God's Power to Change Your Life

Book Description

In all of the years that Rick Warren has been a pastor, the number one question he's asked is "Why can’t I change?" We want to make changes, but we often feel stuck. Let God's Power to Change Your Life be the first step on your journey to getting out of your rut and back into God's wonderful purposes for your life. It's no pie-in-the-sky theory. It's what redemption is about, and it's founded on the resurrection power of Jesus himself. Drawing simple but powerful truths from the Bible, this book gives you practical guidance for specific types of change and empowers you to actually make lasting the changes that you're longing for. Power that cancels your past and sets you free to get on with life. Power to conquer your problems. Power to change. The first two chapters help you lay the foundations for change. Then, taking you inside the Scriptures, Warren gives you a closer look at the fruits of the spirit and the profound impact they can have on your life. In God's Power to Change Your Life, Warren gives you the tools and the encouragement you need to: Become a more joyful person Cultivate a peaceful life in this uptight world Be a kinder, more gracious individual Replace self-indulgence with self-control Experience what "the good life" is all about As Warren reminds us, when you apply the truth of God's Word by the power of his Spirit, your life is sure to change.

This Changes Everything

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This Changes Everything explores thirty practical ways the Resurrection changed the lives of early believers and can transform us today.

The Mind of Christ

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Raised with Christ

Book Description

Jesus truly is alive today. But compared to his atoning death, Jesus' resurrection sparks relatively little discussion in the church. Inadvertently,we can become so focused on the good news that Christ died for our sins, that we almost forget he was "raised for our justification" (Romans 4:25). In Raised with Christ, author Adrian Warnock exhorts Christians not to neglect the resurrection in their teaching and experience. Warnock takes his cue from Acts, where every recorded sermon focuses on Jesus' resurrection. He stresses that Christians who faithfully proclaim both the death and the bodily resurrection of Jesus, and live out the implications of that message in vibrant,grace-filled churches, will be enabled to reach a world that lives in death's dark shadow. The power of the risen Christ is active in every true Christian, transforming our lives. Raised with Christ will help you discover afresh the massive implications of the empty tomb. Jesus' resurrection really has changed everything.

The Power of the Resurrection

Book Description

The Resurrection of Jesus is one of the central beliefs of the Christian faith. This belief and teaching cut across all the Christian denominations. Hence, Paul teaches that if Christ had not risen from the dead, then we would have been the most foolish of all religious groups. But the fact that He, Christ, died and came back to life gives us the opportunity to glory in the resurrected Christ. The book, The Power of the Resurrection, is centered on the resurrection of Jesus, and the meaning that this resurrection has for us as individual Christians, who believe in the risen Lord. It is not a theological work aimed at defining the resurrection, nor is it a historical work aimed at tracing or verifying the veracity the resurrection. No. It is rather a faith lifting book on the basis of the resurrection story as we have it in the Christian bible. Just as Jesus rose from the dead in the midst of all the opposing tides, so shall those who trust in him rise above all opposing tides in their life. Jesus could not be stopped, so also by the grace of Him who rose from the dead; nothing is going to stop your upliftment and manifestation also. The resurrection shall be your experience in your daily life and at the end of time, he who raised Jesus from the dead shall give life to your own mortal body too. This is the argument of the book. Jesus, the son of God, came into the world for the love of humanity. His teachings were misunderstood, and so through the journey to Calvary, he was crucified and died on the cross on Calvary. Yes he died. The chief priests and the scribes and the Pharisees, in conjunction with Pilate, conspired against him. He was sentenced to death. He accepted the death willingly and lovingly. He died that we might be saved. Hence, his death brought salvation to the world. However, before he died, he promised the resurrection. He did not hide the fact of the resurrection. Openly he said, the son of man shall be delivered into the hand of sinners, he shall be put to death, but on the third day, he will rise again. In another place, he said, destroy this temple, and in three days, I shall raise it up, and there was misunderstanding again. The people thought he was referring to the physical temple, but from scripture, we know he was referring to his body rising from the dead. Thus he did spoke about the resurrection quite clearly. This is where this book hinges its weight. Because he promised the resurrection, after the execution, the chief priests and the soldiers, knowing what he was capable of doing, asked the permission of Pilate for the grave to be guarded till the third day. This is because he said on the third day, "I will rise again". They knew that it could happen. They said: this man who gave sight to the blind, who raised the dead (Lazarus and also Jairus' Daughter), who cleansed lepers, who casts out devils; this same man said on the third day I will rise again. And they concluded: if he should "rise again" from the dead, then it will be worse for us. Hence, they received the permission to guard the grave, to prevent any rising from the dead. Humanly speaking therefore, the resurrection would not have been possible. This is because they did everything to prevent it. They put a very big stone to wedge the entrance, hence no coming out and no going in. More so, they stayed on guard with weapons to prevent any fraudulent act. They were prepared to kill again even if he should try to come out of the grave; that is, if he was able to overcome the wedging stone. Therefore, from the human point of view, it was impossible. By their calculation, they have overcome, they have conquered, and they have become victorious. But one thing they failed to understand was the statement of the Angel, which Jesus himself repeated to the apostles; that for men, it may be impossible, but not for God, because, for God, there is no impossibility. And so when the appo

The Resurrection Power of God

Book Description

There is a level of faith that causes the dead to live. The Bible says it's elementary. This is a Chapter that we all need in the Church. I have been given divine revelations from the Holy Spirit and I believe we will see many resurrections in America and across the world. Have you been in the place where just when you have victory under your belt, the phone rings? Lazarus is dead. All hope that you had for your circumstance is dead. And God says, "I am glad". Because it is not dead, it is sleeping. And if it is sleeping, I go that I may wake it up.

The Resurrection of Jesus

Book Description

I accept the resurrection of Jesus not as an invention of the community of disciples, but as an historical event.Ó When a leading orthodox Jew makes such a declaration, its significance can hardly be overstated. Pinchas Lapide is a rabbi and theologian who has specialized in the study of the New Testament. In this book he convincingly shows that an irreducible minimum of experience underlies the New Testament account of the resurrection, however much of the details of the narrative may be open to objection. He maintains that life after death is part of the Jewish faith experience, and that it is Jesus' messiahship, not his resurrection, which marks the division between Christianity and Judaism. Dr. Lapide quotes Moses Maimonides, the greatest Jewish thinker, in his support: All these matters which refer to Jesus of Nazareth...only served to make the way free for the King Messiah and to prepare the whole world for the worship of God with a united heart.Ó

Divine Encounter with the Holy Spirit

Book Description

When was the last time you had a supernatural encounter with the Holy Spirit? All believers can have powerful divine encounters with the Spirit—not as isolated events but as a lifestyle in which… The supernatural realm is your greatest reality. Jesus becomes real in you. You are commissioned to demonstrate God’s miraculous power. You have a profound desire for more of God’s presence. To experience divine encounters, you need to have a strong understanding of who the Holy Spirit is. Apostle Guillermo Maldonado clears up doubts and false concepts about the Spirit while providing striking testimonies of people transformed by their supernatural encounters. God desires to manifest Himself as our Father, Provider, Miracle Worker, Healer, Deliverer, and Defender. He also wants us to impact families, communities, and even nations for Christ. Entering into an intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit will fill you with God’s love and give you a compassionate heart for a hurting world. You don’t have to be a spiritual leader, and you don’t have to be perfect, to experience the presence of God and continue the works of Jesus on earth. All you need is a powerful divine encounter with the Holy Spirit.

Resurrection Power of Jesus Christ

Book Description

Resurrection Power of Jesus Christ "Power Beyond the Natural" Jesus is alive! Our Redeemer lives! This publication offers a bird's eye view of how Jesus Christ used the unique power of the resurrection prior to dying on the cross and rising from the dead. Jesus touched and transformed the lives of many, through faith filled words and actions. As you explore different Scriptures alongside reading this book, you will notice that Jesus exercised resurrection power over the following areas: His own flesh, physical elements, death and the grave, the pain of betrayal, accusations and condemnation. Jesus is our example and He teaches us that we can live a life of sacrifice and surrender in order to witness the benefits thereof. Of course this takes reliance on the Holy Spirit of the Living God. If you are ready to live a life of surrender, prayer, love, holiness, humility and the Word of God, then you are ready to experience Resurrection Power....power beyond the natural!

Resurrection Hope and the Death of Death

Book Description

A Biblical Theology of Resurrection Hope from Genesis to Revelation Death is a powerful and sobering reality. While everyone must face death, it is not the end for those united with Christ. Followers of Jesus Christ have resurrection hope—the proclamation that Christ has defeated death and the promise that believers shall share in his victory. The resurrection is essential to the Christian faith and is rooted in the faithfulness of God. With scholarly insight, Mitchell L. Chase traces the theme of resurrection hope throughout Scripture, walking through each section of Scripture from the Law to Revelation. Having a proper understanding of death and resurrection will not only stir up our soberness for the reality of sin and death, but it will also motivate our praise to God. Founded on Scripture: Highlights the interconnectedness of the Bible For Learners: Ideal for students or anyone looking to grow in their knowledge of God and the Scriptures Part of the Short Studies in Biblical Theology Series: Other volumes include The New Creation and the Storyline of Scripture, The Lord's Supper as the Sign and Meal of the New Covenant, and The Kingdom of God and the Glory of the Cross