
Book Description

How do we know which social and economic policies work, which should be continued, and which should be changed? Jim Manzi argues that throughout history, various methods have been attempted -- except for controlled experimentation. Experiments provide the feedback loop that allows us, in certain limited ways, to identify error in our beliefs as a first step to correcting them. Over the course of the first half of the twentieth century, scientists invented a methodology for executing controlled experiments to evaluate certain kinds of proposed social interventions. This technique goes by many names in different contexts (randomized control trials, randomized field experiments, clinical trials, etc.). Over the past ten to twenty years this has been increasingly deployed in a wide variety of contexts, but it remains the red-haired step child of modern social science. This is starting to change, and this change should be encouraged and accelerated, even though the staggering complexity of human society creates severe limits to what social science could be realistically expected to achieve. Randomized trials have shown, for example, that work requirements for welfare recipients have succeeded like nothing else in encouraging employment, that charter school vouchers have been successful in increasing educational attainment for underprivileged children, and that community policing has worked to reduce crime, but also that programs like Head Start and Job Corps, which might be politically attractive, fail to attain their intended objectives. Business leaders can also use experiments to test decisions in a controlled, low-risk environment before investing precious resources in large-scale changes -- the philosophy behind Manzi's own successful software company. In a powerful and masterfully-argued book, Manzi shows us how the methods of science can be applied to social and economic policy in order to ensure progress and prosperity.

The Uncontrolled

Book Description

The robotic way people smile is John's first inclination that things are not quite as they seem in Grand Siles. Attending his last year of middle school, the boy's parents are forced to tell him about a plot so abominable that it upends John's world. At the age of fourteen, everyone is brainwashed with a tracking device by a society called Tracker for Globe "T.F.G." John, and his friends, Chase and Hazel, become aware of this hidden society tracking and controlling people when it is their turn to be implanted with the device. Over time plot twists come into play as John starts seeing visions of the future and a second secret group, the Renegades, work with John to fight the T.F.G. While hope of winning the war is right within their grasp, John realizes he might not be the only with special abilities. With a creative use of holograms and plotting, John and his friends, along with the Renegades, take on the T.F.G. in an exciting and unexpected battle.

Kinetic Control

Book Description

This text is designed as a clinical reference to develop knowledge of the examination, diagnosis and classification of uncontrolled movement (motor control dysfunction) and the management of movement dysfunction. It will help the therapist: Develop clinical skills in the assessment and retraining of movement control To use movement control tests to identify uncontrolled movement To classify uncontrolled movement into diagnostic subgroups Access a large range of motor control and movement retraining strategies Develop an assessment framework that will provide a diagnosis of dysfunction, pain sensitive tissues and pain mechanisms Use a clinical reasoning framework to prioritise clinical decision making

Uncontrolled Risk: Lessons of Lehman Brothers and How Systemic Risk Can Still Bring Down the World Financial System

Book Description

Why was Lehman ignored when everyone else was bailed out? A risk advisor for top financial institutions and top B-school professor, Mark Williams explains how uncontrolled risk toppled a 158-year-old institution, using this story as a microcosm to illuminate the interconnection of the global financial system, as well as broader policy implications. This story is told through the eyes of an experienced risk manager and educator in a detailed and engaging way and provides the reader with a complete summary of how a savvy company with sophisticated employees and systems could have gotten it so wrong.

Face Analysis Under Uncontrolled Conditions

Book Description

Face analysis is essential for a large number of applications such as human-computer interaction or multimedia (e.g. content indexing and retrieval). Although many approaches are under investigation, performance under uncontrolled conditions is still not satisfactory. The variations that impact facial appearance (e.g. pose, expression, illumination, occlusion, motion blur) make it a difficult problem to solve. This book describes the progress towards this goal, from a core building block – landmark detection – to the higher level of micro and macro expression recognition. Specifically, the book addresses the modeling of temporal information to coincide with the dynamic nature of the face. It also includes a benchmark of recent solutions along with details about the acquisition of a dataset for such tasks.

Uncontrolled Markets and the Inflationary Process in a Centrally Planned Economy

Book Description

This paper analyzes the inflationary process in a centrally planned economy which has an uncontrolled market where prices can move more freely. The maintenance of controls over prices and rationing in the economy leads to the emergence of forces that generate inflation in the uncontrolled market, and that cause shrinkage of the controlled economy as resources move into the uncontrolled market. Decontrol of prices and production of the controlled market is the optimal policy. The adoption of this policy facilitates an increase in income and aggregate demand, which raises the equilibrium prices and total production in the economy.