Theology Compromised

Book Description

Theological work, whatever else it may be, is always a reflection on social transformations. Not only pastors but also theologians work with the sources of the Christian traditions in one hand and a newspaper in the other. But how are we to understand the relationship between social transformations and the continuously “compromised” development of Christian ideals, as these are measured by doctrinal formulations? And how might a more deeply sociological perspective on this relationship inform theological work? Matthew Ryan Robinson and Evan F. Kuehn approach this question, not by reconstructing a history of ideas, but rather by telling a story about the development of churches and theological institutions. They take the turbulent and dynamic ecclesiological situation of nineteenth-century Germany as a representative case, focusing on the sociological methodological orientation of Friedrich Schleiermacher and Ernst Troeltsch in the context of the rise of theological liberalism, the history of religions, and the German churches’ confrontation with social and political challenges. Robinson and Kuehn then connect this orientation with the sociology of religion of Hans Joas and Niklas Luhmann, arguing for a functional focus in theological research on what doctrines do rather than what the reality behind or in any particular doctrine is.

Already Compromised

Book Description

Will a Christian college build a student's faith or tear it down? Parents and students sacrifice large sums of money for a Christian college education. Why? They are purchasing a guarantee their child's faith in God and the Bible will be guarded and developed. But is the Bible being taught? Will they graduate believing in the inerrancy of Scripture, the Flood of Noah's Day, and a literal six day creation? Apologetics powerhouse Ken Ham and Dr. Greg Hall reveal an eye opening assessment of 200 Christian colleges and universities. In an unprecedented 2010 study by America Research Group, college presidents, religion and science department heads were polled on critical areas of Scripture and core faith questions. Ken Ham is an accomplished author of some of the most popular and effective apologetics research on the market. He is the founder of Answers in Genesis - U.S. and the president of the Creation Museum. I have no doubt that the average church member would be shocked and outraged to discover how many supposedly evangelical colleges and universities have more or less given up their commitment to biblical inerrancy and the authority of Scripture—especially when dealing with the early chapters of Genesis. I’m grateful for this important work by Ken Ham and Greg Hall, documenting the many compromises that have ravaged the Christian academy. Already Compromised is a much needed wake-up call and a summons to arms for faithful, courageous Bible believers. We need to stand up, declare our faith, and defend the truth of Scripture courageously. The stakes are high and the battle may be more fierce than ever, but God will bless those who honor His Word. May He bless us with clear, unwavering voices. — John MacArthur

The Color of Compromise

Book Description

In The Color of Compromise, Jemar Tisby takes readers back to the roots of sustained racism and injustice in the American church. Filled with powerful stories and examples of American Christianity's racial past, Tisby's historical narrative highlights the obvious ways people of faith have actively worked against racial justice, as well as the complicit silence of racial moderates. Identifying the cultural and institutional tables that must be flipped to bring about progress, Tisby provides an in-depth diagnosis for a racially divided American church and suggests ways to foster a more equitable and inclusive environment among God's people. Book jacket.

Modern Christianity

Book Description

Modern Christianity is a religion with compromise, a religion without moral absolutes to guide one's life. Essentially, it is a life lived without Christ as the center, a life where society and modern science has replaced the importance of God and the Bible. These are the dangers of compromise.

The Bible, Natural Theology and Natural Law: Conflict Or Compromise?

Book Description

Dr. Robert Morey's study of natural law and natural theology raises important questions that every Bible-believer will want answered. His careful study and explanation of various Bible passages will yield a useful orientation to the classic arguments furnished us by the Reformers and their faithful heirs. Dr. Nelson Kloosterman The present volume presents a devastating critique of natural theology and natural law. Its argument is solidly biblical, and its accumulation of biblical data is overwhelming. I hope that God prospers it so that many will read it and take heed. Dr. John Frame A.W. Tozer said, "the most important thing about any person is what comes into their mind when they think of the word God." If you digest Dr. Morey's book, you will think of 'God' as the glorious One depicted in Holy Scripture." John G. Reisinger, I appreciate Dr. Morey's emphasis on making the Bible alone the theoretical basis for science and the arts. All throughout the book he consistently points to the Scriptures as the basis for sustaining everything else. Dr. Simon Kistemaker

Northern Ireland

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On Compromise

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What Does Theology Do, Actually?

Book Description

»What Does Theology Do, Actually? Observing Theology and the Transcultural« is to be the first in a series of 5 books, each presented under the same question – »What Does Theology Do, Actually?«, with vols. 2–5 focusing on one of the theological subdisciplines. This first volume proceeds from the observation of a need for a highly inflected »trans-cultural«, and not simply »inter-cultural«, set of perspectives in theological work and training. The revolution brought about across the humanities disciplines through globalization and the recognition of »multiple modernities« has introduced a diversity of overlapping cultural content and multiple cultural and religious belongings not only into academic work in the humanities and social sciences, but into the Christian churches as well.

Compromised Christianity

Book Description

Compromised Christianity compares the words of Jesus and the apostles in the New Testament to widely acknowledged outcomes from church history. This is to contrast what was asked by God in the Bible to what was given by the majority who controlled the faith through the past two millennia. The book's thesis observes the Bible says God worked through disobedience to His commandments in the Old Covenant and now it can be seen He did the same in the New Covenant period. Lessons that can be drawn out are explored. More than 800 Bible verses (NKJV licensed with permission) are used to make a case and instruct. The book is open to anyone but will likely be most meaningful to practicing Christians who have a degree of familiarity with the Bible. The book is apolitical and peacefully advocates what the first-century Christians wrote they were attempting to do. This was to obey God and allow Him to do in them what He wanted to the full degree as stated in the New Testament. The details of a multifaceted purpose stated by Jesus and the apostles in the New Testament are laid out in summary form.