The Wild Women of Winedale

Book Description

This joyful and exuberant, yet ultimately touching, comedy focuses on three women at crossroads in their lives—the Wild sisters of Winedale, Virginia—Fanny and Willa and their frustratingly quirky sister-in-law, Johnnie Faye. This feisty and fun-loving trio has supported and cheered one another through life’s highs and lows through the years, including the early demise of two of their husbands. And they really need each other now as Fanny experiences a hilariously inappropriate reaction to her 60th birthday while Willa is so stressed out from her nursing job she resorts to vodka and speed-knitting to cope and Johnnie Faye, determined to put her year of fraught widowhood behind her, desperately tries to find a man—preferably a man with a house since hers is somewhere at the bottom of a Florida sinkhole. These women’s lives are further upended by the responsibility of caring for their free-spirited, ailing aunt and the realization that they are drowning under loads of family keepsakes and possessions nobody wants—especially them! With equal doses of hilarity and heart, these extraordinary women come up with delightful and surprisingly unorthodox ways to clear the clutter from their lives, their homes and their relationships so they can move their lives forward. Together they prove it’s never too late to take another one of life’s paths for a grand new adventure. This Jones Hope Wooten comedy is guaranteed to drive you wild with laughter—and motivate you to keep hounding the kids to please take that stack of quilts and Granny’s Christmas china!

The Wild Women

Book Description

The Wild Women of Redgunk

Book Description

Wild Women of the Wild West

Book Description

PRIMEDIA History Group of PRIMEDIA Special Interest Publications presents "Wild Women of the Wild West," an article written by Bob Boze Bell that originally appeared in the April 1997 issue of "Wild West." The article highlights the women of the American Western frontier.

Wild Women of the West

Book Description

The Complete History of Comedy (Abridged)

Book Description

"Critic's Pick! Fast and furious...fresh and funny...a great piece of political satire." Cincinnati City Beat "You knew they'd get this one right. THE COMPLETE HISTORY OF COMEDY (abridged) -is a madcap, breakneck-speed two hours. Audacious, often outrageous and bawdy, the frantic pacing of COMEDY reminds you of an old-time burlesque or vaudeville revue." Boston Stages "A wild, wild ride! It's funny. Really, really funny... And most of all, it's really, really smart." Cincinnati Enquirer "THE COMPLETE HISTORY OF COMEDY (abridged) is a master class in the art form." Broadway World

Greater Tuna

Book Description

Two performers portray numerous characters in this stage comedy of life in imaginary small-town Tuna, Texas ... "where the Lion's Club is too liberal and Patsy Cline never dies!"

When Everything Beyond the Walls Is Wild

Book Description

In When Everything Beyond the Walls Is Wild, Lilace Mellin Guignard draws from emblematic moments and relationships in her own life to explore issues of gender, recreation, and environmental conservation. Born into a suburban family, Guignard wanted to get up close and personal with iconic American landscapes, but social pressures and cautionary tales told her that these spaces were not meant for her as a woman. Reflecting on the ways our culture socializes women to remain indoors, Guignard shares her own struggles with finding her place outdoors. Refusing to stay indoors and “safe,” Guignard drove cross-country with her dog, worked as a river guide, and set out to climb Mount Whitney. She recounts navigating outdoor interactions with male friends and strangers that range from wonderful to awkward to frightening. Now that she is settled with her own family, Guignard writes about how it is still more difficult for women than men to prioritize outdoor recreation time. These stories expose how cultural messages about women shape their experiences and interactions when backpacking, paddling, rock climbing, and bicycling. They broaden readers’ notions of what adventure is, what places are considered wild and worth our care, and what types of people enjoy the outdoors. Drawing upon the art of the memoir—and informed by analysis from women’s studies and ecological literature—Guignard makes an impassioned case for why women and marginalized members of society should have the opportunity to experience nature. The self-reliance and connection with the natural world that outdoor recreation fosters are qualities we all need in order to do the work required by the environmental challenges ahead.