Water as an Inescapable Risk

Book Description

The book presents an interdisciplinary systematic evaluation of increasing water stress and scarcity over the globe and specifically South Africa. South Africa is used as the prime example as the country is experiencing similar water challenges in terms of availability and quality as most regions across the globe. Water availability is predominantly used to illustrate water scarcity however, continued degradation of the world's freshwater resources, by a multitude of natural and anthropogenic factors, have consequently exacerbated water stress and scarcity due to it being of insufficient quality for various uses. The increase of water scarcity through both natural and anthropogenic factors has in turn led to water being viewed as an increasing risk within all spheres. Water as a source of conflict has come to the forefront especially within regions which struggle to meet the increasing demands from different water users and trying to achieve future sustainability of the resource. The increase of water scarcity and stress as well as the continued pressure of population and economic growth has brought various new challenges into play. This book focuses on water as an increasing risk over the globe and specifically South Africa by reviewing both water availability and quality, evaluating water as a global and national risk. The book concludes by focusing on current limitations, necessary strategic actions as well as possible policy-related changes which may be required to adapt to future water challenges and to lessen water as an increasing risk.

Water as an Inescapable Risk

Book Description

The book presents an interdisciplinary systematic evaluation of increasing water stress and scarcity over the globe and specifically South Africa. South Africa is used as the prime example as the country is experiencing similar water challenges in terms of availability and quality as most regions across the globe. Water availability is predominantly used to illustrate water scarcity however, continued degradation of the world’s freshwater resources, by a multitude of natural and anthropogenic factors, have consequently exacerbated water stress and scarcity due to it being of insufficient quality for various uses. The increase of water scarcity through both natural and anthropogenic factors has in turn led to water being viewed as an increasing risk within all spheres. Water as a source of conflict has come to the forefront especially within regions which struggle to meet the increasing demands from different water users and trying to achieve future sustainability of the resource. The increase of water scarcity and stress as well as the continued pressure of population and economic growth has brought various new challenges into play. This book focuses on water as an increasing risk over the globe and specifically South Africa by reviewing both water availability and quality, evaluating water as a global and national risk. The book concludes by focusing on current limitations, necessary strategic actions as well as possible policy-related changes which may be required to adapt to future water challenges and to lessen water as an increasing risk.

Water Risk and Its Impact on the Financial Markets and Society

Book Description

Water risks, including the lack of access to fresh water for personal and industrial use, droughts, floods, and water contamination, are problems that are not new, yet, they are amplifying in the face of climate change, population growth, and rapid economic development. Properly identifying, measuring, and managing these risks as well as taking advantage of related mitigation opportunities is essential for the future well-being of firms across various industries, investors who invest in these firms, local and federal governments, and ultimately our society as a whole. This edited book sheds light on this topic by examining the unique measurement and modelling challenges associated with either the scarcity or overabundance of water and their interaction with finance and society. Specifically, it explores approaches to assess and operationalize water risk, examines the vulnerability of institutions and markets, and discusses strategies for risk mitigation.

Water Safety, Security and Sustainability

Book Description

This book focuses on threats, especially contaminants, to drinking water and the supply system, especially in municipalities but also in industrial and even residential settings. The safety, security, and suitability landscape can be described as dynamic and complex stemming from necessity and hence culpability due to the emerging threats and risks, vis-a-vis globalization resulting in new forms of contaminants being used due to new technologies. The book provides knowledge and guidance for engineers, scientists, designers, researchers, and students who are involved in water, sustainability, and study of security issues. This book starts out with basics of water usage, current statistics, and an overview ofwater resources. The book then introduces different scenarios of safety and security and areas that researchers need to focus. Following that, the book presents different types of contaminants - inadvertent, intentional, or incidental. The next section presents different methodologies of contamination sensing/detection and remediation strategies as per guidance and standards set globally. The book then concludes with selected chapters on water management, including critical infrastructure that is critical to maintaining safe water supplies to cities and municipalities. Each chapter includes descriptive information for professionals in their respective fields. The breadth of chapters offers insights into how science (physical, natural, and social) and technology can support new developments to manage the complexity resident within the evolving threat and risk landscape.

Water Risk Modeling

Book Description

This book sheds light on the topic of financial water risk by examining the modeling challenges associated with physical, regulatory, and reputational water risk in finance. It explores various approaches to operationalize water risk from a financial analysis, investment management, and climate science perspective. The analysis of tools to assess water risk provides the basis for the development of appropriate risk-return management techniques in finance and beyond. This book provides new insights by focusing on financial water threats and their related opportunities. It will be of interest to both academics and practitioners who work at the interface of finance, economics, nature, and society.

Risk/Benefit Analysis in Water Resources Planning and Management

Book Description

Ronald M. North President Universities Council on Water Resources People sense intuitively that the world in which we live is not free of risk. Every decision, every action, even the refusal to either act or decide involves some element of risk. Perhaps, because we accept relatively low levels of risk in our daily activi ties, we tend to minimize the existence of risk and thereby fail to include risk assessment in those decisions and actions which could be improved through a risk assessment process. However, our casual approach to risk assessment seems to stem largely from the diffi culties inherent in measuring risk rather than from any lack of cognizance of the existence of risk. This conclusion is evidenced by the many statements in official documents relating to planning and evaluation which suggest that risk assessments should be con ducted but do not provide the mechanism for such assessments nor do they encourage their consideration in the decision making process. This conference on Risk/Benefit Analysis in Water Resources Planning and Management is notable because it attempts to identify and evaluate the mechanisms available for risk assessment which might be useful in water resources planning and management efforts. These proceedings bring together the thoughts of professional per sons who have struggled with the problems of risk assessment and who have contributed to the refinement of both theoretical and pragmatic solutions for the improvement of risk assessment processes.

Water Risk and Its Impact on the Financial Markets and Society

Book Description

Water risks, including the lack of access to fresh water for personal and industrial use, droughts, floods, and water contamination, are problems that are not new, yet, they are amplifying in the face of climate change, population growth, and rapid economic development. Properly identifying, measuring, and managing these risks as well as taking advantage of related mitigation opportunities is essential for the future well-being of firms across various industries, investors who invest in these firms, local and federal governments, and ultimately our society as a whole. This edited book sheds light on this topic by examining the unique measurement and modelling challenges associated with either the scarcity or overabundance of water and their interaction with finance and society. Specifically, it explores approaches to assess and operationalize water risk, examines the vulnerability of institutions and markets, and discusses strategies for risk mitigation. Thomas Walker is Professor of Finance and Concordia University Research Chair in Emerging Risk Management at Concordia University, Montreal, Canada. Prior to academia, he worked for several years in the German consulting and industrial sector at Mercedes Benz, Utility Consultants International, Lahmeyer International, Telenet, and KPMG Peat Marwick. Dieter Gramlich is Professor of Banking & Finance at DHBW - Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University in Heidenheim, Germany, where he serves as Head of the Banking Department. He previously studied at the University of Mannheim and was an interim professor and Chair of Banking and Finance at the University of Halle in Germany. Kalima Vico is a research associate at the Emerging Risks Information Centre (ERIC) at Concordia University, Montreal, Canada. She previously worked for Concordia's David O'Brien Centre for Sustainable Enterprise. Adèle Dumont-Bergeron is an MA student in English literature and creative writing at Concordia University, Montreal, Canada. She currently serves as a research associate at the Emerging Risks Information Centre.

Virtual Water

Book Description

The groundbreaking new concept that reveals the true and hazardous extent of our everyday water consumption. How much water does it take to make a cup of coffee? The answer may shock you: 140 litres! That's the true amount of water used in growing, producing, packaging and shipping the beans you use to make your morning coffee. Your lunchtime hamburger takes 2,400 litres and that favourite pair of blue jeans a whopping 11,000 litres. In fact, all the goods we buy - from food to clothing to computers - have a water cost in the form of virtual water: the powerful new concept that reveals the hidden facts of our real water consumption. At a time when the world's resources are being used up at increasingly alarming rates what can we do to help tackle the threat to our planet's most precious resource? World water expert Tony Allan - creator of the virtual water concept - shows the way. In this stimulating and enjoyable book he exposes the real impact of our modern lifestyle and shows how we as individuals, and governments globally, can make a vital contribution to managing our water use in a more sustainable and planet-friendly way.

Risk Management for Water and Wastewater Utilities

Book Description

The provision of safe drinking water and the protection of public health and the environment through the treatment of wastewaters is increasingly informed by risk-based decision-making. Aspects of utility management such as process design and optimisation, asset management and compliance monitoring rely on a mature understanding of process risk within a broader context of business and environmental risk management. For operators, risk management is now regarded as a key business function. Understanding risk and being able to implement risk management is critical to the provision of safe drinking water. As part of a move towards a more strategic, forward looking approach to utility management, the IWA is promoting a risk-based approach to water utility management, from catchment to tap, through the implementation of the Bonn Charter (2004). Why manage risk? Basic probability and statistics Process risk and reliability analysis Assessing risks beyond the unit process boundary Regulating water utility risks Business risk management for water and wastewater utilities Managing opportunity and reputational risk Embedding better decision-making within utilities Having provided rationale for the importance of risk management, the text begins with the familiar territory of unit processes and process reliability. It then broadens out to consider, first environmental then organisational risk management. The final sections are concerned with better utility decision-making. The book has been designed for individual self-paced study. Each section of the text gives step-by-step learning in a particular subject, that includes an approximation of how long you will need to spend on that section and provides key points that highlight the principles of the different sections. Each unit includes exercises to help understand the material in the text as well as self-assessment questions to test your understanding and text references.