Using Public Expenditure Tracking Surveys to Monitor Projects and Small-Scale Programs

Book Description

Public Expenditure Tracking Surveys (PETS) are a tried and tested methodology to identify delays in financial and in-kind transfers, leakages, and other inefficiencies in government programs. This guidebook aims to provide a starting point for civil society groups and other organizations interested in taking a closer look at government spending processes, both on a small and a larger scale. It is designed to lead users from the definition of the appropriate Public Expenditure Tracking Survey to be used, to the dissemination of its findings, with an emphasis on using evidence effectively to influence policy decisions at any level. Based on the experience of the World Bank in measuring and improving the effectiveness of service delivery, this approach helps empower citizens to keep service providers accountable through better information, communication, and engagement.

Global Corruption Report: Education

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Corruption and poor governance are acknowledged as major impediments to realizing the right to education and to reaching the Millennium Development Goal of universal primary education by 2015. Corruption not only distorts access to education, but affects the quality of education and the reliability of research findings. From corruption in the procurement of school resources and nepotism in the hiring of teachers, to the buying and selling of academic titles and the skewing of research results, major corruption risks can be identified at every level of the education and research systems. Conversely, education serves as a means to strengthen personal integrity and is a critical tool to address corruption effectively. The Global Corruption Report (GCR) is Transparency International’s flagship publication, bringing the expertise of the anti-corruption movement to bear on a specific corruption issue or sector. The Global Corruption Report on education consists of more than 70 articles commissioned from experts in the fields of corruption and education, from universities, think-tanks, business, civil society and international organisations. The Global Corruption Report on education and academic research will provide essential analysis for understanding the corruption risks in the sector and highlight the significant work that has already been done in the field to improve governance and educational outcomes. This will be an opportunity to pull together cutting edge knowledge on lessons learnt, innovative tools and solutions that exist in order to fight corruption in the education sector.

The Government Analytics Handbook

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The Government Analytics Handbook presents frontier evidence and practitioner insights on how to leverage data to strengthen public administration. Covering a range of microdata sources—such as administrative data and public servant surveys—as well as tools and resources for undertaking the analytics, it transforms the ability of governments to take a data-informed approach to diagnose and improve how public organizations work. Readers can order the book as a single volume in print or digital formats, or visit for modular access and additional hands-on tools. The Handbook is a must-have for practitioners, policy makers, academics, and government agencies. “Governments have long been assessed using aggregate governance indicators, giving us little insight into their diversity and how they can practically be improved. This pioneering handbook shows how microdata can be used to give scholars and practitioners granular and real insights into how states work, and practical guidance on the process of state-building.†? —Francis Fukuyama, Stanford University, author of State-Building: Governance and World Order in the 21st Century “The Government Analytics Handbook is the most comprehensive work on practically building government administration I have ever seen, helping practitioners to change public administration for the better.†? —Francisco Gaetani, Special Secretary for State Transformation, Government of Brazil “The machinery of the state is central to a country’s prosperity. This handbook provides insights and methodological tools for creating a better shared understanding of the realities of a state, to support the redesign of institutions, and improve the quality of public administration.†? —James Robinson, University of Chicago, coauthor of Why Nations Fail

Governance in Developing Asia

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Governance in Developing Asia is one of the first books of its kind to provide an overview of the role that better governance and citizen empowerment can play in improving public service delivery in developing Asia. The World Development Report 2004 se

Improving Public Services

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This volume spotlights recent advances in the worldwide use of quantitative performance measures in the public sector, especially approaches that incorporate program evaluation techniques. Chapters include single-country case studies, multi-country comparisons, and thoughtful essays on the challenges of making performance measurement and management work in diverse settings.

A Clean House?

Book Description

In virtually all popular indices and scales measuring bribery and dishonesty on a national level, Sweden performs strongly with its quality of rule of law and absence of corruption. But does this automatically imply that this “least sickly” patient can be declared perfectly healthy? By extensively reviewing existing research and consulting various sources of data, the authors of “A Clean House?” attempt to unpack the Swedish case. What do we know about corruption in Sweden, and what can be said of such affairs over time in the country? The four scholars of political science demonstrate that countries typically viewed as low-corruption states can have particular problems of a different type that should not be underestimated nor neglected.

Citizens and Service Delivery

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The report reviews how citizens can influence education, health and social protection services through access to information and opportunities to hold providers accountable. It takes stock of international evidence and experience from projects supported by the World Bank to identify knowledge gaps, key questions and areas for further work.

Criminology of Corruption

Book Description

This book uniquely applies theoretical approaches from criminology and sociology to the problem of corruption. Theoretical thoughts have future consequences on how we treat, punish and deter and corruption policy illustrates that theoretical approaches affect what laws and techniques are implemented. Theoretical approaches, however, are not developed in a social and political vacuum; they are a part of the changing social world and understanding why corruption occurs is a preface to developing strategies to control and prevent it. Criminology of Corruption analyses corruption on an international scale and uses numerous case studies to help explain why individuals, organisations and states are corrupt. The book charts the development of the most relevant theoretical approaches and uses them to help explain acts of corruption and prevention. It will be of great interest to scholars researching these issues across criminology, sociology and other disciplines.