The Word is Near You

Book Description

Don Aycock offers over 20 messages that are intended not as literary examples, but rather as flesh-and-blood efforts to proclaim the Word of God. Aycock is an inventive and experienced preacher who employs many fascinating illustrations to shed light on the biblical text at the heart of his message.

The Word is Near You

Book Description

The study deals with a difficult and much-debated text in Paul’s Letter to the Romans, 9:30-10:21. The study in particular analyses Paul’s use and interpretation of Deuteronomy 30:12-14 in Romans 10:4-17. Scholars have characterized Paul’s exegesis here as idiosyncratic, fanciful, baffling, and arbitrary. By a comparison with Jewish writings near Paul in time, such as the writings of Philo of Alexandria and Baruch, the thesis is argued that Paul’s treatment of Deuteronomy 30:12-14 can be located within Jewish exegetical method, expository structure, terminology as well as content and context. In comparison with Baruch and Philo, it has been shown that Paul’s handling of Deuteronomy 30:12-14 can be placed within a Jewish context as to the way the biblical quotations are rendered. The thesis is substantiated that Paul’s expository rendering of Deuteronomy 30:12-14 follows the method of exegetical paraphrase of a biblical quotation. So, in comparison with Baruch and Philo, Paul’s interpretative rendering of Deuteronomy 30:12-14 falls within a form of exposition, in which words, phrases and sentences from the Old Testament quotation are either repeated or replaced by interpretative terms and supplemented with other qualifying terms. Thus, Paul’s christological exposition of Deut 30:12-14 can be located within the method of exegetical paraphrase, with a parallel in Baruch’s application of this OT Scripture to the personified ‘Wisdom’.

The Word Is Near You

Book Description

Beginning with the desires of our hearts and ending with the priesthood of all believers, this series of meditations traces a path through some central concerns of the Reformation. Along this path, the authors, all faculty at Wycliffe College, engage with biblical passages which were important at that time and remain just as vital today in working out what it means to be a Christian, what it means to be the people of God. It seems appropriate, given the central place Scripture had for the reformers, that we should follow their lead in looking to the Bible in the context of the life of the church. While some church communities enthusiastically proclaim their Reformation roots, others look askance at particular reformers and seek to distance themselves from the whole of the Reformation. Yet the Reformation is not an era we in the West can simply ignore; it is bred in our bones, runs through our veins, and shapes our life together in myriad ways. These meditations are not simply historical explorations or an exercise in documenting past events. Rather, the authors grapple with questions which we continue to struggle with today—questions of faith and grace, sin and salvation, work and worship. These meditations will provoke discussion and broaden our theological understanding while guiding us into a deeper understanding of the faith.

The Word is Very Near You: Feasts and Festivals

Book Description

For the many thousands who prepare sermons on the lectionary readings each week, here are expert, wise and extremely down to earth reflections to inspire and guide you, from an outstanding preacher and Church Times columnist. A companion to the main volume, this second book covers all the principal feasts and festivals that do not fall on Sunday.

God is Near Us

Book Description

According to the Second Vatican Council, "We ought to try to discover a new reverence for the Eucharistic mystery. Something is happening that is greater than anything we can do. The magnitude of what is happening is not dependent on the way we perform it, but all our efforts to perform it aright can always be at the service of the great act that precedes our own and that we cannot achieve for ourselves... The liturgy is the summit toward which the activity of the Church is directed; at the same time it is the font from which all her power flows." This profound statement about the Eucharist stands at the center of this book by Cardinal Ratzinger. In these previously unpublished texts, the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and a scholar of international repute, leads the reader into the heart of the Christian faith and its central mystery. Cardinal Ratzinger compellingly shows us the biblical, historical, and theological dimensions of the Eucharist. The Cardinal draws far-reaching conclusions, focusing on the importance of one's personal devotion to and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, for the personal reception of Communion by the individual Christian, as well as for the life of the Church. For Ratzinger, the drive toward any transformation of the world on the social plane also grows out of the celebration of the Eucharist. He beautifully illustrates how the omnipotent God and Creator comes intimately close to us in the Holy Eucharist, the Heart of Life. Book jacket.

Daily Power and Prayer Devotional

Book Description

With over one million books sold, Dr. Myles Munroe has been used by God to teach and influence readers around the world. Now comes his very first yearly devotional, based on several of his best-selling books. Over the course of a year, Dr. Munroe will encourage and teach you in the area of spiritual power and prayer, while also providing a Scripture reading to help you read through the entire Bible. Let Dr. Munroe help you develop a daily appointment with God and you will: Discover the authority of prayer. Overcome obstacles to answered prayer. Understand the power of fasting. Learn the role of God's Word in prayer. Enter into God's presence as you become a person of prayer. See for yourself how spending a few moments in God's power and presence can affect every area of your life.

Near Us and Within Us

Book Description

In these sixty services, Debra Hintz focuses on "transformation" through the Second Reading of the lectionary because these readings are "letters from the apostles," words of support and encouragement. Though originally written for the first Christian communities, the Second Readings continue to be highly relevant for Catholic communities today. Hintz invites all who gather in parishes on a regular basis to let these words be part of the fabric of their daily lives and ministry.

The Ministry of the Word, Vol. 22, No. 10

Book Description

This issue of The Ministry of the Word contains the final nine messages given during the spring 2018 term of the full-time training in Anaheim, California. The general subject of this series of messages is "Enjoying the Riches of Christ for the Building Up of the Church as the Body of Christ." These messages continue to emphasize the enjoyment of the indescribably rich and all-inclusive Christ as everything to us as seen in the New Testament. In the Gospel of Matthew, we see that we need to have a pure heart to see God, which is to gain God so that we may become God in life and nature. The more we experience and enjoy such an all-inclusive Christ, the more we will become the building material for and even the builders of the church, fulfilling the greatest prophecy in the Bible to bring in the kingdom of God.

Speak Your Faith

Book Description

Throughout Scripture God instructs His people to speak His Word. His Word spoken as words out of our mouths with faith in our hearts, cause His creative, miracle-working power to be released in our natural realm. His Word spoken as words out of our mouths become our weapon against the enemy. We can shape our world through speaking God's Word over our present and our future. We must learn to speak faith-filled words at all times in all situations. To speak in faith is not to deny the existence of a mountain or the fierceness of a prevailing storm. Rather faith speaks to the mountain denying its right to continue standing in the way. Faith speaks to the winds and the storms depriving it of its right to wreck havoc, and instead, give way to the peace and calm that God releases. Faith speaks to sickness commanding it to leave and give way to healing and wholeness that comes from God. This book will establish you in this Biblical truth and inspire you to speak your faith, at all times! Watch our online Sunday Church service live stream every Sunday at 10:30am (Indian Time, GMT+5:30). Spirit filled, anointed worship, Word and ministry for healing, miracles and deliverance. YOUTUBE: WEBSITE: Our other websites and free resources: CHURCH: FREE SERMONS: FREE BOOKS: DAILY DEVOTIONALS: JESUS CHRIST: BIBLE COLLEGE: E-LEARNING: COUNSELING: MUSIC: MINISTERS FELLOWSHIP: CHURCH APP: CHURCHES: This book may be freely used by individuals, small groups, churches, and ministries, for non-commercial purposes. These are not to be sold and must be distributed freely.

Big Fun Bible Puzzle Book

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The Big Fun Bible Puzzle Book is packed with hundreds of word searches, maze games, crosswords, and fast facts. Big Fun Bible Puzzle Book will provide hours of enjoyment for everyone!