Ultra-thin Platinum

Book Description

The ability to deposit thin, conformal films is very important given the down-scaling of devices. Pt, in particular, has attracted considerable attention for thin film applications in micro and nano-electronic devices due to its chemical inertness, high work function, and excellent electrical properties, including a linear temperature coefficient of resistance (TCR), over a wide temperature range. However, the use of Pt in devices has been somewhat limited, both because of material cost and limitations caused by the directionality of conventional Pt deposition techniques. In this work, thin Pt films as thin as 3.7 nm were deposited using Plasma Enhanced Atomic Layer Deposition (PEALD), and electrical properties of thin Pt films were measured. In addition, some potential application areas for thin Pt films were explored. Chapters 3 and 4 of this dissertation discuss lowering the thickness limit of current Pt films, and how these films' electrical properties change according to thickness. Here in this work, by changing the nucleation layer to TiO2 from Al2O3, the non-ideal nucleation behavior of Pt was mitigated. With this change, the previous thickness limit of electrical continuous Pt, reported to be 8 nm, was pushed to 4 nm. The electrical properties of these thin Pt films, electrical conductivity and Temperature Coefficient of Resistance (TCR), were measured. While Pt films down to 5.7 nm followed the theoretical models very well, Pt films thinner than 5.7 nm deviated from the theory due to incomplete coverage. Nonetheless, Pt film with a thickness of 3.7 nm was deposited on TiO2 and showed good electrical conductivity and electrical stability; the results show that Pt films could be used for Resistance Temperature Detectors (RTDs) for next-generation micro/nano-electromechanical devices. Two potential application areas of thin Pt are discussed in the last two chapters of this dissertation: wearable and flow sensing applications. In chapter 5, thin Pt films' ability to be used as a flexible electrode was studied for wearable application. Pt deposited on flexible substrates had a similar electrical property and TCR as Pt deposited on rigid substrates, and also demonstrated remarkable stability during a bending test, showing within 1% drift in electrical conductivity after 1000 cyclic bending tests. In chapter 6, fabrication and testing of the first thinnest PEALD Pt anemometer is discussed. In addition, with U-Trench technique, novel corrugated beam design and its effect on anemometer performance is discussed. For 20 nm thick Pt sensing element, wind velocities between 1.5 - 18 m/s could be sensed by using as little as 3 mW with the response time of 3.74 ms. Moreover, when the sensing element was wide as 20 um, adding corrugation to the sensing element heated the sensing element more than the sensing element with no corrugation, thereby increasing the anemometer performance significantly. In summary, Pt showed remarkable performances for both applications, proving its potential importance for next-generation micro/nano-electromechanical devices.

Pure Intelligence

Book Description

William Hyde Wollaston made an astonishing number of discoveries in an astonishingly varied number of fields: platinum metallurgy, the existence of ultraviolet radiation, the chemical elements palladium and rhodium, the amino acid cystine, and the physiology of binocular vision, among others. Along with his colleagues Humphry Davy and Thomas Young, he was widely recognized during his life as one of Britain’s leading scientific practitioners in the first part of the nineteenth century, and the deaths of all three within a six-month span, between 1828 and 1829, were seen by many as the end of a glorious period of British scientific supremacy. Unlike Davy and Young, however, Wollaston was not the subject of a contemporary biography, and his many impressive achievements have fallen into obscurity as a result. Pure Intelligence is the first book-length study of Wollaston, his science, and the environment in which he thrived. Drawing on previously-unstudied laboratory records as well as historical reconstructions of chemical experiments and discoveries, and written in a highly accessible style, Pure Intelligence will help to reinstate Wollaston in the history of science, and the pantheon of its great innovators.

New Method for Coating Nickel with Ultrathin Platinum Films

Book Description

An atomic layer deposition (ALD) technique for applying very thin platinum coatings onto nickel substrates is presented. In this research, a removable nickel rotating disk electrode was used as the substrate for a process involving MeCpPtMe3 and H2, both of which were in the gas phase when exposed to the substrate. The substrate was exposed to the two aforementioned compounds sequentially. Ultra pure N2 was used to remove each component before introducing the next one into the chamber. This process of alternately exposing the nickel disk to MeCpPtMe3 and H2 (with N2 in between) was repeated for specified numbers of times in order to produce films of various thicknesses. Electrochemical properties of the coatings were tested using rotating disk electrode geometry. On several occasions, the total amount of Pt applied was determined in order to assess the economic feasibility of potential scale up.

Directed Synthesis

Book Description

Structure-directed synthesis aims at the design and preparation of novel solid-state structures; using the structure-directing capability of some molecular additive, the so-called structure-directing agent. This general train of thought has led to the development of many weird and wonderful strategies. The book presents an in-depth review of the field and discusses the potential for further developments. Some of the topics are listed under ‘Keywords’. The book references 343 original resources with their direct web links for in-depth reading. Keywords: Directed Synthesis, Multicomponent Colloidal Nanostructures, Nanoparticle-Seed Surfaces, Photocatalytic and Photo-Electrochemical Applications, Synthesis of Nanostructured Metal Oxides and Metal Oxalates, Wide-Bandgap Semiconductors and Metals with Surface Plasmon-Resonance Active Bands, Mesoporous Materials Possessing Multilevel Architectures, Spatially Distinct Nanostructured Organic and Inorganic Arrays, 2- and 3-Dimensional Periodic Composite Structures, Protein-Protein Interaction and DNA Hybridization, Polynuclear Complexes and Coordination Polymers of 3d Metals, Ultra-Small Metal Nanoclusters, Biomolecule-Nanocluster Composites, Nanostructured Sulphur-Carbon Nanotube Cathode.

Advances in Catalysis

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Advances in Catalysis

BioNanoFluidic MEMS

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This book explains biosensor development fundamentals. It also initiates awareness in engineers and scientists who would like to develop and implement novel biosensors for agriculture, biomedicine, homeland security, environmental needs, and disease identification. In addition, the book introduces and lays the basic foundation for design, fabrication, testing, and implementation of next generation biosensors through hands-on learning.

Dental Practice

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