The Spiritual Dimension of Alternative Medicine

Book Description

We often hear that alternative medicine is superior to classical medicine, for it treats us holistically, both the physical body and the immaterial part of our nature. Although such an approach seems desirable, it is precisely this aspect that opens the door to spiritual views incompatible with Christianity. Many forms of alternative medicine speak of a divine essence we allegedly possess, of a vital force that we can manipulate, of spiritual beings that can help us, and other such views closely related to Eastern religions and New Age thought. In their desire to find healing at any price, Christians often resort to these methods without realizing the spiritual danger involved. For Christians who want to live consistently with their faith, this book is intended to raise awareness of the hidden beliefs of alternative medicine.

Soul Matters

Book Description

In recent years, many have come to believe that Western medicine has lost contact with 'holistic' conceptions of health as encompassing physical, emotional, intellectual, social and spiritual dimensions. 'Spiritual' may imply religious or faith-based values or experience, but also non-material factors such as an appreciation of natural beauty, art, music, moral values or beliefs from which a person draws meaning and a sense of transcendence. Equally, many people are unaware of a spiritual dimension to life and health until illness or trauma strikes. However, coming to terms with life events, deriving meaning from them and incorporating them into their life philosophy may then be experienced as a deep spiritual crisis, with ramifications in their wider health, and implications for the health professionals who treat them. This book considers the meaning of holistic health care, and explores the spiritual dimension of health through the narratives of fictional and non-fictional patients. It discusses how to discern when a patient's distress has a spiritual dimension, the implications of this for health professionals, and ways in which spiritual factors can be addressed and discussed within healthcare. 'When it comes to questions about meaning and purpose, such as what is the point of all this?A", or why is this happening to me?A", when we meet patients in the depths of despair at the prospect of imminent death, when we ourselves feel hopeless and overwhelmed in the face of an avalanche of human suffering, then we begin to struggle. We do not know what we could do, nor even what we should do. Our professional training doesn't help. We are stuck. With this beautiful book, Mabel Aghadiuno comes to our rescue.' - Christopher Dowrick in his Foreword

Unified Integrative Medicine

Book Description

In recent years, people seek alternative ways to solve health problems by increasing use of Integrative medicine. The term integrative medicine by most definitions would include the idea and practice of adding complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) to range of therapeutic options in strictly conventional medical environments. However, the two approaches based on two different paradigms: the biomedical model based upon the reductionism principle whereby mind and body are separated and reduces the illness to a disturbance in the biochemical process and therapy is intended to restore the biochemical processes to normal. While most of the CAM based upon holistic principle that recognizes the body, psyche and soul as an integrated and coherent whole. However, the psychological and spiritual realms remain mysterious and separated from the biomedical model. This book presents a new paradigm whereby body and soul are two faces of the same reality like particle and wave in quantum physics. Disease is a process that indicates a dissonance between the soul and the physical body due to specific psychological conflict or trauma that leads to an imbalance of vital energy of the cells. The purpose of this new approach wants to go beyond the resolution of physical symptoms and the neurotic states. The state of psycho-physical well-being and the interpersonal relations are no longer a goal, but they become tools that enable the individual to complete the learning process to follow his path that leads him to grow and evolve towards the light. Healing process is, therefore, a developmental process that leads the oppressive human mental barrier to spiritual liberation, giving deep satisfaction and happiness to achieve the complete well-being as it was defined by the WHO.

Soulful Healing: Mending the Heart's Invisible Wounds

Book Description

"Soulful Healing: Mending the Heart's Invisible Wounds" by Emmanuel Eroume A Egom Discover the profound connection between the spiritual and physical dimensions of health in "Soulful Healing: Mending the Heart's Invisible Wounds". This insightful volume, part of the "Uniting Care and Spirit: A Holistic Approach to Healing" series, dives deep into the often overlooked aspects of spiritual well-being that are crucial for true health. Dr. Emmanuel Eroume A Egom, with his extensive background in both medicine and spiritual inquiry, guides readers through the intricate dance between our bodies and spirits. Whether you are a physician, a spiritual seeker, or someone simply interested in enriching your understanding of holistic health, this book offers a transformative perspective. It not only explores the theory behind spiritual and physical interconnectivity but also provides practical tools for nurturing your spiritual health. Illustrated with humorous analogies and real-life case studies, "Soulful Healing" encourages a redefinition of health, advocating for a balanced approach that aligns the soul, spirit, and body. Join Dr. Egom on a journey to mend the invisible wounds of the heart through a blend of scientific insight and spiritual wisdom. Perfect for anyone facing the modern challenge of spiritual disconnect, this book is a must-read for those ready to heal and transform their lives holistically.

Looking Closely at the Philosophy and Principles of Alternative Medicine - An Introduction

Book Description

This book provides an introduction to the philosophy and principles of alternative medicine. Because the field of medicine is filled with a variety of approaches to healing and the promotion of cures other than western medical applications, it is important to have a better understanding of natural medicine. The book contains six chapters discussing the various aspects of alternative medicine and key principles guiding those who are professionals in this field.

The Spiritual Dimension of Therapeutic Touch

Book Description

Explores the extraordinary technique that put authentic healing into the hands of health care providers • Examines the relationship between expanded levels of consciousness and the healing process • Contains healing exercises for treating common ailments such as stomachaches and back pain, and practices for managing chronic stress • Based on transcribed audiotapes of lectures by medical intuitive Dora Kunz (1904-1999), with commentary by Dolores Krieger Since 1972 Therapeutic Touch has been taught in hospitals and at universities to tens of thousands of health care professionals. The Spiritual Dimension of Therapeutic Touch provides an intimate glimpse into the life work of Dora Kunz (1904-1999), medical intuitive and fifth-generation clairvoyant, who used her gifts to reach out to others in her capacity as healer and teacher. During their years of research and healing practice together, Dolores Krieger and her mentor, Dora Kunz, found illness to be caused by specific subtle energy imbalances. The Spiritual Dimension of Therapeutic Touch teaches how to rebalance the body’s energy through touch, visualization, and a spiritual acceptance of life’s inevitable cycle. These exercises can be used both to heal physical pain and to achieve mental and spiritual peace. The authors also examine the important interconnected relationship between healer and patient. The book includes never-before-transcribed lectures by Dora Kunz, with commentary from Dolores Krieger, exploring expanded levels of consciousness as they relate to the healing process.

Alternative Medicine

Book Description

The most complete resource of its kind on alternative medicine• Herbal remedies, dietary supplements, and alternative therapiesTheir specific usesWhich ones really work (and which ones don’t)What to watch out for• Christian versus non-Christian approaches to holistic health• Clinically proven treatments versus unproven or quack treatments• Truths and fallacies about supernatural healing• Ancient medical lore: the historical, cultural, and scientific facts• And much, much moreAlternative Medicine is the first comprehensive guidebook to nontraditional medicine written from a distinctively Christian perspective. Keeping pace with the latest developments and research in alternative medicine, this thoroughly revised edition combines the most current information with an easy-to-use format. University lecturer and researcher Dónal O’Mathúna, PhD, and national medical authority Walt Larimore, MD, provide detailed and balanced answers to your most pressing questions about alternative medicine—and to other questions you wouldn’t have thought to ask.Also includesTwo alphabetical reference sections:Alternative therapiesHerbal remedies, vitamins, and dietary supplementsA description of each therapy and remedy, an analysis of claims, results of actual studies, cautions, recommendations, and further resourcesHandy cross-references linking health problems with various alternative therapies and herbal remedies reviewed in the book

The Spirit of Global Health

Book Description

Since the beginning of the World Health Organization, many of its staff members, regional offices, member states, and directors-general have grappled with the question of what a 'spiritual dimension' of health looks like, and how it might enrich the health policies advocated by their organisations. Contrary to the wide-spread perception that 'spirituality' is primarily related to palliative care and has emerged relatively recently within the organisation, this study shows that its history is considerably longer and more complex, and has been closely connected to the WHO's ethical aspirations, its quest for more holistic and equitable healthcare, and its struggle with the colonial legacy of international health organisations. While such ideals and struggles silently motivated many of the key actors and policies - such as the provision of universal primary healthcare - which for decades have embodied the organisation's loftiest aspirations, the WHO's official relationship with 'spirituality' advanced in fits, leaps, and setbacks. At times creative and interdisciplinary, at others deeply political, this process was marked by cycles of institutional forgetting and remembering. Rather than as a triumph of religious lobbyists, this book argues, the 'spiritual dimension' of health may be better understood as a 'ghost' that has haunted - and continues to haunt - the WHO as it comes to terms with its mandate of advancing health as a state of 'complete well-being' available to all.

The Scientific Basis of Integrative Medicine, Second Edition

Book Description

Since the first suffering supplicant offered a prayer to his god or the first mother cradled an ailing child in her caring arms, we have witnessed how human health and healing goes beyond any inventory of parts and infusion of chemicals. We humans are a complex melding of thought, emotion, spirit, and energy and each of those components is as critical to our well-being as our physiological status. Even if we are just beginning to quantify and document these seemingly intangible aspects, to ignore them in the practice of medicine is neglect and an invitation to do harm. Now in its second edition, The Scientific Basis of Integrative Medicine continues to provide doctors and other health practitioners with information on complementary and alternative approaches to health, that is authoritative, scientifically based, and epidemiologically substantiated. Written for doctors and healthcare professionals by pioneering practitioners and updated with the newest research across an increasing range of possibilities, the new edition of this bestselling work – Establishes the scientific basis for the mind–body connection and then documents the puissant interactions of the endocrine, immune, nervous, and stress systems that so profoundly influence our lives Examines that healing dimension of spirituality, which informs but transcends the five senses Investigates how hope, faith, and love aid healing Discusses how the emotional presence of a practitioner affects patient outcome Considers the incorporation of a unified theory that can account for the existence of health enhancing energy fields within — as well as outside — the human body Integral physiology serves as a bridge between Western medical knowledge and the equally valuable, but less well-recognized, Eastern systems of medicine. The authors refer to it as integrative because it combines important Western biological knowledge with forms of healing that incorporate the mental and emotional, and spiritual aspects that are essential to health, because those aspects are what make us essentially human.

From Flesh to Stone: Reversing the Path to Spiritual Heart Disease

Book Description

From Flesh to Stone: Reversing the Path to Spiritual Heart Disease In a world increasingly focused on physical well-being, Dr. Emmanuel Eroume A Egom introduces a pivotal exploration of the often-overlooked counterpart—our spiritual health. "From Flesh to Stone" is an insightful journey into understanding how our spiritual ailments can profoundly influence our overall health, emphasizing the crucial balance between body, soul, and spirit. This book unveils the transformative insights into the nature of the spiritual heart, a key element in our emotional and spiritual wellness. Dr. Egom skillfully navigates the concept of the 'hardened' spiritual heart, illustrating how modern life's challenges can calcify our innermost beings, leading us to live less fulfilling lives. Through a blend of rich theory and practical advice, this book offers readers the tools to identify, prevent, and reverse the hardening of the spiritual heart. Designed for physicians, therapists, spiritual seekers, and anyone curious about enriching their life's journey, "From Flesh to Stone" offers strategies to enhance personal well-being by nurturing the spiritual dimensions of health. Readers will gain not just knowledge but practical tools for fostering empathy, love, compassion, and forgiveness within themselves. Join Dr. Egom on a transformative journey to unlock the secrets of spiritual well-being. Discover how to soften a hardened heart and find a path to a life of health, balance, and spiritual depth. "From Flesh to Stone" is not just a book; it's a guide to reclaiming your spiritual health and rediscovering the joy of a vibrant spiritual heart.