The Protectors of Kahite

Book Description

The gods – a story told over and over in different cultures. Norse, Greek, and Roman mythologies are all different versions of a similar story. But what about the Kahitiean gods? What about a world where gods, magic and fate intertwine to defeat evil? In the Kingdom of Solaris, all will be revealed to an unsuspecting girl whose destiny is predetermined. Facing trials more death-defying than the last, creatures unknown to this world, and horrors of the evil force threatening to take over the world, all to prove she is worthy of her destiny. Just to top it all off, complex riddles only she can solve, a new friend who tests the boundaries between love and hate, and a stowaway in the form of a six-year-old sister who has an incessant need for pancakes. Will she save the world? Or will she crumble and let humanity perish, destroying the kingdom of the gods?

Faded Souls

Book Description

When his life gets turned upside down by rejection from entering Heaven and Hell, Nightmare goes on a mission to get back at the world for making him an outsider and leaving him as a fallen angel on Earth. With his determination and anger, will he manage to get his revenge from those who ousted him? Follow Nightmare's journey of revenge and find out where his mission takes him and whom he meets along the way.

Jonah's Quest

Book Description

In a time of castles, dungeon masters and wizardry, rising from the ashes of a war-torn kingdom, ravaged by a ferocious and unrelenting dragon, a prince mourning the loss of his younger brother, desperate for revenge, is sent on a quest to hunt and destroy that very beast. So they set out to find a weapon, with the help from a foul-smelling but all-seeing hag (the only one who knows the location of the magic weapon needed to vanquish the beast), and the King’s newly-appointed and strong-willed, female head-guard. (A fact Jonah still couldn’t quite get his head around.) The Prince promises his father that they will succeed, before making the perilous journey across treacherous wastelands, unforgiving landscapes, and creatures that would make your nightmare feel like a daydream, before finally reaching their destination, ‘The Mountain of Fire’. Once there, amidst the unforgiving heat and relentless ash, with the dragon and his mountain leering above them, they finally partake in the battle of their lives.

Bhakti Tattva Viveka (English)

Book Description

Bhakti Tattva Viveka is a profound spiritual book authored by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura. This classic work explores the essence of bhakti, the path of loving devotion to God, in the context of Gaudiya Vaishnavism. It delves into the philosophy and practices of devotion, offering deep insights into the principles of pure devotion and the transformative power of love for the Divine. It serves as a guiding light for seekers on their spiritual journey.

Elevation to Krsna Consciousness

Book Description

The quality of our consciousness can go up or down based on how we see the world and act in it. When we act like the eternal spiritual beings that we are – small parts of a supreme whole – makes us happy. But if we focus our attempts at happiness on the temporary body and mind – on matter – and make those our life's priority, our consciousness will shrink and we’ll be miserable. Spiritual elevation – raising our consciousness to higher levels – happens quickly when we revive our God consciousness. In this compact book, Srila Prabhupada recommends seeing the world as it is – a temporary place full of anxiety – and then taking the road to higher consciousness by rediscovering our relationship with the Supreme Person, Krishna. Anyone can become elevated; the journey begins with a single step up.

Spiriti Demonicia

Book Description

When Father Todd embarks on a journey to get a potion to cure his headache, he meets tree-goblin Canting, and is thrown into a conflict that will join Heaven and Hell together.His adventure unearths a host of questions;Who is Inertia, captain of the pirate ship, The Vile Jewel? Can Father Todd trust him?Who are Casimpra, Lily and Kentro? Are they really vampires, werewolves and angelic detectives, and what is so important about the Medal of Scalon? Follow Father Todd to Heaven's Gate to find out...

Bhagavat Sandarbha

Book Description

Bhagavat Sandarbha is the second Sandarbha. After showing in Tattva Sandarbha that the principal proof among all scriptures is Bhāgavatam, Jīva Gosvāmī also indicated that the subject presented in Bhāgavatam is Bhagavān. This Sandarbha commences to describe Bhagavān, distinguishing him from Brahman and Paramātmā. Since Brahman is merely an incomplete realization of Bhagavān, a separate Sandarbha is not need to describe it. Paramātmā, however, having special functions related to creation of the material world and manifestation of the jīva, is described in the next Sandarbha.

Easy Journey to Other Planets

Book Description

Forget NASA's elaborate arrangements and huge, dangerous metal machines. Learn the easy way to journey through the solar system. Using subtle, spiritual energy you can travel to other planets and see the wonders of God's creation. Or you can choose to travel beyond the material creation to your eternal home with Krishna. Easy Journey to Other Planets gives a bird's-eye view of the vast cosmos and spiritual world, so you can intelligently choose your travel destination.

The Seven Instruction Lineages

Book Description

In the present work, Taranatha paints a miraculous picture of the great Siddhas of India their lives and the lineages which sprang from their teachings. In all, the lives of some 59 Siddhas are related some well known, others more obscure, but all linked by their various lineages and by the instructions handed down from Siddha to disciple. Taranatha’s account of these remarkable lives is especially valuable as he had as his gurus, and as the sources of these accounts, three Indians from the very traditions about which he wrote with such conviction. The lineage accounts are very important for a clear understanding of the Tantric upadesas themselves. In several places Taranatha makes quite sure that his own lineage is irrefutably established so that there is no doubt that he is a participator in the upadesas themselves, not merely a hander down of legends. The accounts were evidently passed on and, due to the special factors involved in the tantric oral tradition, we cannot but understand them as being accurate and reliable.

Krsna Consciousness

Book Description

Although there are many types of yoga practice, the Vedic literature explains that no matter which practice you choose, success is only achieved when bhakti is present. What is bhakti-yoga, and how can you add it to your life or your current yoga practice? As bhakti is a pivotal element in any yogic or religious practice, it is known as the topmost yoga. In the Bhagavad-gita, Krishna explains bhakti-yoga to his dear friend Arjuna, and here Srila Prabhupada expands these concepts in this introductory text.