Reducing Tobacco-Related Cancer Incidence and Mortality

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Tobacco use is the leading cause of preventable death in United States, causing more than 440,000 deaths annually and resulting in $193 billion in health-related economic losses each year-$96 billion in direct medical costs and $97 billion in lost productivity. Since the first U.S. Surgeon General's report on smoking in 1964, more than 29 Surgeon General's reports, drawing on data from thousands of studies, have documented the overwhelming and conclusive biologic, epidemiologic, behavioral, and pharmacologic evidence that tobacco use is deadly. This evidence base links tobacco use to the development of multiple types of cancer and other life-threatening conditions, including cardiovascular and respiratory diseases. Smoking accounts for at least 30 percent of all cancer deaths, and 80 percent of lung cancer deaths. Despite the widespread agreement on the dangers of tobacco use and considerable success in reducing tobacco use prevalence from over 40 percent at the time of the 1964 Surgeon General's report to less than 20 percent today, recent progress in reducing tobacco use has slowed. An estimated 18.9 percent of U.S. adults smoke cigarettes, nearly one in four high school seniors smoke, and 13 percent of high school males use smokeless tobacco products. In recognition that progress in combating cancer will not be fully achieved without addressing the tobacco problem, the National Cancer Policy Forum of the Institute of Medicine (IOM) convened a public workshop, Reducing Tobacco-Related Cancer Incidence and Mortality, June 11-12, 2012 in Washington, DC. In opening remarks to the workshop participants, planning committee chair Roy Herbst, professor of medicine and of pharmacology and chief of medical oncology at Yale Cancer Center and Smilow Cancer Hospital, described the goals of the workshop, which were to examine the current obstacles to tobacco control and to discuss potential policy, outreach, and treatment strategies that could overcome these obstacles and reduce tobacco-related cancer incidence and mortality. Experts explored a number of topics, including: the changing demographics of tobacco users and the changing patterns of tobacco product use; the influence of tobacco use on cancer incidence and cancer treatment outcomes; tobacco dependence and cessation programs; federal and state level laws and regulations to curtail tobacco use; tobacco control education, messaging, and advocacy; financial and legal challenges to tobacco control efforts; and research and infrastructure needs to support tobacco control strategies, reduce tobacco related cancer incidence, and improve cancer patient outcomes. Reducing Tobacco-Related Cancer Incidence and Mortality summarizes the workshop.

Combating Tobacco Use in Military and Veteran Populations

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The health and economic costs of tobacco use in military and veteran populations are high. In 2007, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and the Department of Defense (DoD) requested that the Institute of Medicine (IOM) make recommendations on how to reduce tobacco initiation and encourage cessation in both military and veteran populations. In its 2009 report, Combating Tobacco in Military and Veteran Populations, the authoring committee concludes that to prevent tobacco initiation and encourage cessation, both DoD and VA should implement comprehensive tobacco-control programs.

Tobacco and Health

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Over 1,100 delegates from a hundred countries attended the 9th World Conference onTobaccoandHealth. Afterfivedaysofdebate, severalimportantresolutionswereadopted unanimously and will be landmarks in the fight against tobacco. This great success is due to three facts which emerged from the discussions: 1. Itappears clearlynowthattherisksassociated withtobaccoaremuchgreaterthan previously assumed. Out of two regular smokers, one will die from a tobacco­ related disease. 2. Reducing tobacco consumption can be achieved but the data collected in several countriesshowthatitrequiresaglobalstrategy.Thisstrategywasmuchdebatedduring theconference. Theresolutionsadoptedemphasizetheagreementofthedelegateson themainpoints. Actionto fight thegrowingepidemicoftobacco-attributabledisease and death involves convincing the general public, the medical community and decision-makers ofthe need to act for tobacco control. The most efficient tools for helping individuals never to start or successfully to stop using tobacco should be developed; effective tobacco control endeavors are required to counteractthe actions ofthe powerful and influential tobacco manufacturers. With the help and under the aegis ofWHO, DICC, IUATLD, ISFC, IOCD, and IUHPE, an international alliance for health and against tobacco shouldunite all those who are engaged in this fight.

The Health Benefits of Smoking Cessation

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Preventing Tobacco Use Among Youth and Young Adults

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This booklet for schools, medical personnel, and parents contains highlights from the 2012 Surgeon General's report on tobacco use among youth and teens (ages 12 through 17) and young adults (ages 18 through 25). The report details the causes and the consequences of tobacco use among youth and young adults by focusing on the social, environmental, advertising, and marketing influences that encourage youth and young adults to initiate and sustain tobacco use. This is the first time tobacco data on young adults as a discrete population have been explored in detail. The report also highlights successful strategies to prevent young people from using tobacco.

Supporting Tobacco Cessation

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This Monograph provides a comprehensive overview of tobacco cessation, from health policy to patient care. Broad in scope, this state-of-the art collection is broken down into four sections: the changing landscape of the tobacco epidemic and challenges to curb it; treatment of tobacco dependence (pharmacotherapy, behavioural support); improving the care of patients with particular conditions who smoke (asthma, COPD, TB, cardiovascular diseases, etc.); and prevention. It also deals with some of the more controversial topics such as e-cigarettes and web applications. Readers will gain an understanding of how to implement smoking cessation into their everyday practice, but will also expand their knowledge about the policy and systems changes needed for population-wide smoking cessation.

Smoking and Health

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Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Smoking Cessation

Book Description

Practitioners helping smokers to quit can be more effective by learning key therapeutic techniques aimed at increasing any smoker’s chances of success. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Smoking Cessation is a valuable guidebook to an empirically based CBT approach to smoking cessation that has been shown to be effective with or without the use of medications. This approach emphasizes techniques for enhancing the smoker’s motivation and confidence to quit, and teaching the smoker steps for preparing to quit, coping with the difficulties that emerge after quitting, and transitioning to become a long term nonsmoker. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Smoking Cessation offers the fundamental counseling strategies and interventions that have been established, researched, and refined over the past decade. This program outlines essential components that should be included in the treatment of any smoker, as well as steps to take when faced with smokers likely to have particular difficulty quitting. Unique to this volume is the inclusion of a specifically tailored CBT model designed to address weight gain concerns in the smoker. Perkins, Conklin, and Levine are leading researchers on effective smoking cessation intervention for those concerned about the potential gain in weight that accompanies quitting, and offer a flexible approach that allows the practitioner to tailor interventions to each individual. An invaluable addition to any health professional’s repertoire, the treatment model presented in this book provides practitioners with the tools necessary to help their clients to quit smoking.