The Saint, the Sinner(s) and Eddie

Book Description

When Eddie Love took a 23andMe DNA test, he thought the results would tell him whether he had Irish or French or German roots. What he didn't realize is that he'd find out that the man who he thought was his father was not his father. Thus began a multi-year caper to find out not only who Eddie's real father was, but what happened (besides, you know, the obvious). Eventually, Eddie lassoed his friend Christina into helping him solve his mystery and document their journey. Their adventure took them deep into Orange, Texas, where elderly residents eventually came clean with secrets they'd been keeping for decades. Told through narrative, emails and interviews, "The Saint, the Sinner(s) and Eddie" is a quirky, true story about family, lies and friendships (plus a handful of dogs, countless bowls of gumbo, one pawnshop wedding and more half siblings than you can count).

The Saint and the Sinner

Book Description

Sinner and Saint

Book Description

Saints and sinners

Book Description

The Saint, the Sinner(s) and Eddie

Book Description

When Eddie Love took a 23andMe DNA test, he thought the results would tell him whether he had Irish or French or German roots. What he didn't realize is that he'd find out that the man who he thought was his father was not his father. Thus began a multi-year caper to find out not only who Eddie's real father was, but what happened (besides, you know, the obvious).Eventually, Eddie lassoed his friend Christina into helping him solve the mystery and document their journey. Their adventure took them deep into Orange, Texas, where elderly residents eventually came clean with secrets they'd been keeping for decades.Told through narrative, emails and interviews, "The Saint, The Sinner(s) and Eddie" is a quirky, true story about family, lies and friendships (plus a handful of dogs, countless bowls of gumbo, one pawnshop wedding and more half siblings than you can count).

Saints and Sinners

Book Description

The Sinner's Guide

Book Description

Venerable Louis of Granada was the favorite spiritual writer of St. Teresa of Avila, St. John of the Cross, St. Francis de Sales, St. Charles Borromeo, St. Vincent de Paul, and St. Rose of Lima; and The Sinner's Guide (along with The Book of Prayer and Meditation) is one of his two most famous and most popular books. In fact, the great St. Teresa of Avila credited The Sinner's Guide with having converted over a million souls in her own time! "We are all destined to one or the other," says Ven. Louis, "either to reign eternally with God in Heaven or to burn eternally with the devils in Hell." This inescapable fact is vividly brought to life on every page of this masterfully written book. Utterly realistic with regard to the ultimate end of human life, Venerable Louis of Granada presents here the Four Last Things: Death, Judgment, Heaven and Hell - even rehearsing with the reader the day of his death and the moment of his judgment. His description of the despair in Hell will shake loose any desire, by even the most hardened sinner, to persevere in sin. Man's classic excuses, such as planning to convert later and the difficulty of practicing virtue, are thoroughly demolished. Moreover, Ven. Louis shows how the sinner's life, because of his gnawing conscience, is a continual torment to him even while still on this earth. Whereas, the practice of virtue brings the wonderful promise of Heaven, plus the beautiful joy of a clear conscience, and the many other marvelous advantages of holiness -even here in this life! The Sinner's Guide is a book of crystal clarity which cuts through the religious fog so prevalent today. It strips away the glamour of sin, fortifying the soul for the resolute practice of the Christian virtues-those true riches which alone will accompany him beyond the grave.

Saints and Sinners

Book Description

King of Sinners

Book Description


Book Description