The Works of William Perkins, Volume 6

Book Description

This sixth volume begins with three important works on predestination. The first is A Golden Chain , which treats the main points of theology with an emphasis on “the order of the causes of salvation and damnation.” The second is A Christian and Plain Treatise of the Manner and Order of Predestination , which gives a strident defense of the sovereignty of God in election and reprobation. The third, A Treatise on God’s Free Grace and Man’s Free Will , examines the responsibility of man and how that harmonizes with the will of God in ordaining all things. These treatises showcase Perkins’s scholarly and pastoral concerns on matters vital to the salvation of sinners. Table of Contents: Golden Chain (Foldout poster in the front) Manner and Order of Predestination Treatise on God’s Free Grace and Man’s Free Will Fruitful Dialogue Concerning the End of the World Against Alexander Dickson On Memory

The Works of William Perkins

Book Description

The Works of William Perkins fills a major gap in Reformed and Puritan theology. Though Perkins is best known today for his writings on predestination, he also wrote prolifically on many subjects. His works filled over two thousand large pages of small print in three folio volumes and were reprinted several times in the decades after his death. His complete works, however, have not been in print since the mid-seventeenth century. This modern typeset edition of the Works includes four volumes of Perkins's expositions of Scripture, three volumes of his doctrinal and polemical treatises, and three volumes of his practical writings.

The Works of William Perkins, Volume 3

Book Description

This third volume from the Works of William Perkins collection contains Perkins's A Cloud of Faithful Witnesses, Leading to the Heavenly Canaan , which was his exposition of Hebrews 11. Within, Perkins contends that the whole chapter of Hebrews 11 is meant to urge readers to persevere in faith by persuading them of the excellence of faith. In his characteristic manner, Perkins brings the abiding importance of this message through careful exegesis and perceptive application. In an age of cheap faith and easy believism, this exposition offers us a way to put our faith to the test, to try it against the faith of the "great cloud of witnesses," and, in the end, to put it into practice, assured that God's mercy will uphold us for life.

The Works of William Perkins, Volume 5

Book Description

This fifth volume begins the doctrinal treatises of Perkins with three contributions of catechetical theology. The first treatise is An Exposition of the Symbol or Apostles’ Creed . Examining the contours of Christian faith, Perkins handles each article of the Creed according to its basic meaning, the duties it calls us to, and the consolation it brings. He closes the entire work by explaining how the Creed is a “storehouse of remedies against all troubles and temptations whatsoever.” The second treatise is An Exposition of the Lord’s Prayer . Detailing the chief Christian desires, Perkins explains the meaning of the petitions of the Lord’s Prayer and the “manifold uses” for each. Perkins closes his exposition with the proper uses of the Lord’s Prayer in general, the circumstances related to the way we pray, and a word on God hearing our prayers. This treatise also includes a collection of prayers (with short expositions) from the Bible and a poetic song “gathered out of the Psalms, containing the sobs and sighs of all repentant sinners.” The third treatise is The Foundation of Christian Religion Gathered into Six Principles , which sets down the principle points of Christian religion in order to establish readers in true knowledge, unfeigned faith, and sound repentance. Providing a rudimentary understanding of the Ten Commandments, the Creed, the Lord’s Prayer, and the two sacraments, Perkins’s Foundation sets a framework for people to profit more from sermons and to receive the Lord’s Supper with comfort.

The Works of William Perkins, Volume 7

Book Description

This seventh volume includes three treatises that strike a helpful balance of emphases on theology, history, and practice. A Reformed Catholic exists as a systematic, theological presentation of Perkins’s Reformed soteriology in contrast with the Church of Rome. Perkins’s Problem of the Forged Catholicism is an exercise in historical theology, proving from the primary source documents of church history that the Roman Catholicism articulated at Trent is not supported by the first twelve hundred years of the church’s witness. A Warning Against Idolatry handles worship practices—including liturgies, ceremonies, customs, and rites—concluding that all the externals of worship must be regulated by Scripture in the strictest sense. Taken as a whole, Perkins’s polemical work against the Church of Rome draws a clear dividing line between Roman Catholicism and the Reformed tradition.

The Works of William Perkins, Volume 4

Book Description

This fourth volume contains two treatises of biblical exposition. The first treatise is A Godly and Learned Exposition upon the Whole Epistle of Jude . Finding the purpose of Jude’s letter in verse 3, Perkins calls for all Christians to persevere in professing the gospel by taking heed of false teachers and deceivers, who seek to infiltrate the church. While many of his points of application reflect a context peculiar to the Elizabethan era, his insights into what it means to “contend for the faith” still prove applicable today. The second treatise is A Godly and Learned Exposition or Commentary upon the Three First Chapters of Revelation , giving careful consideration of the seven letters to the seven churches of Asia. Perkins highlights the person of Christ and His significance to the church, focuses on what Christ approves and rebukes about the condition of the church, and emphasizes Christ’s bounty and humanity’s duty. Troubled by the prevalence of those who accept empty profession as conversion and dead formality as godliness, Perkins urges his audience to move beyond mere intellectual assent to heartfelt dedication to Christ.

The Works of William Perkins, Volume 10

Book Description

This tenth volume brings together seven treatises that demonstrate Perkins’s core conviction that the gospel touches all of life by bringing it under the rule of Scripture. Treatise on How to Live Well in All Estates opens the volume with a description of the reign of faith in Christians’ hearts so that they avoid sin and pursue the will of God in all they do. Treatise on Vocations explains how God calls Christians to live out their faith in whatever responsibilities they hold within society. Right Manner of Erecting and Ordering a Family applies the concept of vocation to life in the home. Calling of the Ministry applies vocation to the church, describing the duties and dignities of the ministers of Christ. Art of Prophesying equips those called to the ministry with the proper manner and method of preaching God’s Word. Christian Equity exhorts Christians to maintain justice and preserve peace, whether in families, church, or the greater commonwealth. Having finished with principles of living by faith, the volume ends with Treatise on Dying Well , which discusses the importance of faith at the end of life.

The Works of William Perkins, Volume 1

Book Description

The Works of William Perkins fills a major gap in Reformed and Puritan theology.

The Works of William Perkins, Volume 1

Book Description

The present volume contains three of Perkins’s treatises. The first is A Digest or Harmony of the Books of the Old and New Testament , which offers a synopsis of the Bible that relates sacred history to the chronology of the world. Dating God’s creation of the universe in 3967 BC, Perkins develops his overview of redemptive history that culminates in the final judgment. The second treatise is The Combat between Christ and the Devil Displayed . Expounding Matthew 4:1–11, Perkins shows how Christ’s temptation in the wilderness (1) set Jesus up to serve as the second Adam, overcoming Satan’s temptation in a way the first Adam did not; (2) reveals how the devil assaults the church so that we might be better prepared to resist his temptations; and (3) equipped Christ to be a sympathetic high priest to those who are tempted. The third and most significant treatise is A Godly and Learned Exposition upon Christ’s Sermon in the Mount . “Hereof I have chosen to entreat,” says Perkins, “because it is a most divine and learned sermon, and may not unfitly be called the ‘Key to the whole Bible’; for here Christ opens the sum of the Old and New Testaments.” The fact that Perkins saw the Sermon on the Mount as unlocking the meaning of Scripture in its entirety suggests that his understanding of what Christ declares in Matthew 5–7 was pivotal to the development of his theology and piety. Series Description The Works of William Perkins fills a major gap in Reformed and Puritan theology. Though Perkins is best known today for his writings on predestination, he also wrote prolifically on many subjects. His works filled over two thousand large pages of small print in three folio volumes and were reprinted several times in the decades after his death. However, his complete works have not been in print since the mid-seventeenth century. This modern typeset edition of the Works includes four volumes of Perkins’s expositions of Scripture, three volumes of his doctrinal and polemical treatises, and three volumes of his practical writings.