The Total Novice’s Guide To UFOs

Book Description

“You are to be commended on such a great publication and I am humbled that you would even consider adding a few lines from one of my books," --Paul Hellyer Former Canadian Minister of National Defense “. . . this brilliantly produced book not only serves as a superb introduction to the subject but covers some fascinating and important new material for the aficionados.” --Timothy Good, Leading Authority on UFOs and Best-selling Author “I offer my gratitude to you, not only for the “heavy” copy of your book, but also the “light” that the content provides. You and your colleagues can be congratulated for your excellent summary of the history, and probable significance, of the ET presence on Earth. Love & light," --R. Leo Sprinkle, Ph.D., Famed Hypnotherapist and Consultant to Linda Moulton Howe “Also of interest is a chapter that discusses the “Skunk Works” (the advanced aircraft manufacturing division of Lockheed), and the shocking statements made by its former president, Ben Rich. These statements, which were confirmed by the author who was present at Rich’s March 23, 1993 UCLA presentation . . . Readers of this book would do well to consider the staggering implications of Rich’s comments, and their potential transportation and clean energy applications for this world.” --Michael Schratt, Military Aerospace Historian, Artist and Reviewer, Open Minds magazine ARE UFOs REAL? FINALLY, A GUIDE FOR THOSE WITH OPEN MINDS This is the revised and expanded 2nd edition (2015) of the original book written for the novice and for the more knowledgeable as well. 60+ new, color illustrations. New sections document the Hudson Valley triangular craft, Area 51/S4 hangar details, articles by the former Canadian Minister of Defense, the Hon. Paul Hellyer, and disclosures by US Air Force generals, American and Canadian scientists. Join the author, T. L. Keller, on a voyage to otherworldly places and understand the reality of UFOs, alien beings and how they get from wherever they are to planet Earth. This book is part of The Total Novice's Guide series of books intended for those who know little or nothing about a particular subject, have open minds and want to know more. * In this fascinating and informative read, you will be escorted through the Roswell and other incidents involving crashed alien spaceships. Read about Project Galileo, and testimony from government officials, as well as 10 former, military whistle-blowers who have had first-hand experiences with the unknown. * Get the latest inside information on the above-top secret, US government anti-gravity and flying disc program that has been fifty years in the making. * Learn about super secret, Area 51/S4; understand "Missing Time", and the true nature of human abductions. You will learn how alien vehicles travel here; and, more importantly, why they are here. Read how you will be impacted when the reality of UFOs and alien beings becomes known to the world. And it may be just around the corner...

Aliens and Ufos

Book Description

A new and compelling book which argues for the reality of Aliens and UFOs.Through a series of interesting and convincing “exhibits” and comparisons a legal case is made for the existence of Aliens and UFOs 'beyond a reasonable doubt.”In Section 1, the introduction of this book, legal evidence and the different levels of proof are discussed. The author proposes introducing evidence that is competent, relevant and material and that more than suffices to prove the case for the existence of Aliens and UFOs under the strictest evidentiary standard, “proof beyond a reasonable doubt.” Throughout the book numerous examples in the form of exhibits are provided. Section 2, “Ancient Historical Perspective,” includes selective examples of Alien and UFO sightings by our ancient ancestors – from cave dwellers to Christopher Columbus. They establish the fact that Alien and UFO sightings and encounters have been documented since the dawn of man. Much of the references to Aliens and UFOs are depicted or described in the limited terms familiar to the witnesses of the time and often explained within a restrictive religious framework. Section 3, “Application Of Scientific Reasoning,” presents scientific testimony for the existence of countless alien worlds and the almost certainty of intelligent life. It introduces man's attempt to scientifically classify and understand encounters while at the same coming to the realization that our understanding may be limited and elementary. Section 4, “Common Sense Argument,” discusses the relatively short span of man's existence, as compared to the probable longer span of older civilizations. It argues that we should be open to accepting the reality that we may not be the center of the universe and that we may still have much to learn. Section 5, “Recent Historical Perspective,” cites examples of recent Alien and UFO encounters. Radar, visual sightings, physical evidence and testimony of direct alien contact emphasize the fact that sightings and encounters are continuing and are becoming increasingly well documented. Section 6, “The Testimony Of Experts,” provides testimony – indirect and circumstantial (as in the case of Astronomer Carl Sagan) and very direct (as in the case of Astronaut Gordon Cooper). Section 7, “Select List Of UFOs In History,” contains numerous descriptions of UFO and Alien sightings – all providing strong proof that aliens and UFOs do indeed exist and are as real as astronauts and the space vehicles that transport them.

Here to Help

Book Description

Exploring the facts behind the myths, this book reframes the debate about the reality of the space visitors in view of the unprecedented changes engulfing the world today. After the early contactees had been ruthlessly debunked by an organized disinformation campaign, a new context was carefully constructed by clandestine government agencies in collusion with the media, with only one purpose: to ridicule or instil fear of the extraterrestrial presence. And while the experiences and messages of the original contactees are now largely being ignored amid the frenzy of fear-based speculation that has resulted from decades of cover-ups and subsequent conspiracy theories, the author shows that they are in fact more relevant today than ever before by bringing together the spiritual and the practical strands of Ufology. From historical records, documentary evidence and testimonies of early and contemporary contactees against the background of the Ageless Wisdom teaching, this book uncovers the patient and sustained efforts of the space people to interact with people of Earth. In the process it reveals the true motive for their presence - to help humanity through this historical time of transition by sharing their wisdom and technology. According to the author, the message from space can be summarized as: "Life is One, so live as one... or perish." About the author: Gerard Aartsen, M.Ed., has been a student of the Ageless Wisdom teaching for over 30 years. His many years of research resulted in the online reference Our Elder Brothers Return - A History in Books. A long-standing co-worker in the worldwide network of groups affiliated with British esotericist Benjamin Creme, he writes regular contributions to Share International magazine about the extraterrestrial presence on Earth. He is also a frequent guest on international radio shows about UFOs and related subjects, and gives lectures at home and abroad.

Aliens, UFOs and Other Mysteries from Space

Book Description

Many people are fascinated by stories of alien sightings and unidentified objects. Some people claim there is a scientific explanation for alien sightings and others insist they are real. Be a mystery solver by reading stories of claimed sightings and use all the evidence to decide what you believe.


Book Description

A former field investigator for the Condon Project, the University of Colorado's scientific study of UFOs, relates details of individual cases of reported UFO sightings and offers a historical overview of the UFO phenomenon.

Aliens and UFOs: Physical, Psychic or Social Reality? (Third Edition)

Book Description

This comprehensive book, written and updated over a period of 43 years with hundreds of references, will appeal to both beginners and experts, skeptics and believers, as well as to fans of Science-Fiction, aviation, students of Psychology, Sociology, Psychiatry plus those interested in psychic experiences and those interested in NASA, CIA and US military coverups of UFO evidence. Foreword by Nick Pope, of Britain’s “X files”. Topics include: summary of findings and evidence from 75 years of UFOlogy; dozens of classic and recent cases which still defy skeptical explanations; 13 famous cases that have been explained or exposed as hoaxes; many government coverups; possible Nazi-Roswell-Avro-CIA connections; psychic aspects, Carl Jung etc.; Hysterical Contagion (Mass Hysteria); the Rendlesham Forest case (triangular craft seen, touched and sketched by a US Air Force security sergeant, and witnessed taking off from the forest by him and another); the famous Roswell case; Shag Harbour USO case and other USO (Unidentified Submerged Object) cases; Belgium case; the recent shoot down of a UFO in Pentyrch England – beginning of a human-alien war? the huge subliminal influence science-fiction movies, TV shows, books, and comics have had on UFO sightings and encounters; origin of the Men in Black; missing time; the technology of flying saucers, including possible propulsion systems; airships of 1890-1912: mass hysteria, UFOs or actual early dirigibles (Zeppellns)? The religion aspect (aliens function as a new mythology / belief system for many); witches (yesteryear's aliens?) Angels v. Aliens; recent US Navy sightings and disclosure in the US and other nations; the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program and Luis Elizondo, the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force (2020) Airborne Object Identification and Management Synchronization Group (2021). ABDUCTIONS (a) UFO Neurosis - a new psychiatric diagnosis for some people who believe that they have been kidnapped by space aliens; (b) Some “alien abductions” are actually "screen memories" of sexual assaults, usually committed by family members or trusted friends; (c) Above applied to the famous Barney and Betty Hill case and to a few others; (d) A different hypothesis applying psychologist Julian Jaynes' 1976 theory about the bicameral mind to "experiencers" to suggest that some have bicameral brains like everyone did 4000 years, according to Jaynes; (e) One case that would stand up if it were tried at court (Pascagoula Mississippi).

Aliens from Space

Book Description

A textbook for the upper grades exploring various aspects of oral communication.

If UFOS are Real

Book Description

Examines sightings, studies, and projects related to unidentified flying objects and discusses the search for life in space.

Aliens and UFOs

Book Description

Some think UFO lore began sometime in the 1940s with the sighting of so-called “flying saucers,” but ancient Egyptians recorded sightings of mysterious unidentified objects in the sky as well! These couldn’t have been experimental aircraft, as is so often the explanation for UFO accounts. This entertaining guide to all things alien presents the facts and lore of UFO and alien sightings. The motivating text also considers the impact and influence of alien movies and space discoveries. Readers will weigh the well-balanced evidence with the aid of fun images and photographs and assess whether they are true believers.