Wie the Power of Calculus

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Power of Calculus

Book Description

Infinite Powers

Book Description

A magisterial history of calculus (and the people behind it) from one of the world's foremost mathematicians.

A Comprehensive Treatment of q-Calculus

Book Description

To date, the theoretical development of q-calculus has rested on a non-uniform basis. Generally, the bulky Gasper-Rahman notation was used, but the published works on q-calculus looked different depending on where and by whom they were written. This confusion of tongues not only complicated the theoretical development but also contributed to q-calculus remaining a neglected mathematical field. This book overcomes these problems by introducing a new and interesting notation for q-calculus based on logarithms.For instance, q-hypergeometric functions are now visually clear and easy to trace back to their hypergeometric parents. With this new notation it is also easy to see the connection between q-hypergeometric functions and the q-gamma function, something that until now has been overlooked. The book covers many topics on q-calculus, including special functions, combinatorics, and q-difference equations. Apart from a thorough review of the historical development of q-calculus, this book also presents the domains of modern physics for which q-calculus is applicable, such as particle physics and supersymmetry, to name just a few.​

Calculus And The Power

Book Description

Calculus, originally called infinitesimal calculus or "the calculus of infinitesimals", is the mathematical study of continuous change, in the same way that geometry is the study of shape and algebra is the study of generalizations of arithmetic operations. This book recounts how calculus tantalized and thrilled its inventors, starting with its first glimmers in ancient Greece and bringing us right up to the discovery of gravitational waves (a phenomenon predicted by calculus). Strogatz reveals how this form of math rose to the challenges of each age: how to determine the area of a circle with only sand and a stick; how to explain why Mars goes "backwards" sometimes; how to make electricity with magnets; how to ensure your rocket doesn't miss the moon; how to turn the tide in the fight against AIDS. Buy now.

Power of Calculus

Book Description

This edition, as did the earlier ones, evolved from the authors' experiences in teaching calculus to students of business, economics, biology and social studies. As a text it represents their belief that students using carefully worked examples, models pertinent to their discipline, and relevant problems, will develop an appreciation of the power, elegance and efficiency of the calculus.

Manual Power of Calculus

Book Description