The Michigan Model of World Production and Trade

Book Description

This book presents the work that has been done to date with the Michigan Model of World Production and Trade, together with a full description and discussion of the model itself. Developed and refined for more than a decade, The Michigan Model is distinguished among general equilibrium trade models not only for its coverage (34 countries and 29 industries) but for its allowance for a wider variety of important short-run interactions among markets and a greater variety of policy parameters and institutional details than many other models permit. The model is intended as a practical tool for policymakers analyzing the effects of measures such as tariffs, taxes, and exchange rate changes on a set of highly disaggregated patterns of production, trade, and employment. Following an introductory chapter that discusses the development and use of The Michigan Model, its theoretical structure is introduced and compared to the theoretical structure of other computational models and its implementation is presented in terms of data requirements and parameters, methods of solution, and application to various issues. Six chapters then explore a number of different applications designed to analyze the effects of the Tokyo Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations and post-Tokyo-Round negotiating alternatives, the effects of tariffs on the structure of protection in the U.S. and other major industrialized countries, the effects of domestic tax/subsidies on the structure of protection in the U.S., the U.K., and Japan, the sectoral impact of real exchange-rate changes, and the effect of trade on employment in major industrial countries. A final chapter draws together the lessons of the efforts for computer modeling of trade and for the direction of future research. Alan V. Deardorff is Professor of Economics at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Robert M. Stern is Professor of Economics and Public Policy, also at Michigan.

Comparative Advantage, Growth, and the Gains from Trade and Globalization

Book Description

Alan Deardorff was 65 years old on June 6, 2009. To celebrate this occasion, a Festschrift in his honor was held on October 2-3, 2009, in the Rackham Amphitheater at the University of Michigan. This title includes reprints of many of Professor Deardorff's most important papers that underlie the reflections on his work by the Festschrift panelists.

The Jurisprudence of GATT and the WTO

Book Description

This book contains a selection of essays and articles by John H. Jackson previously published over four decades and now collected together into one volume. Each article has been selected for its continued timeliness and relevance to contemporary issues in international trade. Particular attention has been given to making available articles that have previously been less accessible. For the most part articles are republished in their original form but, where appropriate, the author has clearly marked some omissions and added updating material. An indispensable addition to every international trade library.

Handbook of Development Economics

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Handbooks of development economics/ edit. Chenery.-v.1.

World Economic and Financial Surveys

Book Description

This paper describes the functioning of labor markets and to eliminate other structural obstacles to noninflationary growth. The decline in the price level in the home country will involve a rise in the real money supply and, if output is sluggish, this will result in an excess supply of money. This, in turn, will lead to a drop in the domestic interest rate and, given foreign interest rates, to a temporary depreciation of the exchange rate. Structural measures could also affect investment and the current account by raising the rate of return on capital in the home country. If capital is internationally mobile, a higher rate of return on capital would result in a rise in investment and a temporary deterioration in the home country’s current account, which will be financed by an inflow of foreign capital. The quantitative impact of financial market deregulation on the economy is rather uncertain.

General Equilibrium Trade Policy Modeling

Book Description

This collection of original essays makes a substantial contribution to the empirical analysis of trade policy and to the current debate on a new international economic order. They address policy from a strictly economic viewpoint, using computable general equilibrium models as analytical tools and assessing the strengths and weaknesses of these models, which are being increasingly used for policy analysis in international trade and other branches of economics. The essays all examine the effects of 50 percent tariff cuts on the various economies modeled. However, since some models are global (multicountry) and others are single country, such cuts can take several forms: unilateral, multilateral, or bilateral. The models show wide variation in their results. This points up the need for caution in using such models for rigid policy advice and for further improvement in data and techniques if trade modeling is to become effective. Nonetheless, the strength of such models in making explicit the implicit assumptions of policymakers and in providing a quantitative framework for trade policy evaluation is clearly revealed. T. N. Srinivasan, coauthor with Jagdish Bhagwati of Lectures on International Trade(MIT Press 1983) is Samuel C. Park Jr. Professor of Economics at Yale University. John Whalley, author of Trade Liberalization among Major World Trading Areas(MIT Press 1984) is Professor of Economics at the University of Western Ontario.

Computational Analysis of Global Trading Arrangements

Book Description

This title was formally part of the Studies in International Trade Policy Series, now called Studies in International Economics.

Michigan Law Review

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Working Paper Series

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