World Report on Ageing and Health

Book Description

The WHO World report on ageing and health is not for the book shelf it is a living breathing testament to all older people who have fought for their voice to be heard at all levels of government across disciplines and sectors. - Mr Bjarne Hastrup President International Federation on Ageing and CEO DaneAge This report outlines a framework for action to foster Healthy Ageing built around the new concept of functional ability. This will require a transformation of health systems away from disease based curative models and towards the provision of older-person-centred and integrated care. It will require the development sometimes from nothing of comprehensive systems of long term care. It will require a coordinated response from many other sectors and multiple levels of government. And it will need to draw on better ways of measuring and monitoring the health and functioning of older populations. These actions are likely to be a sound investment in society's future. A future that gives older people the freedom to live lives that previous generations might never have imagined. The World report on ageing and health responds to these challenges by recommending equally profound changes in the way health policies for ageing populations are formulated and services are provided. As the foundation for its recommendations the report looks at what the latest evidence has to say about the ageing process noting that many common perceptions and assumptions about older people are based on outdated stereotypes. The report's recommendations are anchored in the evidence comprehensive and forward-looking yet eminently practical. Throughout examples of experiences from different countries are used to illustrate how specific problems can be addressed through innovation solutions. Topics explored range from strategies to deliver comprehensive and person-centred services to older populations to policies that enable older people to live in comfort and safety to ways to correct the problems and injustices inherent in current systems for long-term care.

WHO clinical consortium on healthy ageing 2020

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The 2020 annual meeting of the WHO Clinical Consortium on Healthy Ageing (CCHA) was the sixth gathering of an international group of clinical leaders, drawn from the full breadth of the field of ageing to progress the work agreed by Member States under the 2016 WHO Global Strategy and Action Plan on Ageing and Health and the UN Decade of Healthy Ageing (2021-2030). This meeting report summarizes the discussion and provide the opportunities for potential future action to advance two action areas of the Decade: Integrated care and Long-term care.

WHO clinical consortium on healthy ageing 2023

Book Description

The 2023 annual meeting of the World Health Organization (WHO) Clinical Consortium on Healthy Ageing (CCHA) took place in Geneva, Switzerland in December 2023. It was the group’s ninth gathering. The meeting consisted of seven panels of presentation and discussion taking place across three days: 1.WHO’s new initiatives on ageing and health 2.Musculoskeletal health 3.Implementation of the ICOPE approach 4.Emerging themes to strengthen integrated care 5.Updating ICOPE care pathways 6.Multidimensional approach to research on healthy ageing 7.CCHA and GNLTC joint panel: Continuum of integrated care for older people