Tikkun Reader

Book Description

Tikkun (teokun): To heal, repair, and transform the world. The Tikkun Reader is a collection of the best of Tikkun magazine from the past 20 years, providing the most cohesive collection of writings that articulate the progressive, left leaning religious perspective on the some of the most important issues in politics, culture, and society facing both Jews and non-Jews today. It includes contributions by such people as Naomi Wolf, Arthur Green, Harvey Cox, Amitai Etzioni, Daniel Berrigan, Neale Donald Walsch, Cornel West, Vandana Shiva, Dennis Kucinich, Jim Wallis, Deepak Chopra, and Noam Chomsky.

Tikkun Olam Ted

Book Description

Always busy doing good deeds like recycling, feeding birds, working in the garden and donating items to others, a young boy has earned the nickname "Tikkun Olam Ted."


Book Description

Tikkun Leil Shavuot: The Arizal's Torah Study Guide

Book Description

The festive holiday of Shavuot is best known for its all-night Torah learning. The Jewish Sages teach that staying up all night is more than just a celebration of Torah, it is a tikkun, a spiritual rectification. The 16th-century mystic Rabbi Itzchak Luria, the Arizal, prepared a study guide for the night of Shavuot. This guide is presented here, in both Hebrew and English, together with a selection of penetrating insights and commentaries drawn primarily from the mystical teachings of the Zohar and the Arizal.

To Heal the World?

Book Description

A devastating critique of the presumed theological basis of the Jewish social justice movement—the concept of healing the world. What is tikkun olam? This obscure Hebrew phrase means literally “healing the world,” and according to Jonathan Neumann, it is the master concept that rests at the core of Jewish left wing activism and its agenda of transformative change. Believers in this notion claim that the Bible asks for more than piety and moral behavior; Jews must also endeavor to make the world a better place. In a remarkably short time, this seemingly benign and wholesome notion has permeated Jewish teaching, preaching, scholarship and political engagement. There is no corner of modern Jewish life that has not been touched by it. This idea has led to overwhelming Jewish participation in the social justice movement, as such actions are believed to be biblically mandated. There's only one problem: the Bible says no such thing. In this lively theological polemic, Neumann shows how tikkun olam, an invention of the Jewish left, has diluted millennia of Jewish practice and belief into a vague feel-good religion of social justice. Neumann uses religious and political history to debunk this pernicious idea, and shows how the Bible was twisted by Jewish liberals to support a radical left-wing agenda. In To Heal the World?, Neumann explains how the Jewish Renewal movement aligned itself with the New Left of the 1960s, and redirected the perspective of the Jewish community toward liberalism and social justice. He exposes the key figures responsible for this effort, shows that it lacks any real biblical basis, and outlines the debilitating effect it has had on Judaism itself.

To Mend the World

Book Description

"This subtle and nuanced study is clearly Fackenheim's most important book." —Paul Mendes-Flohr " . . . magnificent in sweep and in execution of detail." —Franklin H. Littell In To Mend the World Emil L. Fackenheim points the way to Judaism's renewal in a world and an age in which all of our notions—about God, humanity, and revelation—have been severely challenged. He tests the resources within Judaism for healing the breach between secularism and revelation after the Holocaust. Spinoza, Rosenzweig, Hegel, Heidegger, and Buber figure prominently in his account.

Take Care

Book Description

This simple verse story relays that kindness to the world is as easy as planting trees, tending to flowers, and being nice to animals. And being kind to others can be as simple as choosing nice words and sharing a smile. Because the world belongs to all of us!

The Utne Reader

Book Description

Gathering Sparks

Book Description

A grandfather introduces his grandson to the Jewish tradition of tikkun olam, a centuries-old concept which proposes that everyone must do their part in order to improve the world.