Book Description
Throwing large work is a challenging area and takes a differentapproach to throwing normal ware. This book looks at throwingpurely from the perspective of making very large work. It assumes thereader can already throw, but different techniques are needed whenmaking large work because of all the added problems - it can buckleduring making, collapse if not moved to the kiln safely and warp in thefiring. Not to mention that the techniques needed to physicallythrow much larger work are very different. This book looks at allof this, offering clear guidance on how to make work successfully,covering the various techniques used, (such as throwing on coils andthrowing in sections, or blow-torching work before continuing to throw)as well as how to avoiddisastrous pitfalls. Although we do have bits of information in otherbooks, this would be a handy guide collecting all the relevantmaterial. The handbook we already have called Large-scale Ceramicsfocuses on handbuilding.