partner, Abu Lutfi. They have come for a meeting with their third partner the widower, Raphael Abulafia who has been forced to turn his back on their previous trading partnership because of his new wife's distrust of the dual marriage of Ben Attar. The latter turns this annual trading voyage into a personal quest to legitimise his second wife, restore his honour and, equally important, to show others the richness and humanity in his way of life. A confrontation ensues between people of different cultures whose ways of living and loving are so different, and yet who are of the same religion, believe in the same God and in the same morality. Thus we enter a profound human drama whose moral conflicts of fidelity and desire resonate deeply with our times. A. B. Yehoshua has imaginatively recreated a medieval world with its merchant trade in great depth and sensuous detail. His evocation of one man's love is lyrical, erotic even, and A Journey to the End of the Millennium will rank with the best of Yehoshua's work.

Ritual Theory, Ritual Practice

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Ritual studies today figures as a central element of religious discourse for many scholars around the world. Ritual Theory, Ritual Practice, Catherine Bell's sweeping and seminal work on the subject, helped legitimize the field. In this volume, Bell re-examines the issues, methods, and ramifications of our interest in ritual by concentrating on anthropology, sociology, and the history of religions. Now with a new foreword by Diane Jonte-Pace, Bell's work is a must-read for understanding the evolution of the field of ritual studies and its current state.

Annual Report

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Reports for 1980-19 also include the Annual report of the National Council on the Arts.

The Millennium Party Book

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Bursting with ideas for the ultimate New Year's Eve party, this beautiful guide demonstrates exactly how to create a memorable event for parties in the 21st century.

Writing Off the Beaten Track

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Written by an American woman who resides and teaches in Sharjah in the United Arab Emirates, these informal sketches of life in the Gulf capture the flavor of that exotic corner of the Arab world. Even as she acquaints us with intriguing aspects of Emirati culture, the author notes the varied difficulties inherent in perceiving another way of life, especially one that has been ignored and frequently misrepresented in the West. She provides a unique view of the diverse ways in which American pop culture affects Middle Eastern thought and custom, from shopping and song to fashion and fads. Keenly observed and graced with wit and authority, these essays offer a palpable picture of a place little known to the West while raising substantial questions about the essence of culture and the stereotyping of people and places. Off the Beaten Track will be vastly useful to teachers of Middle East studies and those who have contact with non-Western students. Readers interested in the region and travel aficionados will find it an enlightening and highly original read.