Book Description
This issue of The Ministry contains a complete record of the twelve messages given during the 2007 summer training on the crystallization-study of the Epistles of John, held July 2 through 7 in Anaheim, California. The crucial truth and burden embodied in these twelve messages may be summarized in four statements: (1) The fellowship of the eternal life, the flow of the eternal life within all the believers, is the reality of living in the Body of Christ; (2) We know the Triune God by experiencing and enjoying Him as the One who dwells in our spirit and desires to spread into our heart; (3) By the anointing of the all-inclusive compound Spirit, who is the composition of the Divine Trinity, we know and enjoy the Father, the Son, and the Spirit as our life and life supply; (4) The Son of God has given us an understanding so that we might know the true One, the genuine and real God, and be one with Him organically in His Son Jesus Christ, who is eternal life to us. These messages are being published immediately following the training in order that they might benefit the saints participating in the many video trainings that are held throughout the earth. The Reports and Announcements section includes a presentation of the Lord's burden for His move in Europe and an announcement about the upcoming gospel feast in South Korea.