The Psychology of the Bible

Book Description

Fire and brimstone, bellowing prophets, and a good dose of old-fashioned sermonizing — these are the images the Bible brings to mind. But this assortment of sacred writings, in particular the Old Testament, is more than a collection of colorful allegories or miracles-and-morals mythology. Though written in the first millennium BCE, these holy writings are a nostalgic recounting of a lost 'super-religious' mentality that characterized the Bronze Age. The Psychology of the Bible explores how the Old Testament provides perspective into the tumultuous transition from an earlier mentality to a new paradigm of interiorized psychology and introspective religiosity that came to characterize the first millennium BCE. By examining the Old Testament's historical background and theopolitical context, utilizing linguistic analysis, and applying systems and communication theory, this book interprets biblical passages through a new lens. It analyzes divine voices, visions, and appearances of heavenly messengers — angel and prophets — as neurocultural phenomena and explains why they were so common. This book also answers why definitions of God changed so radically, illuminates the divinatory role of idols and other oracular aids (e.g. the Ark of the Covenant), provides a framework for appreciating why ‘wisdom literature' became so significant, and clarifies the linkages among music, poetry, and inspiration.

Examples and Principles of Psychology in the Bible

Book Description

The Bible contains instances, examples, and ideas of principles that can be found in modern psychology books. In fact, many of these principles that psychology has discovered could already be found in Scripture. This should not be considered unusual, since the Bible also contains economic and scientific principles, as well as principles from other disciplines in life. This book, however, is not about psychology based on the Bible or how the Bible is a type of psychology book. It is not about how to be a better counselor, psychotherapist, or psychologist by using Scripture, nor is it a guide on how to use psychology in everyday life from a biblical perspective. This book is not a commentary on the values of psychology through the eyes of the Scripture, nor is it an evaluation of the Scripture through the eyes of psychology. It is not a theology book, nor is it a criticism of psychology. It is simply an account of modern principles of psychology contained in Scripture.

Soul and Psyche

Book Description

The first introduction to the history and method of biblical-psychological interpretation.

The Psychology Bible

Book Description

"An in-depth look into the brain's development on a psychological level, including an overview of well-known theories that are either debunked or applicable to our understanding of the human mind. Dr. Mann also explores the various types of psychotherapy available in modern medicine, which helps to remove prejudice and encourage people to find what works for them to achieve happiness and to feel rested."--

The Enlightened Christian

Book Description

The basic ideas of the Bible can be viewed as psychological in nature. Knowing our inner psychology is key to understanding them, according to author Michael Roden, who has studied both psychology and theology. They are meant to be personally experienced-not just thought about but rather to become part of oneself. In fact, they are natural to us, ready and able to be realized, but our theology has tended to block them from our awareness. This is the provocative idea behind this book, which systematically, explains the conceptual and spiritual elements of the Bible-from the original creation to the end of the world. "The Enlightened Christian: A Psychological Interpretation of the Bible" by Michael Roden contains an enhanced understanding of such concepts as sin, salvation, hell, Heaven, and predestination.

Psychology and Christianity

Book Description

How are Christians to understand and undertake the discipline of psychology? This question has been of keen interest because of the importance we place on a correct understanding of human nature.This collection of essays edited by Eric Johnson and Stanton Jones offers four different models for the relationship between Christianity and psychology.


Book Description

Biblical Psychology: A Biblical Hand-book to the Human Mind

Book Description

It has become common knowledge that Christianity in America is in a psychological crisis. As the answers to our problems are continuously being expressed by external remedies such as addiction programs, self-help teachings, ministry adventures, 100 ways to…, the average state of the inner Christian (1st Tim. 4:8) is starving. The mind was so relevant in the time of Christ that surprisingly one-fourth of the New Testament directly or indirectly refers to it in some way. Biblical Psychology brings the human mind out of the shadows and into the forefront of contextual and hermeneutical criticism. Although it is believed that the mind is the most powerful machine in the world, we find in Biblical Psychology that it is impossible to tap into its energy without properly understanding the purposes of its intellectual properties: attention, conscience, emotion, heart, imagination, knowledge, memory, opinions, perception, reason, understanding, and thought. • What is logic? How do I use my logic and reasoning for good? • What is my conscience? How do I keep a good conscience? • What is the purpose of my memory? How do I delete bad files from my mind’s memory and upload the right files? • How can I get control of my out-of-control mind? • Do my feelings ever lie? Can I trust my feelings? • In what part of the mind does depression exist, and can I beat it without medication? • What is the purpose of knowledge? • How do I know if my perception is right or wrong? • What is the purpose of my imagination? • What is the most practical way to have a positive attitude? • How do I overcome my addictive behavior, fear, inferiority complex, negativity, etc.? Not only does Biblical Psychology provide answers to the previous questions, but will bring to the table the mind’s great riddles: what it is, how it works, what its safeguards are, and how to use it rightly. Finally, we will discover that the mental logistics found within the Bible are the answer to the Christian’s reformation (Rom. 12:1-2) and the secret to obtaining an identifiable power from God (2nd Tim. 1:7) in the inner man. A Must for Everyone!

Biblical Psychology -- 3rd Edition

Book Description

A text written in conversational style, designed to look at what the Bible says about psychological topics such as: personality, the mind/brain connection, states of consciousness, self-esteem, etc. Because psychology deals with the psychological/spiritual part of man, the Bible has much to say about it. Given that God created the mind and behavior (which is the basis of psychology) it only behooves us to study this realm of man that reflects God. Loaded with hundreds of Scripture references, the in-depth look at what the Bible says about thinking and behavior helps build a basis for studying psychology. The book begins with presuppositions, moves to a definition of what "integration" means to the author, and then provides insight for a Christian perspective of the psychological makeup of man. All of this is intended to set the foundation for Christian psychological study. The book then weighs in on certain psychological topics and runs those teachings through a "biblical grid."