Theory and Methods of Vector Optimization (Volume Two)

Book Description

This second volume presents research in the field of the mathematical model operation of economic systems, again using as a basis the theory and methods of vector optimization. This volume includes three chapters. The first chapter deals with issues related to the theory of the company, modeling and decision-making, while the second deals with issues related to modeling and decision-making in market systems. The third chapter deals with issues related to modeling, forecasting and decision-making.

Theory and Methods of Vector Optimization (Volume One)

Book Description

This first volume presents the theory and methods of solving vector optimization problems, using initial definitions that include axioms and the optimality principle. This book proves, mathematically, that the result it presents for the solution of the vector (multi-criteria) problem is the optimal outcome, and, as such, solves the problem of vector optimization for the first time. It shows that applied methods of solving vector optimization problems can be used by researchers in modeling and simulating the development of economic systems and technical (engineering) systems.

Theory of Vector Optimization

Book Description

These notes grew out of a series of lectures given by the author at the Univer sity of Budapest during 1985-1986. Additional results have been included which were obtained while the author was at the University of Erlangen-Niirnberg under a grant of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. Vector optimization has two main sources coming from economic equilibrium and welfare theories of Edgeworth (1881) and Pareto (1906) and from mathemat ical backgrounds of ordered spaces of Cantor (1897) and Hausdorff (1906). Later, game theory of Borel (1921) and von Neumann (1926) and production theory of Koopmans (1951) have also contributed to this area. However, only in the fifties, after the publication of Kuhn-Tucker's paper (1951) on the necessary and sufficient conditions for efficiency, and of Deubreu's paper (1954) on valuation equilibrium and Pareto optimum, has vector optimization been recognized as a mathematical discipline. The stretching development of this field began later in the seventies and eighties. Today there are a number of books on vector optimization. Most of them are concerned with the methodology and the applications. Few of them offer a systematic study of the theoretical aspects. The aim of these notes is to pro vide a unified background of vector optimization,with the emphasis on nonconvex problems in infinite dimensional spaces ordered by convex cones. The notes are arranged into six chapters. The first chapter presents prelim inary material.

Optimization by Vector Space Methods

Book Description

Engineers must make decisions regarding the distribution of expensive resources in a manner that will be economically beneficial. This problem can be realistically formulated and logically analyzed with optimization theory. This book shows engineers how to use optimization theory to solve complex problems. Unifies the large field of optimization with a few geometric principles. Covers functional analysis with a minimum of mathematics. Contains problems that relate to the applications in the book.

Vector Optimization

Book Description

In vector optimization one investigates optimal elements such as min imal, strongly minimal, properly minimal or weakly minimal elements of a nonempty subset of a partially ordered linear space. The prob lem of determining at least one of these optimal elements, if they exist at all, is also called a vector optimization problem. Problems of this type can be found not only in mathematics but also in engineer ing and economics. Vector optimization problems arise, for exam ple, in functional analysis (the Hahn-Banach theorem, the lemma of Bishop-Phelps, Ekeland's variational principle), multiobjective pro gramming, multi-criteria decision making, statistics (Bayes solutions, theory of tests, minimal covariance matrices), approximation theory (location theory, simultaneous approximation, solution of boundary value problems) and cooperative game theory (cooperative n player differential games and, as a special case, optimal control problems). In the last decade vector optimization has been extended to problems with set-valued maps. This new field of research, called set optimiza tion, seems to have important applications to variational inequalities and optimization problems with multivalued data. The roots of vector optimization go back to F. Y. Edgeworth (1881) and V. Pareto (1896) who has already given the definition of the standard optimality concept in multiobjective optimization. But in mathematics this branch of optimization has started with the leg endary paper of H. W. Kuhn and A. W. Tucker (1951). Since about v Vl Preface the end of the 60's research is intensively made in vector optimization.

Optimization by Vector Space Methods

Book Description

Engineers must make decisions regarding the distribution of expensive resources in a manner that will be economically beneficial. This problem can be realistically formulated and logically analyzed with optimization theory. This book shows engineers how to use optimization theory to solve complex problems. Unifies the large field of optimization with a few geometric principles. Covers functional analysis with a minimum of mathematics. Contains problems that relate to the applications in the book.

Vector Variational Inequalities and Vector Optimization

Book Description

This book presents the mathematical theory of vector variational inequalities and their relations with vector optimization problems. It is the first-ever book to introduce well-posedness and sensitivity analysis for vector equilibrium problems. The first chapter provides basic notations and results from the areas of convex analysis, functional analysis, set-valued analysis and fixed-point theory for set-valued maps, as well as a brief introduction to variational inequalities and equilibrium problems. Chapter 2 presents an overview of analysis over cones, including continuity and convexity of vector-valued functions. The book then shifts its focus to solution concepts and classical methods in vector optimization. It describes the formulation of vector variational inequalities and their applications to vector optimization, followed by separate chapters on linear scalarization, nonsmooth and generalized vector variational inequalities. Lastly, the book introduces readers to vector equilibrium problems and generalized vector equilibrium problems. Written in an illustrative and reader-friendly way, the book offers a valuable resource for all researchers whose work involves optimization and vector optimization.

Vector Variational Inequalities and Vector Equilibria

Book Description

The book deals with the mathematical theory of vector variational inequalities with special reference to equilibrium problems. Such models have been introduced recently to study new problems from mechanics, structural engineering, networks, and industrial management, and to revisit old ones. The common feature of these problems is that given by the presence of concurrent objectives and by the difficulty of identifying a global functional (like energy) to be extremized. The vector variational inequalities have the advantage of both the variational ones and vector optimization which are found as special cases. Among several applications, the equilibrium flows on a network receive special attention. Audience: The book is addressed to academic researchers as well as industrial ones, in the fields of mathematics, engineering, mathematical programming, control theory, operations research, computer science, and economics.

Linear Algebra And Optimization With Applications To Machine Learning - Volume Ii: Fundamentals Of Optimization Theory With Applications To Machine Learning

Book Description

Volume 2 applies the linear algebra concepts presented in Volume 1 to optimization problems which frequently occur throughout machine learning. This book blends theory with practice by not only carefully discussing the mathematical under pinnings of each optimization technique but by applying these techniques to linear programming, support vector machines (SVM), principal component analysis (PCA), and ridge regression. Volume 2 begins by discussing preliminary concepts of optimization theory such as metric spaces, derivatives, and the Lagrange multiplier technique for finding extrema of real valued functions. The focus then shifts to the special case of optimizing a linear function over a region determined by affine constraints, namely linear programming. Highlights include careful derivations and applications of the simplex algorithm, the dual-simplex algorithm, and the primal-dual algorithm. The theoretical heart of this book is the mathematically rigorous presentation of various nonlinear optimization methods, including but not limited to gradient decent, the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) conditions, Lagrangian duality, alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM), and the kernel method. These methods are carefully applied to hard margin SVM, soft margin SVM, kernel PCA, ridge regression, lasso regression, and elastic-net regression. Matlab programs implementing these methods are included.

H-infinity Engineering and Amplifier Optimization

Book Description

H-infinity engineering continues to establish itself as a discipline of applied mathematics. As such, this extensively illustrated monograph makes a significant application of H-infinity theory to electronic amplifier design, demonstrating how recent developments in H-infinity engineering equip amplifier designers with new tools and avenues for research. The presentation, at the interface of applied mathematics and engineering, emphasizes how to (1) compute the best possible performance available from any matching circuits; (2) benchmark existing matching solutions; and (3) generalize results to multiple amplifiers. As the monograph develops, many research directions are pointed out for both disciplines. The physical meaning of a mathematical problem is made explicit for the mathematician, while circuit problems are presented in the H-infinity framework for the engineer. A final chapter organizes these research topics into a collection of open problems ranging from electrical engineering, numerical implementations, and generalizations to H-infinity theory.