Metaphysical Bible Dictionary

Book Description

A key to Charles Fillmore's original form of religious expression, this volume is a core text of the Unity movement and interprets the hidden meanings of the Bible's names, places, and events.

Lessons in Truth

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Book Description

Talks on Truth

Book Description

Talks on Truth by Charles Fillmore is a spiritual and metaphysical work that encapsulates the teachings of Charles Fillmore, co-founder of the Unity School of Christianity. Originally published in the early 20th century, this collection of talks serves as a comprehensive guide to understanding spiritual principles and the transformative power of Truth.

Unity Metaphysics

Book Description

This book, first published more than 70 years ago, is the key to the metaphysical teachings of Charles Fillmore, the co-founder of Unity. In it you will find fascinating quotations and comments on metaphysical subjects including the reality of God, the nature of humankind, and the purpose of Mind. You will find that Mind does two crucial things: it creates and emits Divine Ideas. You will see that true, perfect nature is what metaphysical thinkers know as an idea. The Divine Idea for human beings is given a special term, the Christ. Divine Ideas form the "pattern" from which things in the material world are expressed. These are fascinating metaphysical ideas from the heart and pen of America's preeminent metaphysician-Ideas from God-Mind.

Mysteries of Genesis

Book Description

THE BOOK OF GENESIS is the key to the Bible. In the New Testament it is quoted twenty-seven times literally and thirty-eight times substantially. It tells in a very few words how God first imaged man and the universe and then turned the development over to Jehovah, who has been in a process of manifestation for ages and aeons. The "Five Books of Moses," of which Genesis is the first, have always been credited to Moses, but that he was the author seems doubtful in the face of the many stories of creation found in the legends and hieroglyphs of ancient Egypt, Chaldea, and other nations that are almost identical with those of Genesis. It would thus seem that Moses edited the legends of the ages and compiled them into an allegorical history of creation. The truths in this book will be revealed to the reader through his own spiritual unfoldment. Spiritual things are spiritually discerned. The spiritual revelations that you seem to get from books and teachers already existed as submerged experiences in your own soul. The essential truths have been worked out in this or previous incarnations, and when you were reminded of the buried idea it blazed forth as a light from without. So all that you are or ever will be must come from your own spiritual achievements.

Unity in Truth

Book Description

Edited by Hywel Rees Jones It was just a handful of people; but because of the life that was in it, and the power of the Spirit upon it, the early church was mighty. It shook the world. Today the picture is one of chaos and confusion, within the church as well as outside it. The church has become uncertain of her own message. The Christian faith is being queried, denied and ridiculed almost as never before. The Lord Jesus Christ is reduced to Jesus - a mere man. He has been robbed of his eternal sonship, his unique deity and all his miracles, his atoning work and his literal physical resurrection. Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones calls on evangelicals to unite in a clear and uncompromising stand for the truth once delivered to the saints, in a fearless proclamation of the biblical gospel, which is the only answer to man's desperate need, and in prayer for a fresh outpouring of the power of the Holy Spirit in revival. Dr D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones (1899-1981), one of the most remarkable preachers of this century, exercised a wide and influential ministry, which began in his native Wales and continues today through the many books that have been published. He is especially known as the minister of Westminster Chapel in London, a position he occupied for nearly thirty years. These addresses, originally given under the auspices of the British Evangelical Council (BEC), are still as relevant today as when they were first preached.

Let There Be Light

Book Description

This is the first book of a trilogy written by one of Unity's early teachers, Elizabeth Sand Turner, that explores the Bible through the lens of Charles Fillmore's metaphysical Bible interpretation. Let There Be Light investigates the Old Testament, as its companion volumes, Your Hope of Glory and Be Ye Transformed, study the New Testament.

Evangelical Truth

Book Description

John Stott’s masterly distillation of sixty years’ reflection on Christian discipleship ranges over the history of the church and its formative teachings, as well as the world-wide church today. He expounds the trinitarian character of the evangelical faith: the gracious initiative of God the Father in revealing himself to us, of Jesus Christ in redeeming us through the cross, and of the indwelling Holy Spirit in transforming us. This is why the three-fold emphasis of evangelical faith is upon the Word of God, the once-for-all nature of the work of Christ and the active, continuing work of the Spirit. This edition of Evangelical Truth contains The Cape Town Commitment, a document produced by The Lausanne Movement faithfully reflecting the proceedings of The Third Lausanne Congress on World Evangelization.

Truth in Religion

Book Description

Continuing his exploration of the philosophical questions and doubts plaguing civilization today, Dr. Mortimer J. Adler explores where the truth lies in religion and the effects of diversity among religions. Truth in Religion is the product of Dr. Mortimer J. Adler’s search for a resolution to the age-old conflict between logic and faith. Aiming to discover where the truth lies among the plurality of the world’s organized religion, Dr. Adler explores the philosophy of religion and its true meanings among civilization as dictated by the principle of the unity of truth.