Three Essays on Developing Countries and Foreign Direct Investment

Book Description

"My dissertation is motivated by the question, "In an era of ever-increasing global economic integration, why do some developing countries continually struggle to attract foreign direct investment (FDI)?" I explain this phenomenon by highlighting the interaction between international law and domestic institutions, and illustrating how this dynamic affects FDI in developing countries. My methods involve large-N quantitative analyses of developing countries, supported by case studies. The first chapter, "The Effects of Federalism and decentralization on the Business Environment for Foreign Direct Investment," shows that while developing countries often sign bilateral investment treaties (BITs) to commit to a stable policy environment, the effectiveness of these treaties in improving policy stability is reduced by federalism and decentralization. According to international law, national governments are legally responsible for any BIT violations that occur within their territories, even when the violation was committed by a subnational-level government. One implication of this is that when foreign investors initiate international arbitration claims over alleged BIT violations, the respondents are always national governments. This gives subnational governments weaker incentives than national governments to comply with BITs, which decreases the effectiveness of BITs in promoting policy stability in countries where subnational governments are relatively powerful. The second chapter, "Can Rational Choice Explain Bilateral Investment Treaties? How Lack of Legal Capacity Affects BIT Signing," argues that a country's legal capacity affects its ability to fully evaluate the consequences of BITs. I show that countries with federal and decentralized governments are more likely to be embroiled in international investment disputes over alleged violations of BITs, but that only countries with higher legal capacity are likely to adjust for this increased risk by signing fewer BITs. This demonstrates that a country's ability to behave in a "rational" manner when signing international treaties is dependent on its level of legal expertise. The third chapter, "The Effects of Judicial Independence on Foreign Direct Investment and International Arbitration Laws," studies how developing countries with institutional disadvantages use international alternatives to promote FDI, and how this differs by regime type. I show that in democratic countries, a decrease in judicial independence is associated with lower FDI inflows. Countries facing this problem respond by being more likely to adopt laws that provide investors with the option of international arbitration. These patterns are, however, not observed in autocratic countries. This is because in autocratic countries, the government can provide foreign investors with opportunities to collude with the government and extract rents at the expense of the public, making them less dependent on judicial independence to attract FDI"--Pages vii-ix.

Three Essays on the Macroeconomic Impact of Foreign Direct Investment in Low and Middle Income Countries

Book Description

This dissertation comprises three essays on macroeconomic impacts of foreign direct investment (FDI). The first essay analyses the impact of FDI on the growth rate of total factor productivity of host countries. The essay focuses on 77 low- and middle-income countries and is based on balanced panel data for the period 1980-2008. The system GMM and common correlated effects (CCE) panel data methods are applied to estimate the models. Estimated coefficients show that FDI does not have any significant impact on the growth rate and the levels of TFP. The second essay investigates the relationship between FDI and domestic investment focusing on low- and middle-income countries, and using panel data for the period 1980-2012. It applies common parameter and heterogeneous parameter, static and dynamic, single equation and simultaneous equation panel data econometric techniques to study the relationship. Empirical findings suggest that FDI crowds our domestic investment. Our estimated coefficients also suggest that countries that have weak institutions, less developed financial systems, less human capital, less developed infrastructure, or economies that are more open, are more exposed to foreign competition and experience stronger crowding out from inward FDI. In the third essay, the influence of capital flows on the real exchange rate of recipient countries is analysed. The influence of three important capital flows, viz. foreign direct investment (FDI), foreign aid, and remittances, are assessed on the real exchange rate, using data for 45 middle- and low-income countries for the period 1980-2013. Both heterogeneous and homogeneous panel data methods are applied to estimate the real exchange rate models. The estimated coefficients of these models imply that foreign direct investment (FDI) and remittances do not influence the real exchange rate. Aid tends to depreciate the real exchange rate. Findings also suggest that financial development does not influence the exchange rate impact of aid in our sample countries. The study further finds that while aid tends to increase real exchange rate volatility, FDI and remittances do not have any robust influence on volatility.

Three Essays on the Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment : Market Size and Wage, Localization, Official Developemnt [i.e. Development] Assitance [i.e. Assistance]

Book Description

This dissertation consists of three essays. The overall theme is about the determinants of foreign direct investment (FDI) employing Korean data. The first essay is a study on the roles of traditional FDI determinants such as the market size and wage level of the host country based on MNE types. The second essay is the effect of localization-level on MNE activities by MNE types. The third essay is the effect of official development assistance (ODA) on FDI.

Three Essays on Banking Foreign Direct Investment

Book Description

One striking development in the banking sector over the past two decades is the significant increase in banking foreign direct investment. Multinational banks are now major players in the global financial system in terms of their asset positions, loan amounts, and operational scales. Despite this significant trend, few empirical studies exist explaining observed international trends. This dissertation investigates three aspects of banking foreign direct investment. The first essay investigates the factors determining a bank's decision to invest abroad. The second essay investigates the factors determining foreign and domestic banks' risk-taking behavior. The last essay explores the impact of foreign banks' presence on the host country's economy.