The Minimum Description Length Principle

Book Description

This introduction to the MDL Principle provides a reference accessible to graduate students and researchers in statistics, pattern classification, machine learning, and data mining, to philosophers interested in the foundations of statistics, and to researchers in other applied sciences that involve model selection.

Advances in Minimum Description Length

Book Description

A source book for state-of-the-art MDL, including an extensive tutorial and recent theoretical advances and practical applications in fields ranging from bioinformatics to psychology.

Information and Complexity in Statistical Modeling

Book Description

No statistical model is "true" or "false," "right" or "wrong"; the models just have varying performance, which can be assessed. The main theme in this book is to teach modeling based on the principle that the objective is to extract the information from data that can be learned with suggested classes of probability models. The intuitive and fundamental concepts of complexity, learnable information, and noise are formalized, which provides a firm information theoretic foundation for statistical modeling. Although the prerequisites include only basic probability calculus and statistics, a moderate level of mathematical proficiency would be beneficial.

Information Theory and Statistics

Book Description

Information Theory and Statistics: A Tutorial is concerned with applications of information theory concepts in statistics, in the finite alphabet setting. The topics covered include large deviations, hypothesis testing, maximum likelihood estimation in exponential families, analysis of contingency tables, and iterative algorithms with an "information geometry" background. Also, an introduction is provided to the theory of universal coding, and to statistical inference via the minimum description length principle motivated by that theory. The tutorial does not assume the reader has an in-depth knowledge of Information Theory or statistics. As such, Information Theory and Statistics: A Tutorial, is an excellent introductory text to this highly-important topic in mathematics, computer science and electrical engineering. It provides both students and researchers with an invaluable resource to quickly get up to speed in the field.

Stochastic Complexity In Statistical Inquiry

Book Description

This book describes how model selection and statistical inference can be founded on the shortest code length for the observed data, called the stochastic complexity. This generalization of the algorithmic complexity not only offers an objective view of statistics, where no prejudiced assumptions of 'true' data generating distributions are needed, but it also in one stroke leads to calculable expressions in a range of situations of practical interest and links very closely with mainstream statistical theory. The search for the smallest stochastic complexity extends the classical maximum likelihood technique to a new global one, in which models can be compared regardless of their numbers of parameters. The result is a natural and far reaching extension of the traditional theory of estimation, where the Fisher information is replaced by the stochastic complexity and the Cramer-Rao inequality by an extension of the Shannon-Kullback inequality. Ideas are illustrated with applications from parametric and non-parametric regression, density and spectrum estimation, time series, hypothesis testing, contingency tables, and data compression.

Statistical and Inductive Inference by Minimum Message Length

Book Description

The Minimum Message Length (MML) Principle is an information-theoretic approach to induction, hypothesis testing, model selection, and statistical inference. MML, which provides a formal specification for the implementation of Occam's Razor, asserts that the ‘best’ explanation of observed data is the shortest. Further, an explanation is acceptable (i.e. the induction is justified) only if the explanation is shorter than the original data. This book gives a sound introduction to the Minimum Message Length Principle and its applications, provides the theoretical arguments for the adoption of the principle, and shows the development of certain approximations that assist its practical application. MML appears also to provide both a normative and a descriptive basis for inductive reasoning generally, and scientific induction in particular. The book describes this basis and aims to show its relevance to the Philosophy of Science. Statistical and Inductive Inference by Minimum Message Length will be of special interest to graduate students and researchers in Machine Learning and Data Mining, scientists and analysts in various disciplines wishing to make use of computer techniques for hypothesis discovery, statisticians and econometricians interested in the underlying theory of their discipline, and persons interested in the Philosophy of Science. The book could also be used in a graduate-level course in Machine Learning and Estimation and Model-selection, Econometrics and Data Mining. C.S. Wallace was appointed Foundation Chair of Computer Science at Monash University in 1968, at the age of 35, where he worked until his death in 2004. He received an ACM Fellowship in 1995, and was appointed Professor Emeritus in 1996. Professor Wallace made numerous significant contributions to diverse areas of Computer Science, such as Computer Architecture, Simulation and Machine Learning. His final research focused primarily on the Minimum Message Length Principle.

Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis XVIII

Book Description

This open access book constitutes the proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Intelligent Data Analysis, IDA 2020, held in Konstanz, Germany, in April 2020. The 45 full papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 114 submissions. Advancing Intelligent Data Analysis requires novel, potentially game-changing ideas. IDA’s mission is to promote ideas over performance: a solid motivation can be as convincing as exhaustive empirical evaluation.

Understanding Machine Learning

Book Description

Introduces machine learning and its algorithmic paradigms, explaining the principles behind automated learning approaches and the considerations underlying their usage.

Optimal Estimation of Parameters

Book Description

A comprehensive and consistent theory of estimation, including a description of a powerful new tool, the generalized maximum capacity estimator.

Elements of Causal Inference

Book Description

A concise and self-contained introduction to causal inference, increasingly important in data science and machine learning. The mathematization of causality is a relatively recent development, and has become increasingly important in data science and machine learning. This book offers a self-contained and concise introduction to causal models and how to learn them from data. After explaining the need for causal models and discussing some of the principles underlying causal inference, the book teaches readers how to use causal models: how to compute intervention distributions, how to infer causal models from observational and interventional data, and how causal ideas could be exploited for classical machine learning problems. All of these topics are discussed first in terms of two variables and then in the more general multivariate case. The bivariate case turns out to be a particularly hard problem for causal learning because there are no conditional independences as used by classical methods for solving multivariate cases. The authors consider analyzing statistical asymmetries between cause and effect to be highly instructive, and they report on their decade of intensive research into this problem. The book is accessible to readers with a background in machine learning or statistics, and can be used in graduate courses or as a reference for researchers. The text includes code snippets that can be copied and pasted, exercises, and an appendix with a summary of the most important technical concepts.