The Mind of Proust

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The Mind of Proust

Book Description

First published in 1949, this book presents an extensive study of the mind and art of Proust. The text offers a detailed commentary on the many aspects of his literary imagination, discussing 'Proust the historian of the eternal passions, the creator of high comedy and memorable character, the imagist, the painter of a vanished society'. Numerous quotations are included in the original French, with the longer quotations given in both French and English. This book will be of value to anyone with an interest in Proust and literary criticism.

˜Theœ mind of Proust

Book Description

Discourses of Mourning in Dante, Petrarch, and Proust

Book Description

This book brings together, in a novel and exciting combination, three authors who have written movingly about mourning: two medieval Italian poets, Dante Alighieri and Francesco Petrarca, and one early twentieth-century French novelist, Marcel Proust. Each of these authors, through their respective narratives of bereavement, grapples with the challenge of how to write adequately about the deeply personal and painful experience of grief. In Jennifer Rushworth's analysis, discourses of mourning emerge as caught between the twin, conflicting demands of a comforting, readable, shared generality and a silent, solitary respect for the uniqueness of any and every experience of loss. Rushworth explores a variety of major questions in the book, including: what type of language is appropriate to mourning? What effect does mourning have on language? Why and how has the Orpheus myth been so influential on discourses of mourning across different time periods and languages? Might the form of mourning described in a text and the form of closure achieved by that same text be mutually formative and sustaining? In this way, discussion of the literary representation of mourning extends to embrace topics such as the medieval sin of acedia, the proper name, memory, literary epiphanies, the image of the book, and the concept of writing as promise. In addition to the three primary authors, Rushworth draws extensively on the writings of Sigmund Freud, Julia Kristeva, Jacques Derrida, and Roland Barthes. These rich and diverse psychoanalytical and French theoretical traditions provide terminological nuance and frameworks for comparison, particularly in relation to the complex term melancholia.

The Captive

Book Description

The narrator recounts his complicated relationship with Albertine, the events that lead to their separation, and his retreat to Venice

In Search of Lost Time - The Complete Seven-Book Series

Book Description

In Search of Lost Time is a series of seven highly acclaimed novels which inspired modern writers with its artistic craft and philosophical insight regarding memory and time. It is often suggested that perhaps Joyce's Ulysses was in some way inspired by this French tour de force. These bestselling novels recount the experiences of an unnamed narrator while he is growing up, learning about art, participating in society, and falling in love. Swann's Way: The young protagonist dreads waking up at night and not having his mother's good-night kiss... Within a Budding Grove beautifully examines the complex adolescent relationships. The Guermantes Way: The adult protagonist steps into the dazzling Parisian society of 19th century along with his obsession for Mme. de Guermantes. Cities of Plain: No matter how hard he tries to ignore or stay indifferent to closeted homosexual relationships around him, these and his own sexual desires become intricate part of his memories. The Captive dwells into the nature of relationships when couples fall out of love and yet don't have courage to break free. The Sweet Cheat Gone: People who leave rarely come back... Time Regained: After the WW1, he goes back to Paris to meet the people he once knew again, but time has never stopped for anyone Marcel Proust (1871–1922) was an inspirational French novelist, critic and essayist who is now considered as one of the most influential authors of the 20th century. His aesthetic craft and deep philosophical insight inspired numerous modern writers.

The Dublin Magazine

Book Description

The Honey Locust

Book Description

How do you make God laugh? Tell him your plans. Globe-trotting photojournalist Angela Thomas has spent all thirty-two years of her life dreaming of far-off places. Nothing that has happened to her thus far -- the dysfunction of her family, the failure of her marriage -- can convince her that "home" is where she belongs. Though she won't admit it, her job is as much an escape as it is a passion. Every foreign assignment is a chance to trade gnawing family conflicts in for situations that may kill her but won't break her heart. Everything changes when Angela is sent to cover the war in Yugoslavia. She has survived strife and destruction before, but this time is different; this time, the people around her refuse to remain at arm's length, filtered by a camera lens. Through the unexpected attachments she makes, Angela's eyes are finally opened to a view that casts her old life and her old problems in a completely different light.