Transit migration in Europe

Book Description

Transit migration, comprising mixed flows of refugees and labour, is widely considered a concern and even security threat. However, the concept is as vague and blurred as it is politicised. This volume offers evidence-based, comprehensive coverage of the entire belt of countries in the neighbourhood of the EU, ranging from Russia to Morocco. Transit migration is critically analyzed from the perspective of sending, transit and receiving countries, offering new insights into refugee and irregular migration flows, transnational migration networks and overlapping migration systems.

Transit Migration

Book Description

Challenging traditional approaches to migration, which puts migrants in narrow categories (legal and illegal, newcomer and settler), 'Transit Migration' shows that migrants and refugees live in transit for years, a stage in the migration course profoundly affecting destination countries and the migrants themselves.

Migration and Remittances

Book Description

Migration in Eastern Europe and Central Asia is relatively large by international standards, driven both by political factors (the 1990 collapse of the Soviet system, ensuing emergence of conflicts and new states, and opening of borders with Europe) and economic factors (abrupt economic deterioration and corresponding search for better employment and living conditions). The report anlayzes the different kinds of migration as well as the policies on both sides of the equation to limit negative side effects (like emargination, criminal activities, and brain drain) and maximize positive ones (increased labor pool for services, remittances, return migration with improved human and financial capital).

Transformation and Migration in Central and Eastern Europe

Book Description

Summarizes issues covered by the Informal Network on International Migration in Central and Eastern Europe since its establishment in 1996. Highlights international migration trends in CEE countries in the 1990s.

Intersections of Inequality, Migration and Diversification

Book Description

This book examines the relationship between migration, diversification and inequality in Aotearoa/New Zealand. The authors advance a view of migration as a diversifying force, arguing that it is necessary to grapple with the intersection of group identities, state policy and economic opportunities as part of the formation of inequalities that have deep historical legacies and substantial future implications. Exploring evidence for inequality amongst migrant populations, the book also addresses the role of multicultural politics and migration policy in entrenching inequalities, and the consequences of migrant inequalities for political participation, youth development and urban life.

South-south Migration and Remittances

Book Description

"South-South Migration and Remittances" reports on preliminary results from an ongoing effort to improve data on bilateral migration stocks. It sets out some working hypotheses on the determinants and socioeconomic implications of South-South migration. Contrary to popular perception that migration is mostly a South-North phenomenon, South-South migration is large. Available data from national censuses suggest that nearly half of the migrants from developing countries reside in other developing countries. Almost 80 percent of South-South migration takes place between countries with contiguous borders. Estimates of South-South remittances range from 9 to 30 percent of developing countries' remittance receipts in 2005. Although the impact of South-South migration on the income of migrants and natives is smaller than for South-North migration, small increases in income can have substantial welfare implications for the poor. The costs of South-South remittances are even higher than those of North-South remittances. These findings suggest that policymakers should pay attention to the complex challenges that developing countries face not only as countries of origin, but also as countries of destination.