The Professionalisation of African Medicine

Book Description

Originally published in 1986, this book draws upon a range of authors to reflect wide interest in systematising traditional medicine, and to include material on significant instances of regulation or organisation. It was the first book to study the efforts of traditional healers and their newly formed professional associations and as such constitutes a pioneering collection of sources. Because of the changing position of traditional medicine it may well also be a unique record: before long what is described here will largely have disappeared.

The Professionalisation of African Medicine

Book Description

Originally published in 1986, this book draws upon a range of authors to reflect wide interest in systematising traditional medicine, and to include material on significant instances of regulation or organisation. It was the first book to study the efforts of traditional healers and their newly formed professional associations and as such constitutes a pioneering collection of sources. Because of the changing position of traditional medicine it may well also be a unique record: before long what is described here will largely have disappeared.

East African Doctors

Book Description

John Iliffe's 1998 book is a history of the African medical profession in Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania from the earliest training of modern medical staff in the 1870s to the present day. Based on extensive research, and dealing exclusively with African doctors, it offers an understanding of professionalisation in the Third World. It describes the recruitment and education of doctors, their understanding and practice of modern medicine, the struggle for international recognition of their qualifications and efforts to develop East African medical systems after independence, and their experiences during a period of political and economic difficulty. The book ends with an account of the significant work of East African doctors in the study and control of AIDS. This is a major contribution to the social history of Africa and to the social history of medicine more broadly.

Healing Traditions

Book Description

Healing Traditions offers a historical perspective to the interactions between South Africa's traditional healers and biomedical practitioners. It provides an understanding that is vital for the development of medical strategies to effectively deal with South Africa's healthcare challenges.

Traditional Medicine in Africa

Book Description

The inaccessibility of biomedicine to most of Africa's population because of escalating costs has necessitated a search for alternative ways of managing illnesses. Traditional medicine, which has always been practised in the indigenous cultures, is fast filling this therapeutic gap. This book is a collection of essays based on a multidisciplinary approach to traditional medicine in Africa. It has contributions from social scientists, natural resource experts, traditional medical practitioners, educationists, and medical scholars. It attempts to define the problems of traditional medicine in Africa, while also discussing the conceptual foundations of African ethnomedicine and medical pluralism.

The Cape Doctor in the Nineteenth Century

Book Description

The Cape Doctor is a social history of medicine, which places formal Western medicine within its political, social and economic context. The work shows the way in which the Cape medical profession excluded all but a few women and black practitioners, and discriminated along lines of race, class and gender in their practice.

The Power of African Cultures

Book Description

An analysis of the ties between culture and every aspect of African life, using Africa's past to explain present situations. This book focuses on the modern cultures of Africa, from the consequences of the imposition of Western rule to the current struggles to define national identities in the context of neo-liberal economic policies and globalization.The book argues that it is against the backdrop of foreign influences that Africa has defined for itself notions of identity and development. African cultures have been evolving in response to change, and in other ways solidly rooted in a shared past. The book successfully deconstructs the last one hundred and fifty years of cultures that have been disrupted, replaced, and resurrected. The Power of African Cultures challenges many preconceived notions, such as male dominance and female submission, the supposed unity of ethnic groups, and contemporary Western stereotypes of Africans. It also shows the dynamism of African cultures to adapt to foreign imposition: even as colonial rule forced the adoption of foreign institutions and cultures, African cultures appropriated these elements. Traditions were reworked, symbols redefined, and the past situated in contemporary problems in order to accommodate the modern era. Toyin Falola is a Fellow of the Nigerian Academy of Letters and Fellow of the Historical Society of Nigeria. He is the recipient of the 2006 Cheikh Anta Diop Award for Exemplary Scholarship in AfricanStudies, and the 2008 Quintessence Award by the Africa Writers Endowment. He holds an honorary doctorate from Monmouth University and he is University Distinguished Teaching Professor at the University of Texas at Austin where heis also the Jacob and Frances Sanger Mossiker Chair in the Humanities. His books include Nationalism and African Intellectuals and Violence in Nigeria, both from the University of Rochester Press.

Diversity and Division in Medicine

Book Description

This is an innovative investigation of pluralism in health care. Using both extensive archival material and oral histories it examines relationships between indigenous healing, missionary medicine, and 'western' biomedicine. The book includes the different regions within South Africa although focusing in most detail on the Cape, the earliest area of white settlement. In a wide-ranging survey the division in medicine between 'western' and indigenous medicine is analysed through an exploration of the evolving practices of healers, missionaries, doctors and nurses. The book considers the extent to which there was a strategic crossing of boundaries in the construction of hybrid practices by these practitioners, and the extent to which patients pursued health by sampling diverse care options. Starting with missionary penetration during the early nineteenth century, the volume outlines interventions by the colonial state in medicine and public health, and the continued resilience of indigenous healing in the face of this. The book ends by relating past to present in scrutinising the legacy of historical structures - including those of the apartheid state - for current health care, and in briefly discussing the huge challenges that the HIV/Aids pandemic poses in impacting on them. The book thus provides an inclusive history of medicine for the 'New' South Africa.