Third Parties in America

Book Description

1. Tables and Figures -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Constraints on Third Parties -- 3. Third Parties of the Nineteenth Century -- 4. Independents of the Twentieth Century -- 5. A Theory of Third Party Voting -- 6. Why Citizens Vote for Third Parties -- 7. Candidate Mobilization -- 8. Major Parties, Minor Parties, and American Elections -- 9. H. Ross Perot -- Appendix A: Minor Party Presidential Candidates, 1840-1992 -- Appendix B: Description and Coding of Variables.

The Demise and Rebirth of American Third Parties

Book Description

Virtually all academic books on American third parties in the last half-century assume that they have largely disappeared. This book challenges that orthodoxy by explaining the (temporary) decline of third parties, demonstrating through the latest evidence that they are enjoying a resurgence, and arguing that they are likely to once again play a significant role in American politics. The book is based on a wealth of data, including district-level results from US House of Representatives elections, state-level election laws after the Civil War, and recent district-level election results from Australia, Canada, India, and the United Kingdom.

How America’s Political Parties Change (and How They Don’t)

Book Description

The election of 2016 prompted journalists and political scientists to write obituaries for the Republican Party—or prophecies of a new dominance. But it was all rather familiar. Whenever one of our two great parties has a setback, we’ve heard: “This is the end of the Democratic Party,” or, “The Republican Party is going out of existence.” Yet both survive, and thrive. We have the oldest and third oldest political parties in the world—the Democratic Party founded in 1832 to reelect Andrew Jackson, the Republican Party founded in 1854 to oppose slavery in the territories. They are older than almost every American business, most American colleges, and many American churches. Both have seemed to face extinction in the past, and have rebounded to be competitive again. How have they managed it? Michael Barone, longtime co-author of The Almanac of American Politics, brings a deep understanding of our electoral history to the question and finds a compelling answer. He illuminates how both parties have adapted, swiftly or haltingly, to shifting opinion and emerging issues, to economic change and cultural currents, to demographic flux. At the same time, each has maintained a constant character. The Republican Party appeals to “typical Americans” as understood at a given time, and the Democratic Party represents a coalition of “out-groups.” They are the yin and yang of American political life, together providing vehicles for expressing most citizens’ views in a nation that has always been culturally, religiously, economically, and ethnically diverse. The election that put Donald Trump in the White House may have appeared to signal a dramatic realignment, but in fact it involved less change in political allegiances than many before, and it does not portend doom for either party. How America’s Political Parties Change (and How They Don’t) astutely explains why these two oft-scorned institutions have been so resilient.

Two Parties--or More?

Book Description

Students of American government are faced with an enduring dilemma: Why two parties? Why has this system remained largely intact while around the world democracies support multiparty systems? Should our two-party system continue as we enter the new millennium? This newly revised and updated edition of Two Parties-Or More? answers these questions by

Beyond Donkeys and Elephants

Book Description

"The 2016 presidential election was dramatic in its outcome-the surprise election of Donald Trump. However, another surprise outcome was the increasing share of the vote won by minor parties and independent candidates. Gary Johnson, the Libertarian candidate, garnered 3.3 percent of the vote. That was the best performance by a minor party candidate since Ross Perot's 1996 Reform Party bid. Jill Stein, the Green Party candidate, won one percent of the vote. At the state level, the rejection of the two major party candidates in some places was even more profound. In three states, the non-major party candidates combined won over 10 percent of the vote. Voters in some states increasingly are electing candidates who do not belong to either of the two major parties. Currently, there are two independent members of the U.S. Senate-Bernie Sanders of Vermont and Angus King of Maine. Moreover, the percentage of Americans supporting the creation of a third party has reached new highs. In September 2017, according to a Gallup survey, 61 percent of Americans said a third party is needed. With so much dissatisfaction with the two major parties and so much interest in third party alternatives, there is a need for a fresh look at the current political party alternatives in the United States. The "Other" Parties describes the contemporary party landscape beyond the Republicans and Democrats, with chapters discussing minor parties at national, regional, and state levels. The chapters cover both the well-known alternatives-including the Green, Constitution, and Libertarian Parties-and niche, state-level parties, such as the Mountain Party in West Virginia, the Vermont Progressive Party, the Moderate Party of Rhode Island, and the United Utah Party"--

Third Parties in American Politics

Book Description

An informal history dealing with such groups as the Know-Nothings, the Populists and the Progressives.

Left, Right, Out: The History of Third Parties in America

Book Description

Left, Right, Out is the untold story of American political history. Exploring American history from its founding, David A. Epstein presents the phenomena that shaped the nation and its politics through the prism of third party politics. Whether short-lived or longer-lasting, each party examined in Left, Right, Out represents a unique and acute expression of the great social, economic, and political forces that influenced the evolution of the United States. Left, Right, Out reveals how much that we take for granted in American politics and society finds its origins in third party politics. Monumental movements such as Abolition, Prohibition, and Civil Rights, long associated with major party politics, originated in the efforts of pioneering third parties and their adherents. Left, Right, Out takes you into the remote corners of U.S. history and explores the forces and personalities forgotten in a standard reading of American political history.

Third-Party Matters

Book Description

This fascinating book looks at the select group of third parties that have made a real difference in U.S. politics and governance. Third parties have been a fixture in the American political landscape since the beginning of the two-party system. More than 300 of these groups have surfaced, but only a handful have made a real difference. Third-Party Matters: Politics, Presidents, and Third Parties in American History tells the intriguing stories of those 11 parties, starting with the antislavery Liberty Party of 1840. The parties deemed worthy of inclusion were selected because they met at least one of three criteria. They were spoilers who changed the outcome of an election, they had an important influence on government policy or the future of politics, and/or they had popular appeal, attracting at least ten percent of the vote. This investigation reveals the background behind each party's rise, what it stood for, who its leaders were—including larger-than-life personalities like Teddy Roosevelt, George Wallace, and Ross Perot—and the ultimate outcome of the election(s) in which the party participated.

Spoiling for a Fight

Book Description

More Americans now identify as political independents than as either Democrats or Republicans. Tired of the two-party gridlock, the pandering, and the lack of vision, they've turned in increasing numbers to independent and third-party candidates. In 1998, for the first time in decades, a third-party candidate who was not a refugee from one of the two major parties, Jesse Ventura, won election to state-wide office, as the governor of Minnesota. In 2000, the public was riveted by the Reform Party's implosion over Patrick Buchanan's presidential candidacy and by Ralph Nader's Green Party run, which infuriated many Democrats but energized hundreds of thousands of disaffected voters in stadium-sized super-rallies.What are the prospects for new third-party efforts? Combining the close-in, personal reporting and learned analysis one can only get by covering this beat for years, Micah L. Sifry's. Spoiling for a Fight exposes both the unfair obstacles and the viable opportunities facing today's leading independent parties. Third-party candidates continue be denied a fighting chance by discriminatory ballot access, unequal campaign financing, winner-take-all races, and derisive media coverage. Yet, after years of grassroots organizing, third parties are making major inroads. At the local level, efforts like Chicago's New Party and New York's Working Families Party have upset urban political machines while gaining positions on county councils and school boards. Third-party activists are true believers in democracy, and if America's closed two-party system is ever to be reformed, it will be thanks to their efforts

Two Parties--or More?

Book Description

Students of American government are faced with an enduring dilemma: Why two parties? Why has this system remained largely intact while around the world democracies support multiparty systems? Should our two-party system continue as we enter the new millennium? This newly revised and updated edition of Two Parties-Or More? answers these questions by