Überwachen und Strafen: Neuere Entwicklungen im Justizvollzug Surveiller et punir : nouvelles évolutions dans l'exécution des sanctions pénales

Book Description

Mit dem zehnjährigen Jubiläum erreichen die Freiburger Strafvollzugstage das Erwachsenenalter. Die Idee des inzwischen etablierten Strafvollzugskongresses wurde 1998 geboren, und seither diskutieren Vertreter aus Praxis und Forschung jedes zweite Jahr zu aktuellen Fragestellungen des Straf- und Massnahmenvollzugs. Die letzte Ausgabe der Veranstaltung, die im November 2016 stattfand, war der Praxis des Überwachens und der Disziplinierung sowie neueren Entwicklungen des Justizvollzugs in der Schweiz und in Europa gewidmet. Die Beiträge des vorliegenden Tagungsbands sind nun strafrechtspolitischen Kontinuitäten, neueren Entwicklungen und ausschlaggebenden Innovationen des Justizvollzugs gewidmet. Dabei werden die Themen Überwachung, Disziplinierung sowie Innovation einander gegenübergestellt. In dieser Perspektive werden drei Bereiche des Sanktionenvollzugs näher beleuchtet, namentlich der Freiheitsentzug, der Übergang in die Freiheit und der Vollzug von gemeindebezogenen Sanktionen. Die Gegenüberstellung dieser drei Bereiche erlaubt eine umfassendere Sicht auf den Vollzug strafrechtlicher Sanktionen im Sinne einer Auslegeordnung wie auch das Sichtbarmachen von transversalen Innovationen. Le 10e anniversaire des Journées pénitentiaires de Fribourg a marqué le passage à la majorité. Nées en 1998, les Journées pénitentiaires portent sur des questions de justice pénale. Le séminaire qui a eu lieu en novembre 2016 était consacré aux pratiques de surveillance, de discipline, ainsi qu'aux nouvelles évolutions dans l'exécution des sanctions pénales en Suisse et en Europe. Les réflexions inclues dans ce livre portent sur les invariants de la politique pénale ainsi que les transformations, voire les innovations principales intervenues ces dernières années. Le présent ouvrage traite quelques questions de base, à savoir, la surveillance, la discipline, ainsi que les évolutions dans l'exécution des sanctions pénales, et apporte un éclairage spécifique par rapport au milieu fermé, aux transitions et préparation à la sortie, ainsi qu'au suivi en milieu ouvert. La finalité de croisement entre ces trois secteurs est d'obtenir une image la plus complète possible de l'état des lieux et du potentiel innovateur qui peuvent y survenir.

What Works in Offender Rehabilitation

Book Description

This comprehensive volume summarizes the contemporary evidence base for offender assessment and rehabilitation, evaluating commonly used assessment frameworks and intervention strategies in a complete guide to best practice when working with a variety of offenders. Presents an up-to-date review of ‘what works’ in offer assessment and rehabilitation, along with discussion of contemporary attitudes and translating theory into practice Includes assessment and treatment for different offender types across a range of settings Internationally renowned contributors include James McGuire, James Bonta, Clive Hollin, Anthony Beech, Tony Ward, William Lindsay, Karl Hanson, Ray Novaco and William Marshall

Offender Supervision in Europe

Book Description

Offender supervision in Europe has developed rapidly in scale, distribution and intensity in recent years. However, the emergence of mass supervision in the community has largely escaped the attention of legal scholars and social scientists more concerned with the mass incarceration reflected in prison growth. As well as representing an important analytical lacuna for penology in general and comparative criminal justice in particular, the neglect of supervision means that research has not delivered the knowledge that is urgently required to engage with political, policy and practice communities grappling with delivering justice efficiently and effectively in fiscally straitened times, and with the challenges of communicating the meaning, legitimacy and utility of supervision to an insecure public. This book reports the findings from a survey of European research on this topic, undertaken during the first year of a European research network that spans twenty countries. As such, it provides the first comprehensive review of research on offender supervision in Europe, opening up an important new field of enquiry for comparative social science, and offering the prospects of better informed democratic deliberation about key challenges facing contemporary justice systems, policymakers and practitioners, and the societies they seek to serve.

The Oxford Handbook of Prisons and Imprisonment

Book Description

The Oxford Handbook of Prisons and Imprisonment provides the only single source that bridges social scientific and behavioral perspectives, providing graduate students with a more comprehensive understanding of the topic, academics with a body of knowledge that will more effectively inform their own research, and practitioners with an overview of evidence-based best practices.

Doing Research on Crime and Justice

Book Description

Focusing on the problems that novice researchers encounter when translating neat and tidy textbook methodologies into real life situations, this guide explains how to undertake research in the fields of criminology and criminal justice.

Law and Time

Book Description

Research on law's relationship with time has flourished over the past decade. This edited collection aims to put law and time scholarship into wider context, advancing conversations on time and temporalities between socio-legal scholars, anthropologists, sociologists, geographers and historians. Through a diverse range of contributions, the collection explores how legal modalities of time emerge and have effects within wider clusters of social and political action. Themes include: law’s diverse roles in maintaining linear historicist models of time; law’s participation in the materialisation of times; and the unsteady effects of temporal pluralism and polytemporalities in law. De-naturalising the ‘time’ in law and time scholarship, this collection positions time as something that can be enacted and materialised as well as experienced, with distinct implications for questions of social justice. The Introduction and Chapter 6 of this book are freely available as downloadable Open Access PDFs at http://www.taylorfrancis.com under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives (CC-BY-NC-ND) 4.0 license.

Annual Legal Bibliography

Book Description

What Works

Book Description

The last few years have seen a marked change in attitudes to the rehabilitation and management of offenders. It is now impossible to ignore evidence which demonstrates the possibilities for reducing reoffending. This book assembles and consolidates that evidence, and indicates the implications for both practice and research. Professionals in probation, parole and law, as well as in forensic psychology, psychiatry, nursing, and prison management and policy, will find this book of direct relevance to their work and thinking. It will be of interest and value to practitioners, academics and researchers across the whole field of adult and juvenile criminal justice. A key emphasis of the book is the relationship between research and practice: the evidence presented here constitutes a significant advancement in knowledge in the social sciences generally, and the findings are of considerable practical importance, in providing guidelines of relevance to practitioners and policy-makers throughout the criminal justice system.

European Sourcebook of Crime and Criminal Justice Statistics, 2010

Book Description

"This is the fourth edition of a data collection initiative that started in 1993 under the umbrella of the Council of Europe. The present document covers the years of 2003-2006 for all areas. In-depth analysis are presented for the year 2006. The basic structure of five chapters - offences and offenders known to the police, prosecution, convictions and sentences, corrections including non-custodial sanctions and survey data - has been maintained. However, several chapters were revised and extended in various respects. Chapter 5 presents data from the International Victimisation Surveys conducted between 1989 and 2005. In addition, for the first time information is included on self-reported delinquency among juveniles (aged 13-16) that was collected in 2006 during the second international self-reported delinquency survey held in 17 European countries."--Site web de l'éditeur.