The Coming Three Days of Darkness

Book Description

" "There shall come over the whole earth an intense darkness lasting three days and three nights... He, who out of curiosity, opens his window to look out, or leaves his home, will fall dead on the spot... The air shall be infected by demons who will appear under all sorts of hideous forms." " (Blessed Anna Maria Taigi) What is the prophecy of the three days of darkness? Sacred Scripture, saints, and prophets, have foretold days of darkness to encompass the earth towards the end of times. What is the significance and meaning of this prophecy and are there current signs of the approaching darkness? Will demons be released from hell? Why is the number three significant? Are there ways to prepare for this dark prophecy? In this compelling book, author, Joanne Ballinger, examines these prophecies of the impending chastisement. Current events indicate this prophecy is closer than ever We are living in dangerous and turbulent times. Divine Justice is imminent

Catholic Prophecy

Book Description

Shortly after Vatican II many began to speculate that we might be in the 'end times' and that prophecies were being fulfilled. Some speculated that the Three Days of Darkness may be near or that Antichrist was already on earth. Yves DUpont assembled many prophecies, including some that refer to a comet striking the earth. With Comet Kahoutek in 1972, many thought this might be the one, but it wasn't. With the deterioration of morals in the world many believe that these prophetic days may be close.

The Three Days of Darkness

Book Description

Day of wrath and doom impending.David's word with Sibyl's blending,Heaven and earth in ashes ending.We open with the Dies Irae, because it applies to the Three Days of Darkness. Pope Saint Gregory the Great says in his Regula Pastoralis: “Let them be told how the Prophet Sophonias holds out over them the stroke of divine reproof, when he says: 'Behold, the day of the Lord is coming, great and horrible . . . . That day is a day of wrath, a day of darkness and obscurity, a day of clouds and whirlwinds, a day of the trumpet and alarm against all the fenced cities and against all the high corners.'” 1 Note this verse inspired the Dies Irae. The purpose of this book is to provide all of the prophecies that relate to the Three Days of Darkness. These are placed in a chronological order similar to that employed by Father Culleton is his two books, Antichrist and The Prophets and Our Times. They are provided without comment so that you can study the prophecies themselves. Some of the prophecies may appear out of place, but they will make sense as you move forward. It is strongly recommended that you make notes as you proceed forward with this book. In this way you can sort things out for yourself. Padre Pio predicted the Three Days of Darkness. So does Sacred Scripture, which calls it the Day of the Lord. Even Jesus Himself referred to the Three Days of Darkness in the Gospels. This book considers the many Catholic prophecies on the Three Days of Darkness.

Book of Mormon Student Manual

Book Description

House of Darkness House of Light

Book Description

Roger and Carolyn Perron purchased the home of their dreams and eventual nightmares in December of 1970. The Arnold Estate, located just beyond the village of Harrisville, Rhode Island seemed the idyllic setting in which to raise a family. The couple unwittingly moved their five young daughters into the ancient and mysterious farmhouse. Secrets were kept and then revealed within a space shared by mortal and immortal alike. Time suddenly became irrelevant; fractured by spirits making their presence known then dispersing into the ether. The house is a portal to the past and a passage to the future. This is a sacred story of spiritual enlightenment, told some thirty years hence. The family is now somewhat less reticent to divulge a closely-guarded experience. Their odyssey is chronicled by the eldest sibling and is an unabridged account of a supernatural excursion. Ed and Lorraine Warren investigated this haunting in a futile attempt to intervene on their behalf. They consider the Perron family saga to be one of the most compelling and significant of a famously ghost-storied career as paranormal researchers. During a seance gone horribly wrong, they unleashed an unholy hostess; the spirit called Bathsheba; a God-forsaken soul. Perceiving herself to be the mistress of the house, she did not appreciate the competition. Carolyn had long been under siege; overt threats issued in the form of firea mother's greatest fear. It transformed the woman in unimaginable ways. After nearly a decade the family left a once beloved home behind though it will never leave them, as each remains haunted by a memory. This tale is an inspiring testament to the resilience of the human spirit on a pathway of discovery: an eternal journey for the living and the dead.

The Rapture Exposed

Book Description

The idea of "The Rapture" -- the return of Christ to rescue and deliver Christians off the earth -- is an extremely popular interpretation of the Bible's Book of Revelation and a jumping-off point for the best-selling "Left Behind" series of books. This interpretation, based on a psychology of fear and destruction, guides the daily acts of thousands if not millions of people worldwide. In The Rapture Exposed, Barbara Rossing argues that this script for the world's future is nothing more than a disingenuous distortion of the Bible. The truth, Rossing argues, is that Revelation offers a vision of God's healing love for the world. The Rapture Exposed reclaims Christianity from fundamentalists' destructive reading of the biblical story and back into God's beloved community.

Three Days Without Light

Book Description

Tells the story from the Book of Mormon of Jesus Christ's appearance to the inhabitants of ancient America after his crucifixion and resurrection.

The Approaching Apocalypse and Three Days of Darkness

Book Description

The Bible tells us that when Christ returns, there will be another end-of-the-world type destruction, like Noah's Flood, but with fire. Includes many prophecies from: Book of Enoch, Sibylline Oracles, Apocrypha, more.

Three Days of Darkness

Book Description

Three Days of Darkness is based on a true prophecy circulating worldwide. The prophecy is real, but what happens in the story-line is fiction, implying that it could happen.when the prophecy manifests itself. Hold onto your seats with both hands, as you are in for a thriller of a story, beginning with Father McGraths sermon explaining the prophecy up until the very last cliff hanger page! Ms. Magner teases her audience changing gears moving from one family to the next and taking her readers through what all of them had to endure during three long horrific days of darkness. Three Days of darkness will make you prepare for these darkest days ahead! It will bring you through all the steps you must take, teaching in a subtle way what is most necessary for survival, as well as teach its readers how to pray! All of hell will be emptied out! Ms. Magner gives credence to the images of demons she so carefully describes, having researched actual exorcisms and the behaviors of devils. One reader remarked, You scared the crap out of me! Much of the prophecy described is to be taken very seriouslythere is a stern warning that those who scoff at it will die instantly when the dark days are at hand! There is a fine line between what is real and what is fiction.excellently executed. The characters in Three Days of Darkness are ordinary people living ordinary lives until the great chastisement suddenly changes their lives forever. The leisurely summer days, in a carefree neighborhood, suddenly turn into the darkest of nights filled with terror! Readers have remarked this is a quick read! You cannot put the book down! Once you beginyou have to read it to the very last pagea cliff hanger ending!!! Everyone who has read this book wants a sequel! This is one of the summers greatest thrillers! It would make an excellent door buster movie! Three Days of Darkness is available in print through,,, and various websites.