Sustainable Livelihoods and Rural Development

Book Description

Sustainable Livelihoods and Rural Development looks at the role of social institutions and the politics of policy, as well as issues of identity, gender and generation. The relationships between sustainability and livelihoods are examined, and livelihoods analysis situated within a wider political economy of environmental and agrarian change.

Sustainable Business Practices for Rural Development

Book Description

The book includes empirical research papers and case studies embracing human capital, relational capital and structural capital in context to services and manufacturing sectors. It will highlight on the sustainable business practices manifested in the work culture, values and beliefs in context to rural regions. From a learning and managerial perspective, the book will identify effective business practices in varied service and manufacturing sectors significant for sustaining business performance and competitive advantage.

Infectious Diseases and Rural Livelihood in Developing Countries

Book Description

This book focuses on the effects of rural livelihood and the impact of infectious diseases on health and poverty. It explores cultures and traditions in developing countries and their role in infectious-disease management and prevention. It highlights the associated healthcare systems and how these have contributed to some of the challenges faced, and goes on to elaborate on the significance of community involvement in infectious-disease prevention, management and control. It also emphasizes the importance of surveillance and setting up strategies on infectious-disease management that are favourable for poor communities and developing countries. Infectious Diseases and Rural Livelihood in Developing Countries allows students, researchers, healthcare workers, stakeholders and governments to better understand the vicious cycle of health, poverty and livelihoods in developing countries and to develop strategies that can work better in these regions.

Rural Enterprise

Book Description

Originally published in 1991, the focus of the contributions in this book is the relationships between rurality and small-scale production, particularly in Europe. This remains relevant, as then, as when the book was first published, the issues covered had a particular resonance in the shifting terrain of Europe and the political debates surrounding its common future. The contributors explore the diversity and significance of rural small-scale production in different countries and the regional disciplinary theoretical discourses which inform research.

Sustainable Rural Development

Book Description

This book brings together several systems-level approaches to the consideration of the interaction of livelihood choices, natural resource management and participatory action research on sustainable development. By focusing on these approaches to community change, the volume hopes to encourage readers to consider how they might adopt methods such as Sustainable Livelihoods Approach (SLA), Community Capitals Framework (CCF) and Participatory Action Research (PAR) in their own research, practice and teaching. Thus, this volume will engage readers in reflection about the importance of systems-level approaches that address poverty from the perspective of the poor, natural resource management that maintains the resource for future generations, and the engagement of local people in designing and implementing, and thus owning, strategies that address equity as well as economic security and the environment. This book was originally published as a special issue of Community Development.

Ecotechnology and Rural Employment

Book Description

Spark program and sustainable development. Greening of technology, public policy and public mind. On technology blending and rural employment. Some remarks on ecosystem health: land water issues. Agroforestry and wasteland development. Biofertilizers. Nature to man's rescue: some thoughts on the potential of the microbial microcosm. Studies on biotechnology and biodiversity related to rural development in China. Biofertilizer and biopesticide technology for sustainable agriculture and rural employment. Biovillages-A new approach to sustainable development. Agribusiness for small farmers. Sustainable livelihood security at the household level. Eco-principles and sustainable process index for the design of ecotechnologies. Sustainable rural development - NABARD's role. The contribution of womem to agricultural and household activities in rural areas. Lay people, field science and the environment. Scientific development and social ecology. Leapfrogging into the 21st centuary- a science and technology plan for the third world. The role of education and advocacy in creating a pro-women, pro-poor, pro-nature bias in development policies. Dedication ceremony speech.

Small-scale forest enterprises in Latin America: unlocking their potential for sustainable livelihoods

Book Description

During the last three decades many countries in the world improved forest tenure by offering greater recognition of indigenous and community rights to manage forests. In many Latin American countries, the community and smallholder forest enterprises are increasing in number, with some developing strong associations and alliances to promote and sustain their growth. Their potential, however, has yet to be fully realized as significant obstacles to their expansion and growth still exist in a number of countries. The publication aims to support forest policy decision makers in understanding the status and dynamics of small scale forest enterprises in Latin America, their needs and challenges in order to help them set up appropriated enabling environment (policy, legal, institutional) that are conducive to scale up the sustainable development of SSFE. This publication contributes to SO3 Reduce rural poverty and particularly to output 1.2 Governments and relevant stakeholders are empowered to promote and implement pro-poor approaches, policies, programmes improving access to and sustainable management of natural resources as well as to output 1.3 Governments and relevant stakeholders are empowered to provide poor rural producers and households with appropriate technologies and access to knowledge, inputs and markets.

Role of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in Achieving SDGs

Book Description

This book discusses and provides empirical evidence of the importance of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in a number of developing countries. In doing so, the book focuses on the contributions of MSMEs to national efforts, directly or indirectly, to achieve poverty reduction (Goal 1), zero hunger (Goal 2), good health and wellbeing (Goal 3), quality education (Goal 4), gender equality (Goal 5), clean water & sanitation (Goal 6), income distribution (Goal 10), and sustainable cities & communities (Goal 11). The book consists of chapters discussing evidence on these particular topics based on research from various countries including Indonesia, India, Sri Lanka, Nepal and Malaysia.