Heroes and Victims

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The cultural politics of commemorating war.

Victims, Villains and Heroes

Book Description

We are all actors in a play, for which the stage is set every day, in every workplace. Owners, managers, employees, customers and suppliers are all part of the constant, swirling emotional drama, a drama we call The Plot, involving victims, villains and heroes. This book explains how to step out of emotional dramas in the workplace.

The Victim as Hero

Book Description

This is the first systematic, historical inquiry into the emergence of "victim consciousness" (higaisha ishiki) as an essential component of Japanese pacifist national identity after World War II. In his meticulously crafted narrative and analysis, the author reveals how postwar Japanese elites and American occupying authorities collaborated to structure the parameters of remembrance of the war, including the notion that the emperor and his people had been betrayed and duped by militarists. He goes on to explain the Japanese reliance on victim consciousness through a discussion of the ban-the-bomb movement of the mid-1950s, which raised the prominence of Hiroshima as an archetype of war victimhood and brought about the selective focus on Japanese war victimhood; the political strategies of three self-defined war victim groups (A-bomb victims, repatriates, and dispossessed landlords) to gain state compensation and hence valorization of their war victim experiences; shifting textbook narratives that reflected contemporary attitudes and structured future generations' understanding of the war; and three classic antiwar novels and films that contributed to the shaping of a "sentimental humanism" that continues to leave a strong imprint on the collective Japanese conscience.

Re-Thinking Men

Book Description

Much writing on men in the field of gender studies tends to focus unduly, almost exclusively, on portraying men as villains and women as victims in a moral bi-polar paradigm. Re-Thinking Men reverses the proclivity which ignores not only the positive contributions of men to society, but also the male victims of life including the homeless, the incarcerated, the victims of homicide, suicide, accidents, war and the draft, and sexism, as well as those affected by the failures of the health, education, political and justice systems. Proceeding from a radically different perspective in seeking a more positive, balanced and inclusive view of men (and women), this book presents three contrasting paradigms of men as Heroes, Villains and Victims. With the development of a comparative and revised gender perspective drawing on US, Canadian and UK sources, this book will be of interest to scholars across a range of social sciences.

Victims and Heroes

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Hero on a Mission

Book Description

New York Times bestselling author Donald Miller shares the plan that led him to turn his life around. This actionable guide will teach you how to do the same through journaling prompts and goal-planning exercises. There are four characters in every story: The victim, the villain, the hero, and the guide. These four characters live inside us. If we play the victim, we’re doomed to fail. If we play the villain, we will not create genuine bonds. But if we play the hero or guide, our lives will flourish. The hard part is being self-aware enough to know which character we are playing. In this book, bestselling author Donald Miller uses his own experiences to help you recognize if the character you are currently surfacing is helping you experience a life of meaning. He breaks down the transformational, yet practical, plan that took him from slowly giving up to rapidly gaining a new perspective of his own life’s beauty and meaning, igniting his motivation, passion, and productivity, so you can do the same. In Hero on a Mission, Donald’s lessons will teach you how to: Discover when you are playing the victim and villain. Create a simple life plan that will bring clarity and meaning to your goals ahead. Take control of your life by choosing to be the hero in your story. Cultivate a sense of creativity about what your life can be. Move beyond just being productive to experiencing a deep sense of meaning. Donald will help you identify the many chances you have of being the hero in your life, and the times when you are falling into the trap of becoming the victim. Hero on a Mission will guide you in developing a unique plan that will speak to the challenges you currently face so you can find the fulfillment you have been searching for in your life and work.

Branding with Powerful Stories

Book Description

Whether you are branding your company, your product, your service, or yourself, learn to boost the power of your story and convey a compelling message in any setting by incorporating villains, victims, and heroes. Compelling stories exalt, motivate, and acculturate every worker in an enterprise. They also attract customers and media alike. Imagine an elderly man, snowed in, unable to shop for groceries until a supermarket comes to the rescue and delivers his food. The story of this company going out of its way to help a customer in need will resonate not only with consumers but also with employees. This book explains not just how to tell a captivating story, but also what elements—namely, villains, victims, and heroes—it should include in the first place. This approach is based on the notion that in business messaging, the villains may just be your best friends. The "villains" are simply any problems that cause pain, discomfort, or extra expense for customers, who are in effect the "victims." As for the "heroes," they are best illustrated by the supermarket going beyond expectations. Who in business wouldn't want to emulate that company? If your products and services offer real solutions to customers' predicaments, there is nothing more powerful than communicating that message and making sure your potential customers remember it.

Unintentional Hero

Book Description

When hopelessness seems to be the only option, how do you find the strength to persevere through unimaginable circumstances? When the possibility of death looms in every corner of your mind, how can you emerge more resilient than before? What if you are mercilessly abused nearly to death by the very individual who has sworn to love you until "death do us part?" What do you do when you feel the darkness around you as if it is consuming you and inescapable?Unintentional Hero answers these questions in an extraordinary story of strength, faith, and resilience. After years of surviving in the shadows, bound by the chains of physical, mental, and emotional abuse, an oppressed woman found the courage not only to escape her oppressor, but also the courage to build a life focused on helping those like her. While this book explores one particular woman's harrowing journey, its message runs through the veins of every person who has been, or continues to be, a survivor of domestic violence. From the foreword notes, Rania explains "You are about to read about a time of my life, the circumstances of which are exceedingly difficult for most people to comprehend. At times, they're difficult for me to understand, and I lived through them. If you are, or have been, a victim of domestic violence, you already understand all too well. I offer you my unending support and hope for the life you deserve. If you are not (or have never been) a victim, as you read my story, you may wonder why I didn't "just" leave. People ask this question of victims all the time. And the answer is complex and dark, just as the abuse itself. The reason is it is based on a victim's state of mind -- a state of mind that is as bloody and bruised as any visible injuries. There is no simple comparison to a healthy, clear mindset with the capacity to make rational decisions.Abuse, in any form, is anything but rational. Victims are often brainwashed to believe that there are no options or ways out. And, even if we allowed ourselves the freedom of thought to realize there may be, we live in constant fear and under constant threats of what will happen if we try to leave. We know, better than anyone, what our abusers are capable of. Unintentional Hero is about finding light after years of being shrouded in darkness. Yet, as with all journeys, a survivor's path is not easy. A survivor of domestic violence must emerge from a seemingly bottomless abyss and search the very depths of their soul to begin the healing process and regain a sense of self. But like all survivor stories, there are heroes along the way who help navigate bumpy roads fraught with obstacles. Unintentional Hero explores the obstacles survivors face. Visible obstacles can heal quickly and easily with time, but it is the invisible roadblocks that stubbornly bury themselves in a survivor's mind that can wreak havoc for years. But sometimes, a person will cross our path in our darkest hour and chip away at the roadblock, eroding it until we can once again walk our path. That person is one of the remarkable people who doesn't necessarily intend to make an impact, yet often makes the biggest one. Unintentional Hero helps survivors of domestic violence understand that even when all feels lost, a hero may be just around the corner, if only they have the courage to look. Above all, this book offers love and support.Unintentional Hero embodies what the human spirit is capable of when we possess the will not only to change our circumstances, but to acknowledge the efforts of the unintentional heroes who may have helped save our lives."This book is dedicated to victims of domestic abuse. May your bruises heal, your scars fade, and your minds clear. May the darkness fade into shadows and the shadows disappear into light. May you find the life that you deserve."

Heroes of Their Own Lives

Book Description

In this powerful and moving history of family violence, historian Linda Gordon traces policies on child abuse and neglect, wife-beating, and incest from 1880 to 1960. Drawing on hundreds of case records from social agencies devoted to dealing with the problem, she chronicles the changing visibility of family violence.

Heroes and Victims

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