Uncle Sam Wants You

Book Description

Based on a rich array of sources that capture the voices of both political leaders and ordinary Americans, Uncle Sam Wants You offers a vivid and provocative new interpretation of American political history, revealing how the tensions of mass mobilization during World War I led to a significant increase in power for the federal government. Christopher Capozzola shows how, when the war began, Americans at first mobilized society by stressing duty, obligation, and responsibility over rights and freedoms. But the heated temper of war quickly unleashed coercion on an unprecedented scale, making wartime America the scene of some of the nation's most serious political violence, including notorious episodes of outright mob violence. To solve this problem, Americans turned over increasing amounts of power to the federal government. In the end, whether they were some of the four million men drafted under the Selective Service Act or the tens of millions of home-front volunteers, Americans of the World War I era created a new American state, and new ways of being American citizens.

We Don't Want YOU, Uncle Sam

Book Description

T h i s i s w h at G e n e r at i o n Z i s say i n g w i t h r e s p e c t to m i l i ta ry s e rv i c e .The all-volunteer force that has served our country well for more than 50 years is at a critical inflection point. Today, recruiters are struggling to bring enough Zoomers into the armed services. Mismatched fundamental ideals, divergent beliefs about the workplace, and other sociocultural influences have contributed to the United States military scrambling to get a grasp on how to appeal to Gen Z. Through the use of personal life stories and macro analysis, this book explains why military recruiting in the United States is at an all-time low in order to suggest ways that American society and its leaders can fix this issue. We must rebuild the value proposition of military service by demonstrating the benefits of the world's greatest physical social network.

Stop Working for Uncle Sam

Book Description

In this book you will learn: - How to escape Uncle Sam's bait - Are you a ma ser or a slave of money - What is the purpose of work - How to discover yourself and add value to your life - You will earn how to escape from the slavery to salary - You will learn how to sart your life again fnancially - You will learn how not to become a slave to the employer - You will discover if you are imprisoned by your job or not and how to come out - You will learn other ways Uncle Sam's sysem puts people in bondage - You will learn how to be truly free fnancially

Mother Earth and Uncle Sam

Book Description

In this compelling study, Rena Steinzor highlights the ways in which the government, over the past twenty years, has failed to protect children from harm caused by toxic chemicals. She believes these failures—under-funding, excessive and misguided use of cost/benefit analysis, distortion of science, and devolution of regulatory authority—have produced a situation in which harm that could be reduced or eliminated instead persists. Steinzor states that, as a society, we are neglecting our children's health to an extent that we would find unthinkable as individual parents, primarily due to the erosion of the government's role in protecting public health and the environment. At this pace, she asserts, our children will inherit a planet under grave threat. We can arrest these developments if a critical mass of Americans become convinced that these problems are urgent and the solutions are near at hand. By focusing on three specific case studies—mercury contamination through the human food chain, perchlorate (rocket fuel) in drinking water, and the effects of ozone (smog) on children playing outdoors—Steinzor creates an analysis grounded in law, economics, and science to prove her assertions about the existing dysfunctional system. Steinzor then recommends a concise and realistic series of reforms that could reverse these detrimental trends and serve as a blueprint for restoring effective governmental intervention. She argues that these recommendations offer enough material to guide government officials and advocacy groups toward prompt implementation, for the sake of America's—and the world's—future generations.

The Adventures of Uncle Sam

Book Description

Rescuing Randy

Book Description

Rescuing Randy is the disturbing and yet inspirational story a family's struggle to reclaim this young man out of the clutches of a powerful, seductive, cult leader who had convinced Randy that to leave the group would mean certain destruction and even eternal hell. As his family began to plan an intervention through abduction and deprogramming, they realized just how much was at stake. If they failed, they could lose everything including their son. But to do nothing was out of the question. Through the planning, their faith grew stronger and their family bond deeper . . . untili that snowy wintery night was upon them when they would attempt to rescue Randy.

Uncle Sam Can't Count

Book Description

An enlightening overview of America’s misadventures in economic investment from the Revolutionary era to the Obama administration. From the days of George Washington through World War II to today, government subsidies have failed the American people time and again. Draining the Treasury of cash, this doomed attempt to “pick winners” only serves to impede economic growth—and hurt the very companies receiving aid. But why does federal aid seem to have a reverse Midas touch? In Uncle Sam Can’t Count, Burt and Anita Folsom argue that federal officials don’t have the same abilities or incentives as entrepreneurs. In addition, federal control always leads to politicization. And what works for politicians often doesn’t work in the marketplace. Filled with examples of government failures and free market triumphs, from John Jacob Astor to the Wright Brothers, World War II amphibious landing craft to Detroit, Uncle Sam Can’t Count is a hard-hitting critique of government investment that demonstrates why business should be left exclusively to private entrepreneurs.

The Shield

Book Description

Uncle Sam's Kids

Book Description

Three children discover Daddy will leave on deployment. They learn fun ways to deal with separation anxiety and show they care while Dad is gone.