Three Essays on the Economics of Innovation

Book Description

We have identified three specific problems in the economics of innovation and addressed each of them in separate essays in this thesis. Essay 1 revisits the problem of inefficient diversification efforts of firms in a R & D race setting (Dasgupta and Maskin, 1987)1 by taking into account the fact that firms have the option of trade secrecy in addition to patents in protecting their inventions. This essay is theoretical in nature as we use a game-theoretic modeling of firms' project and IP choices in a R & D race. We find that the availability of multiple IPR protection instruments can move the paths chosen by firms engaged in a R & D race towards the social optimum. Essay 2 refers to the adoption and diffusion stages of the innovation process as we look at the economic effects of the introduction of Genetically Modified (GM) food in the European Union (EU) agricultural and food system. We develop a partial equilibrium modeling of European agro food sector and calibrate the model's parameters by using the EU data in year 2000. We find that the introduction of GM food is reducing overall welfare but the producers of quality-enhanced products become better off, a result that is robust to variations in the values of critical parameters. Essay 3 empirically studies a basic, yet somewhat unexplored, question of whether U.S. universities in expectation, are earning economic rent (profit) from licensing activities. The data include 148 observations from U.S. universities over the five years time period 1998 to 2002 and are mostly from AUTM (Association of the University Technology Managers) surveys and various other sources. Based on a structural econometric model of licensing rents of U.S. universities, we obtain the "marginal rate of return" from research dollars as nearly 1 % and identify the key determinants of license rent generation as the quality of faculty (which is measured by the citations received in technology departments), together with the size of the university in terms of total research expenditures.

New Frontiers in the Economics of Innovation and New Technology

Book Description

This Festschrift explores the truly exceptional breadth and depth of Paul David s work, focusing upon his contributions to the topics of path dependence, the economics of knowledge, and the diffusion of technology. The book consists of 15 papers plus an introduction by the editors and an entertaining postscript by Dominique Foray. . . For economic historians, the papers on path dependence assembled in this book, and particularly the conceptual paper by Antonelli, should be essential reading. Nikolaus Wolf, Economic History Review Recent research on the economics of innovation has acknowledged the importance of path dependence and networks in the evolution of economies and the diffusion of new techniques, products, and processes. These are topics pioneered by Paul A. David, one of the world s leading scholars in the economics of innovation. This outstanding collection provides a fitting tribute to the diversity and depth of Paul David s contributions. The papers included range from simulation models of the evolution of market structure in the presence of innovation, through historical investigations of knowledge networks and empirical analysis of contemporary networks, to the analysis of the diffusion of innovations using simulation and analytic models and of the diffusion of knowledge using patent data. With an emphasis on simulation models, data analysis, and historical evidence, this book will be required reading for researchers in innovation economics and regional development as well as economists, sociologists, and historians of innovation and intellectual property.