Parliamentary Papers

Book Description

Transfer of Ownership in International Trade

Book Description

Including law from Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Denmark, England, Finland, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Netherlands, Norway, Russia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, And United States of America (U.S.A.)

Rules for the Transfer of Movables

Book Description

Comparative research in the area of property law is gaining importance. Against the background of the current discussion of developing model rules, aimed at facilitating European private law harmonisation, and of ongoing law reform projects in a number of EU Member States, this volume addresses key issues in the field of the transfer of corporeal movable property.

Convention de la Haye sur les Titres

Book Description

Les dernieres decennies ont vu un accroissement spectaculaire de la valeur, du nombre et de la vitesse des operations sur titres transfrontalieres, facilitees par les avancees technologiques. L'incertitude juridique quant a la loi regissant l'opposabilite, la priorite et les autres effets des transferts imposent d'importants couts frictionnels meme pour les operations de routine, et constitue une contrainte importante affectant les reductions souhaitables des risques de credit et de liquidite. Afin de pallier les incertitudes actuelles, la Dix-neuvieme session diplomatique de la Conference de La Haye de droit international prive a adopte a l'unanimite la "Convention sur la loi applicable a certains droits sur des titres detenus aupres d'un intermediaire" (la Convention de La Haye sur les titres). Le present volume apporte les explications les plus autorisees et completes de la Convention. Il est divise en deux parties: une introduction generale, qui propose un survol utile de la Convention et decrit de maniere succincte ses elements essentiels, et un commentaire complet de chaque article de la Convention. De nombreux exemples pratiques illustrent efficacement la nature et la teneur des commentaires.

Cultural Heritage, Sustainable Development and Human Rights

Book Description

The importance of cultural heritage - in both its tangible and intangible forms - to sustainable development and its economic, social and environmental components is increasingly evident in the recent practice of intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations at the universal and regional level. Due consideration for the integration of the cultural dimension in the implementation of Agenda 2030 has begun to grow in various international fora, including initiatives to emphasize the role and contribution of tangible and intangible heritage as drivers and enablers of sustainable development. It has also been recognized that the inherent links between cultural heritage and sustainable development cannot be correctly addressed without taking into account their various implications for the effective enjoyment of all human rights, including cultural rights. This book offers a thorough academic investigation on the importance of cultural heritage to sustainable development and cultural rights from an international law perspective. Providing an in-depth review of the possible intersections between cultural heritage, sustainable development and cultural rights and the limits of the current legal and institutional framework, it will be of interest to researchers and scholars of international law, cultural heritage law, environmental law and human rights law.

Global Rivalry and Intellectual Property

Book Description

This document contains the conference proceedings drawing together contributions from a number of prominent Canadians and international specialists from different disciplines and from the private, academic and public sectors in an effort to explore the links between intellectual property rights, corporate strategies, research needs, consumer interests and Canadian policy choices.

Multilateral Treaty Calendar

Book Description

This calendar, with illustrations, is a reference service focusing on multilateral treaties concluded by more than two parties. It covers a period of almost 350 years of multilateral diplomacy, from the Peace of Westphalia of 1648 to the end of 1995. It lists chronologically all multilateral treaties concluded during that period, provides information on the location of their printed text in various collections (with parallel citations), adds data on duration, depository arrangements, & status, & provides extensive notes on their amendment, modification, extension, termination, & other details (with related references). It ends with appendices & a detailed index.