Russian Foreign Policy and International Relations Theory

Book Description

An original and challenging examination of how to transform post-Sovietological study of Soviet and Russian foreign policy into a more integrated part of the Social Sciences and International Relations Theory. This book represents the first detailed and sustained synthesis international relations theory and Soviet/Russian foreign and security policy in academic literature.

Marxism-Leninism and the Theory of International Relations

Book Description

Refuting the assumption that orthodox Marxist theory contains anything of relevance on international relations, this book, originally published in 1980, clarifies, reconstructs, and summarizes the theories of international relations of Marx and Engels, Lenin, Stalin and the Soviet leadership of the 1970s. These are subjected to a comparative analysis and their relative integrity is examined both against one another and against selected Western theories. Marxist-Leninist models of international relations are fully explored, enabling the reader to appreciate the essence and evolution of fundamental Soviet concepts as such as proletarian, socialist internationalism, peaceful co-existence, national liberation movement and détente.

International Relations Theory and the End of the Cold War

Book Description

This controversial set of essays evaluates and extends international relations theory in light of the revolutionary events of past years. The contributors demonstrate how theoretical constructs did not anticipate Soviet foreign policies that led to the end of the Cold War.

The Soviet Study of International Relations

Book Description

Current divergence from traditional Leninist orthodoxy is attributed to such phenomena as nuclear warfare, continued Western prosperity and the Sino-Soviet split, according to this systematic analysis of Soviet foreign policy.

Theory of International Politics

Book Description

Forfatterens mål med denne bog er: 1) Analyse af de gældende teorier for international politik og hvad der heri er lagt størst vægt på. 2) Konstruktion af en teori for international politik som kan kan råde bod på de mangler, der er i de nu gældende. 3) Afprøvning af den rekonstruerede teori på faktiske hændelsesforløb.

A history of International Relations theory

Book Description

This introduction to International Relations shows how discussions of war, wealth, peace and power stretch back well over 500 years. It traces international ideas from medieval times, through the modern ages up to the collapse of the Soviet empire. It shows how ancient ideas still affect the way we perceive world politics. This is the 3rd edition of an accessible and popular text. It introduces the ways theologians like Augustine and Aquinas wrestled with the nature of the state and laid down rules of war that are still in use. It shows how Renaissance humanists like Machiavelli and Bodin developed our secular understanding of state sovereignty. The book argues that contract philosophers like Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau introduced concepts that laid the basis for the scholarly field of International Relations, and that Enlightenment thinkers followed up with balance-of-power theories, perpetual-peace projects and visions of trade and peaceful interdependence. These classic international theories have been steadily refined by later thinkers by Marx, Mackinder and Morgenthau, by Waltz, Wallerstein and Wendt who laid the foundation for the contemporary science of International Relations (IR). The book places international arguments, perspectives, terms and theories in their proper historical setting. It traces the evolution of IR theory in context. It shows that core ideas and IR approaches have been shaped by major events and that they have often reflected the concerns of the Great Powers. Yet, it also makes clear that the most basic ideas in the field have remained remarkably constant over time.

Role Theory and Russian Foreign Policy

Book Description

Despite the increased interest in Russia and its international behaviour, current analyses leave much unexplained. Damian Strycharz fills this gap in the literature by analysing leaders’ perceptions and the interactions between internal and external factors shaping foreign policy decisions. Challenging existing interpretations of Russian foreign policy and advancing our understanding on how role dynamics occur in non-democracies, Strycharz examines Russia’s reactions to the 2003–4 colour revolutions in Georgia and Ukraine, the Five-Day War in Georgia, and the Euromaidan Revolution. He argues that divergent reactions to these upheavals result from a profound change in the leadership perceptions of Russia’s international responsibilities. Consequently, a shift in the understanding of Russia’s international duties and departure from the Western partner role resulted in more assertive foreign policy behaviour exemplified by the intervention in Georgia and the annexation of Crimea. The book demonstrates that processes of foreign policy formation in Russia are more complex and include more actors than commonly assumed. Role Theory and Russian Foreign Policy is an ideal resource for scholars and researchers of international relations, foreign policy, and post-Soviet politics.

Marxism and International Relations

Book Description

Illustrating the association between Marxist theories of social relations based on economic structures and the realities of international relations, this study reconstructs theories of international relations put forth by Marx and Engels and explores the better-known theories of the Second International concerning imperialism and the nation. The authors also examine theories advanced by Marxist diplomats and intellectuals in recent years.