Unleashing Prosperity

Book Description

Over the past few years, the countries of Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union have seen rapid productivity growth that has driven up living standards and reduced poverty. Unleashing Prosperity examines the microfoundations of the recent growth. The report shows that these countries have enjoyed substantial productivity gains from the reallocation of labor and capital to more productive sectors and firms, from the entry of new firms and the exit of obsolete firms, and from the more efficient use of resources. Unleashing Prosperity also illustrates that policy reforms that promote governance and macroeconomic stability, market competition, infrastructure quality, financial deepening, labor market flexibility, and skill upgrading are important in achieving higher productivity growth. However, significant challenges remain in sustaining productivity growth. The report argues that for the early reformers (most of the 10 new members of the European Union, plus Turkey), policy reforms aimed at improving the ability of firms to innovate and compete in global markets are a main concern. By contrast, for the late reformers (most of Southeastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States), policy reforms aimed at addressing the legacy of transition continue to be a top priority. Unleashing Prosperity shows why microeconomic reforms deserve more attention. It is a must-read for policy makers, government officials, researchers, and economists who are interested in furthering growth and prosperity in the region.

Money Magic

Book Description

Making, keeping, and enjoying money isn't just about investments, salaries, inheritances, or dividends, according to Deborah Price. It's also about the games people play around money and their character type in relation to it. In Money Magic, Price shows how to transform your relationship with money to obtain the wealth you desire. The book is structured around eight "types": the Innocent (the ostrich approach); the Victim (blaming circumstances); the Warrior (conquering money); the Martyr (always rescuing someone); the Fool (gambler looking for a windfall); the Creator/Artist (regarding money as evil); the Tyrant (controlling through money); and the Magician (benefitting spiritually and financially from money). The Magician is the book's ideal, and Price offers exercises to help readers attain it. Describes eight money types, and offers quizzes to determine your type. Shows readers how to stop making fear-based money choices.

A Few Thousand Dollars

Book Description

A guide to making the U.S. economy work for everyone, by a leading advocate of asset development The majority of Americans do not have a few thousand dollars to weather an unexpected illness, job loss, or accident. Most Americans, including 80 percent of people of color, are locked out of the mainstream economy, unable to add their talents, work, and dreams, unable to share in the bounty of this economy. Without a nest egg most Americans cannot invest in their future—and the future of our country—through saving, entrepreneurship, education, and homeownership. We can—and we should—do better. Longtime leader in the field of asset-building Robert E. Friedman demonstrates how a few simple policy changes would address wealth inequality—and build a better economy and a stronger country for us all. In six sharp, compelling chapters, accented by sixteen original black-and-white illustrations by Rohan Eason that present the realities of income and asset inequality and explain the needed policy interventions, Friedman addresses savings, business, education, home, and prosperity to articulate a vision for making inclusive investments without spending an additional dollar, just by transforming tax subsidies for the wealthy few into seeds for prosperity for everyone. This is an investment with a huge return: the redemption of the American promise of prosperity for all.

Cashing in on Education

Book Description

Investments in education across countries in Latin America and the Caribbean have transformed the lives of millions of girls and the prospects of their families and societies. Unleashing the full economic potential of women is nevertheless still a curtailed issue in the region: just about half of women are unable to participate in paid work. The majority of the population out of the labor market is women between the ages of 24 and 45. This is the largest share of the available pool of unused human capital countries have, and where mothers of young children are concentrated. This book argues that more and better childcare constitutes a fundamental policy option to improve female outcomes in the labor market, but countries need to pay particular attention to the design and features of such services. First-rate educational programs will be useless if children are not enrolled or do not attend formal education centers. A large program expansion will be wasted if parents cannot enroll their children because they are unable to reach the center, don’t trust its quality, if the program is too expensive, or if work and care schedules are not compatible. Through an integrated framework applied to each country and an overview of the existing evidence, this book addresses the why and what questions about policy relevant instruments to achieve female labor participation. Parts I and II of the book lay out the motivation for Latin-American and Caribbean countries to act depicting their current situation both in terms of women’s labor participation and the use and provision of childcare services. Moreover, this book tackles the how question contributing to the incipient evidence about factors affecting the take-up of programs and demand for childcare services and other informal care arrangements. Part III of the book explores how to improve services and implement more and better formal, center-based care arrangements for young children. It looks at international benchmarks, discusses different experiences and proposes specific actions to solve potential inequalities in access to childcare.

The 4% Solution

Book Description

Foreword by President George W. Bush With contributions from world renowned economists and Nobel prizewinners, The 4% Solution is a blueprint for restoring America’s economic health The United States is reaching a pivotal point in its economic history. Millions of Americans owe more on their homes than they are worth, long-term unemployment is alarmingly high, and the Congressional Budget Office is projecting a sustainable growth rate of only 2.3%—a full percentage point below the average for the past sixty years. Unless a turnaround comes quickly, the United States could be mired in debt for years to come and millions of Americans will be pushed to the sidelines of the economy. The 4% Solution offers clear and unflinching ideas on how to revive America’s economy. It sets a positive economic goal and asks some of the top economic minds on how to achieve it. With a focus on removing government constraints, The 4% Solution defines the policies that will allow Americans to save, invest, and create the jobs that the United States needs. The 4% Solution draws on the best minds in the business, including five Nobel laureates: · Robert E. Lucas, Jr., on the history and future of economic growth · Gary S. Becker on why we need immigrants in order to grow · Edward Prescott on the cost (to growth) of the welfare state · Vernon Smith on why housing leads us into and out of recessions · Myron Scholes on why we need to innovate in order to grow the economy

Economic Growth

Book Description

This book outlines benefits and moral dimensions of economic growth. It provides evidence from the past two centuries showing the relationship between growth and human well-being, greater global income equality and environmental improvements and sustainability.

Unleashing Abundance

Book Description

Unleashing Abundance: The Path to Prosperity and Fulfillment Are you ready to break free from scarcity and unlock the boundless potential within you? In "Unleashing Abundance: The Path to Prosperity and Fulfillment," you will embark on a transformative journey that will empower you to live a life of abundance in all areas. In this groundbreaking book, renowned author and abundance expert delve deep into the principles, strategies, and mindset shifts necessary to unleash abundance in every aspect of your life. Drawing from a wealth of research, personal anecdotes, and practical wisdom, they guide you on a step-by-step path towards creating a life of prosperity, joy, and fulfillment. Through the pages of this book, you will: 1. Discover the true meaning of abundance and its significance in creating a life of fulfillment. 2. Gain insights into the mindset shifts necessary to break free from scarcity and embrace a mindset of abundance. 3. Learn practical strategies to attract financial abundance, create wealth, and develop a healthy relationship with money. 4. Cultivate harmonious and fulfilling relationships that radiate love, connection, and abundance. 5. Uncover the secrets to vibrant health and well-being, allowing you to experience abundance in your body and mind. 6. Explore the power of personal growth and fulfillment, discovering your passions, setting meaningful goals, and celebrating your journey. 7. Embrace the joy of giving and making a positive impact in the world, understanding that abundance is meant to be shared. With a combination of insightful teachings, inspiring stories, and practical exercises, "Unleashing Abundance" provides you with the tools and guidance needed to manifest abundance and prosperity in your life. Each chapter offers profound insights, actionable steps, and transformative practices that will empower you to tap into your unlimited potential and create a life that exceeds your wildest dreams. Whether you desire financial abundance, loving relationships, vibrant health, or personal growth, this book serves as your comprehensive guide to unleashing abundance in every area of your life. It is a roadmap to prosperity, fulfillment, and the limitless possibilities that await you. If you are ready to step into a life of abundance and unlock your true potential, then "Unleashing Abundance: The Path to Prosperity and Fulfillment" is the book for you. Embrace the journey, ignite your abundance consciousness, and create the life you have always dreamed of. It's time to unleash your abundance and live life to the fullest!

Prosperity Blueprint

Book Description

Embark on a Journey to Transform Your Wealth and Life! Discover the secrets to unlocking a life of abundance with "Prosperity Blueprint: Unleashing the Power of Money Manifestation." This interactive guide is your ticket to financial empowerment, blending practical strategies with the transformative magic of money manifestation. What Awaits You Inside: Manifestation Magic: Learn the art of channeling positive energy to manifest financial abundance and open the floodgates to prosperity. Wealth Building Strategies: Uncover savvy investment techniques, demystify entrepreneurship, and set achievable financial goals to pave your way to wealth. Mindful Living: Infuse mindfulness into your financial journey and witness the profound impact on your overall well-being. Holistic Prosperity: Explore the interconnected realms of financial success, emotional fulfillment, and purposeful living for a truly holistic approach to prosperity. Actionable Steps: This isn't just a book; it's your prosperity playbook! Dive into practical exercises and personalized blueprints to implement newfound knowledge immediately. Ready to Rewrite Your Financial Story?

7 Keys to Unleashing Your Prosperity

Book Description

Everyone wants to gain success in their lives. They want to reach their goals and be able to show off all of the hard work that they have done for a very long time. Whether your goals include having a nice house, having a family, getting a promotion at work, or making a lot of money, you can reach your goals with a little bit of hard work. Moreover, this book will help you to understand the steps that are needed in order to reach your overall goals. Even though these steps are simple, it will take some time and patience to achieve them. Furthermore, if you follow these simple steps, you will be able to reach all of the goals that you have ever wanted. Finally, take this guidebook along with you in order to understand how to reach your desired goals without wasting time or unnecessary worrying. These 7 Keys to Unleashing Your Prosperity will release prosperity and success abundantly beyond your greatest expectations.