Book Description
As a child I was interested in history and genealogy and through the years I had gathered a lot of stories. Out for an afternoon sail with Mrs. Montgomery on NILIRAGA, sometimes until the middle of October, often times just the two of us, I would tell her some of these stories. She would say, "Ralph! You must write all this down." Eventually I did write much about the early history of Mount Desert Island, shipbuilding history, other historical facts and stories of relatives and people that I knew. Albie and I discussed how to go about recording the story of the Stanley family and I suggested that we talk with Bill Bunting (William H. Bunting). We started by asking Bill to read all that I had written over the years. His response was, "You are a wonderful story-teller when describing people you know. As a youngster and as a young man you had an unusually sharp eye, sharp ear, and sensitive appreciation and understanding of the human comedy, all the while realizing that comedy and tragedy are often intertwined. You show that one can be insightful without being judgmental."So with this advice I sat down to the computer, rearranged, cut and pasted until I have the story of the Stanley family and those whose lives crossed, often with mutual respect and trust.