Essays on Macroeconomics with Financial Frictions

Book Description

"This dissertation consists of three essays concerning the macroeconomic implications of financial market frictions that limit the ability of firms to obtain external finance. Each of the three chapters employs a theoretical macroeconomic model, combined with some empirical analysis, to study unanswered questions in the literature related to the importance of these financial market frictions for the wider economy. The three chapters consider, in turn, the effect of banking crises on investment, output and employment, the implications of financial market frictions for optimal capital taxation, and the effect of banking deregulation on the distribution of income. The first chapter studies the long slumps in output and employment following banking crises. In a panel of OECD and emerging economies, I find that recessions are associated with larger initial drops in investment and more persistent drops in output if they occur simultaneously with banking crises. Furthermore, the banking crises that are followed by more persistent output slumps are associated with particularly large initial drops in investment. I show that these patterns can arise in a model where a financial shock temporarily increases the costs of external finance for investing entrepreneurs. This leads to a drop in investment and a persistent slump in output. Critical to the model is the distinction between different types of capital with different depreciation rates. Intangible capital and equipment have high depreciation rates, leading these stocks to drop substantially when investment falls after a financial shock. If wages display some rigidity, this induces a slump in output and employment that persists for roughly a decade, through the contribution of the decline in equipment and intangibles to declining production and labor demand. I find that this mechanism can account for almost a third of the persistent drop in output and employment in the US Great Recession (2007-2014). In the model, TFP and government spending shocks lead to relatively smaller declines in investment and less persistent drops in output; so the model is also consistent with the more transitory output drops seen after non-financial recessions, where such shocks may have been more important. The second chapter, based on work co-written with Corina Boar, considers the implications of financial market frictions for optimal linear capital taxation, in a setting where the government is concerned with redistribution. By including financial frictions, we emphasize the effect of a new channel affecting the equity-efficiency trade-off of redistribution: taxes affect the allocative efficiency of capital and, ultimately, total factor productivity. We find that high tax rates can be optimal, provided that they are applied to wealth, rather than risky capital. Under plausible parameter values, we find that the optimal tax on risky capital is lower than that on wealth, and roughly in line with current U.S. levels. This suggests welfare gains from taxing wealth at a higher rate than risky capital. The third chapter, based on work co-written with Corina Boar and Yicheng Wang, studies the effect of banking deregulation in the US on the distribution of income, from both a theoretical and empirical perspective. We focus on the effect of the removal of interstate banking and branching restrictions over the 1970-1994 period. We present a theoretical model based on Greenwood and Jovanovic (1990) to illustrate the channels through which this deregulation may affect the income distribution. In the model, income inequality rises after banking deregulation for some values of the parameters--because deregulation decreases the cost of borrowing, which primarily benefits wealthy firm-owners. We empirically estimate the effect of interstate banking and branching deregulation on income inequality by exploiting variations in the timing of deregulation across states. We find that the removal of banking restrictions increased the Gini coefficient by 6 percent in the long run."--Pages ix-xi.

Three Essays on the Role of Frictions in the Economy

Book Description

In this thesis I have investigated three aspects of market frictions. Chapter 1 is about financial frictions, i.e. frictional forces prevailing in the financial lending markets and how monitoring and legal fines imposed on banks affect financial fragility. Chapter 2 explores the frictional labor market, i.e. frictional forces that prevent the smooth matching process between employees and employers in labor markets. In this chapter I investigate the sources of fluctuations in labor market volatility. Chapter 3 investigates the asymmetrical information in lending markets and how bankruptcy law could potentially affect this asymmetrical information between a borrower and its lenders. In Chapter 1, I have investigated the implications of legal fines and partial monitoring in a macro-finance model. This primary motivation of this work was the unprecedented level of fines banks faced in recent years. The research in this field is very sparse and this work is one of the few to fill in the void. I have tried investigating the implications of fines and partial monitoring in static and dynamic frameworks. There is partial monitoring in the sense that dubious behavior of intermediaries is not always observed with certainty. Moreover intermediaries can pay some litigation fees to mitigate the punishment for their conduct should they get caught. Several insights can be drawn from introducing such concepts in static and dynamic frameworks. Partial monitoring and legal fines make the incentive constraint of intermediaries more relaxed, in the sense that bankers are required to pledge less collateral to raise fund. This decrease in the asset pledgeability pushes the corporate spread down. In a dynamic set-up due to changes in asset qualities caused by such possibilities, recovery in output and credit become sluggish in response to an adverse financial shock. The dynamic implications of the model for the post-crisis period are investigated. This paper calls for further research to broaden our understandings in how legal settlements interact with banks' behaviors. In Chapter 2 (joint with Elisa Guglielminetti) I have investigated the time-varying property of job creation in the United States. Despite extensive documentation of the US labor market dynamics, evidence on its time-varying volatility is very hard to find. In this work I contribute to the literature by structurally investigating the time-varying volatility of the U.S. labor market. I address this issue through a time-varying parameter VAR (TVP-VAR) with stochastic volatility by identifying four structural shocks through imposing robust restrictions based on a New Keynesian DSGE model with frictional labor markets and a large set of shocks. The main findings are as follows. First, at business cycle frequencies, the lion share of the variance of job creation is explained by cost-push and demand shocks, thus challenging the conventional practice of addressing the labor market volatility puzzle à la Shimer under the assumption that technology shocks are the main driver of fluctuations in hiring. Second, technology shocks had a negative impact on job creation until the beginning of the '90s. This result is reminiscent of the "hours puzzle" à la Gali. In Chapter 3 (joint with Garence Staraci) I provide an additional rationale why creditors include covenants in their contracts. The central claim is that covenants are not only included as a means of shifting the governance from debtors to creditors, but also to potentially address the concerns creditors might have about how the bankruptcy law is practiced. To investigate this claim, I take advantage of the fact that covenants are nullified inside bankruptcy. This fact permits us to show that any change to the bankruptcy law affects the spread through changes that it brings to the contractual structure...

Three Essays in Financial Frictions and International Macroeconomics

Book Description

This dissertation investigates the role of financial frictions stemming from asymmetric information in financial markets on the transmission of shocks, and the fluctuations in economic activity. Chapter 1 uses the targeted factor modeling to assess the contribution of national and international data to the task of forecasting provincial GDPs in Canada. Results indicate using national and especially US-based series can significantly improve the forecasting ability of targeted factor models. This effect is present and significant at shorter-term horizons but fades away for longerterm horizons. These results suggest that shocks originating at the national and international levels are transmitted to Canadian regions and thus reflected in the regional time series fairly rapidly. While Chapter 1 uses a non-structural, econometric model to tackle the issue of transmission of international shocks, the last two Chapters develop structural models, Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE) models to assess spillover effects of the transmission of national and international shocks. Chapter 2 presents an international DSGE framework with credit market frictions to assess issues regarding the propagation of national and international shocks. The theoretical framework includes the financial accelerator, the bank capital and exchange rate channels. Results suggest that the exchange rate channel, which has long been ignored, plays an important role in the propagation of shocks. Furthermore, with these three channels present, domestic and foreign shocks have an important quantitative role in explaining domestic aggregates. In addition, results suggest that economies whose banks remain well-capitalized when affected by adverse shock experience less severe downturns. These results highlight the importance of bank capital in an international framework and can be used to inform the worldwide debate over banking regulation. In Chapter 3, I develop a two-country DSGE model in which banks grant loans to domestic as well as to foreign firms to study effects of these cross-border banking activities in the transmission of national and international shocks. Results suggests that cross-border banking activities amplify the transmission of productivity and monetary policy shocks. However, the impact on consumption is limited, because of the cross-border saving possibility between the countries. Moreover, results suggests that under cross-border banking, bilateral correlations become greater than in the absence of these activities. Overall, results demonstrate sizable spillover effects of cross-border banking in the propagation of shocks and suggest that cross-border banking is an important source of the synchronization of business cycles.

Three Essays on Financial Economics

Book Description

This dissertation presents three essays in financial economics. The essays discuss how market frictions can affect outcomes in the real economy, the returns earned by investors, and the investment decisions made by asset managers. The first essay studies how the liquidity of assets can affect outcomes in the real economy. In particular, it focuses on the life settlement market to show how increased liquidity of life insurance contracts are causally linked to greater life longevity. The second essay studies how inside investments relate to managerial compensation and fund performance. The essay focuses on the decreasing returns to scale to arbitrage strategies and the profit maximizing motive of asset managers as the central friction affecting return. The final essay analyzes the role that information acquisition and communication have on the choice to be a principal, agent, or both. The results emphasize how the choice to be either a principal or an agent strictly dominate the mixed strategy of being both, in a highly generalized model.

Three Essays on Labor Market Frictions Under Firm Entry and Financial Business Cycles

Book Description

During the Great Recession, the interactions between housing, labor and entry highlight the existence of narrow propagation channels between these markets. The aim of this thesis is to shed a light on labor market interactions with firm entry and financial business cycles, by building on the recent theoretical and empirical of DSGE models. In the first chapter, we have found evidence of the key role of the net entry as an amplifying mechanism for employment dynamics. Introducing search and matching frictions, we have studied from a new perspective the cyclicality of the mark-up compared to previous researches that use Walrasian labor market. We found a less countercyclical markup due to the acyclical aspect of the marginal cost in the DMP framework and a reduced role according to firm's entry in the cyclicality of the markup. In the second chapter, we have linked the borrowing capacity of households to their employment situation on the labor market. With this new microfoundation of the collateral constraint, new matches on the labor market translate into more mortgages, while separation induces an exclusion from financial markets for jobseekers. As a result, the LTV becomes endogenous by responding procyclically to employment fluctuations. We have shown that this device is empirically relevant and solves the anomalies of the standard collateral constraint. In the last chapter, we extend the analysis developed in the previous one by integrating collateral constrained firms in order to have a more complete financial business cycle. The first result is that an entrepreneur collateral constraint integrating capital, real commercial estate and wage bill in advance is empirically relevant compared to the collateral literature associated to the labor market which does not consider these three assets. The second finding is the role of the housing price and credit squeezes in the rise of the unemployment rate during the Great Recession. The last two chapters have important implications for economic policy. A structural deregulation reform in the labor market induces a significant rise in the debt level for households and housing price, combined with a substantial rise of firm debt. Our approach allows us to reveal that a macroprudential policy aiming to tighten the LTV ratio for household borrowers has positive effects in the long run for output and employment, while tightening LTV ratios for entrepreneurs leads to the opposite effect.

Three Essays on Financial Markets

Book Description

This dissertation consists of three essays that address recent topics in financial markets that concern for scholars, policymakers, and investors. The first essay examines the benefits of international diversification for US investors, while accounting for market development, corporate governance, market cap effects, and structural change across countries over period August 1996 -July 2013. Improved risk adjusted returns are obtained from a diversified portfolio consisting of a mix of developed and emerging countries. Additionally, we find that diversification benefits are not significant for most of the small-cap foreign assets when an investor already holds position in corresponding countries large-cap assets. Diversification benefits based on the governance effectiveness of a country's companies are not ubiquitous. We find that economically significant improvements in risk-return performance can be attained by adding large caps of developed countries with high and low overall Governance Metrics International (GMI) ratings and large and small caps of emerging countries with low overall GMI ratings to the investment universe containing the assets of common law developed countries. However, diversification benefits are economically significant only for large and small caps of low GMI emerging countries when short selling is not allowed. The second essay looks at the market impact of recent regulatory changes in Canada that provide for trading halts on individual stocks that experience large upside or downside movements. The focus is on all stocks traded on the Toronto Stock Exchange since the inception of the single stock circuit breaker rule (SSCB) in February 2012, to replace the short-sale uptick rule. The results support pricing efficiency: material information that caused the circuit breaker is incorporated in stock prices on the day of the halt (neither overreaction nor underreaction), with no decline in market liquidity. Using trade-by-trade data constructed on 5-minute trading intervals, we refine the daily results, and show that shocks in realized volatility are focused in the ten-minute trading interval surrounding the halts. While circuit breakers provide a limited "safety net" for investors when their stocks are subject to severe volatility, they do not provide for a quick turnaround for stocks experiencing severe price decline events. The last essay re-examines the historical vs implied volatility spread anomaly, reported by Goyal and Saretto (2009) using a second-order stochastic dominance (SSD) criterion. The approach incorporates transaction frictions, and is robust to model specification problems, return distributions, as well as preferences. It is found that option trading frictions such as cash collateral requirements and option trading costs significantly reduce but do not eliminate returns to a long-short straddle trading strategy pre-2006 period. However, the anomaly disappears after 2006, consistent with market efficiency. The SSD test results confirm the findings.

Three Essays in International Trade and Finance

Book Description

This dissertation explores the economic interactions and outcomes in the nexus of international trade and finance. The entire dissertation is divided into three chapters with each chapter addresses one specific economic problem that roots in the interaction of international trade and finance. In the first chapter, I attempt to draw theoretical implications on two particular questions. First, what is the trade liberalization effect on capital market outcomes? Second, how do trade liberalization and capital market conditions jointly affect labor market outcomes such as income inequality? The objective of this chapter is to integrate both labor market frictions and capital market imperfection into one coherent theoretical framework and study the important interactions of trade liberalization and financial market development, as well as their joint impacts on aggregate income inequality. In the second chapter, I aim to provide both theoretical foundation and empirical evidence in partially explaining country authorities' decisions on financial policies. In the third chapter, [w]e provide a novel way of extracting country-level fundamental news from the international trade network. Specifically, we show that sovereign CDS returns provide value-relevant information that slowly propagates through credit markets reflecting underreaction on a global scale.