
Book Description

THE HEAT IS ON. Eryk has won the Spiritualist Grand Tournament, helped Kari and Fay avoid marrying Grant Leucht, and destroyed the cage preventing Kari from journeying outside of Neveria. But his task isn't over yet. Now he must convince Fay Valstine to join him, Kari, and Lin in a polygamous relationship. And as if that wasn't hard enough... Grant Leucht has decided to get revenge for his humiliating defeat. The Leucht Family is plotting in the shadows of Nevaria. Meanwhile, Eryk's dreams continue to plague him as he is shown the time when he and Kari attempted to reclaim the captured city of Vahn from a new threat and found themselves trapped within another realm.

WIEDERGEBURT: Legend of the Reincarnated Warrior: Volume 5

Book Description

THE HEAT IS ON. Eryk has won the Spiritualist Grand Tournament, helped Kari and Fay avoid marrying Grant Leucht, and destroyed the cage preventing Kari from journeying outside of Neveria. But his task isn’t over yet. Now he must convince Fay Valstine to join him, Kari, and Lin in a polygamous relationship. And as if that wasn’t hard enough… Grant Leucht has decided to get revenge for his humiliating defeat. The Leucht Family is plotting in the shadows of Nevaria. Meanwhile, Eryk’s dreams continue to plague him as he is shown the time when he and Kari attempted to reclaim the captured city of Vahn from a new threat and found themselves trapped within another realm.

American Kitsune, Vol. 12

Book Description

The PLOT thickens! Kevin Swift returns home with Orin in tow. The last member of the Four Saints has also made a surprise appearance! Yet even with the Four Saints back together, there are still numerous problems that look insurmountable. The war between humans and yokai has become even more violent, assassins and dangerous plots threaten to tear the world apart, and Kevin lost his homework. While he can deal with the first two issues, that last one is causing him a whole slew problems. The troubles of a not-so-ordinary high schooler are never ending.

WIEDERGEBURT: Legend of the Reincarnated Warrior: Volume 6

Book Description

THE HEAT IS ON. Eryk has returned to Kari, Lin, and Fay after falling down a ravine in the Demon Beast Mountain Range and meeting the mysterious woman, Dyr. After returning home, everyone falls back into their routines. Eryk spends his time training Fay and Kari, teaching Lin humanity’s written language, giving new alchemy recipes to the Alchemist Association, and trying to help the Nevarian Spiritualists build up their defenses in preparation for the Demon Beast Invasion that will happen several years from now. Eryk is plagued by dreams at the same time. His past self is trapped in another realm. While in this new realm, he learns more about the Sekbeists—the mysterious enemies who may become a threat to both his past… and his present.

A Most Unlikely Hero, Volume 5

Book Description

Gabrielle’s younger sisters have arrived on Mars City! Despite their angelic appearance, Ariel and Michelle are a pair of troublemakers who are constantly arguing and seem intent on causing more mayhem for Alex, Gabrielle, and everyone else involved. They have also been set up in an arranged marriage to the same man. Naturally, that means Alex is going to protect them from the machinations of their father. That’s what heroes are supposed to do, after all. But unbeknownst to him, an even greater threat than fatherly schemes is lurking on Mars City. Get ready, Alex, because these two sweet and sexy sisters aren’t the only people you need to worry about!


Book Description

A CHANCE TO START OVER... Waking up after experiencing an erotic dream of the time you and your lover had sex in a moving wagon can be disorienting. Waking up after experiencing an erotic dream of the time you and your lover had sex in a moving wagon ony to find a naked woman who is all snake from the waist down snuggling with you is downright shocking. Eryk has a new roommate. Her name is Lin. She is a Lamia from the Endless Desert, refers to herself as "this princess," and has proclaimed that Eryk is her husband. He doesn't know what she's on about, but he's not about to let himself get caught up in her shenanigans. He has other problems to deal with right now. The gauntlet has been thrown; Eryk has challenged Grant Leucht to compete with him in the annual Spiritualist Grand Tournament, but Grant has decided to make sure Eryk won't even get the chance to participate.

WIEDERGEBURT: Legend of the Reincarnated Warrior: Volume 17

Book Description

RETURNING TO WHERE IT ALL BEGAN Eryk Veiger has returned to the Northern Plains—the place where he first confronted the Sekbeists in his previous life. His goal is clear. He wants to establish a friendly relationship with the sects here, to prepare for the invasion that’s sure to come. And yet… So much about the Northern Plains is different from what he remembers. There are new faces that weren’t present in his last timeline, and new problems that he never knew existed. What are these new issues and how they will change the future? It’s time for the next installment of the best-selling cultivation light novel series!

WIEDERGEBURT: Legend of the Reincarnated Warrior: Volume 8

Book Description

THE HEAT IS ON After returning alive from the Demon Beast Mountain Range, Eryk tries to resume his normal activities, but there are many issues that have cropped up now that he is back. Kari has been dreaming of their previous lives together ever since they shared a bed. Lin has gained a seal on her chest that resembles the one that would show up on Kari’s chest when they slept together in his previous life. Fay is struggling to find her place in his harem. The Leucht Family has disappeared with Dyr in their possession. And to top it off, Empress Hilda plans to announce Eryk’s engagement to Kari, Fay, and Lin. With so much going on, and with dreams of his past now plaguing both him and Kari, Eryk has the strangest feeling that the newest chapter in his life is going to be a rough one.

WIEDERGEBURT: Legend of the Reincarnated Warrior: Volume 19

Book Description

RETURN TO NEVARIA The existence of Dunherr, Fritz, and Unglück has left Eryk with many questions. Who are the Sekbeist? What are Sekbeist Lords? And what are the higher level concepts they use in battle? While Eryk wants to find answers to his many questions, they may have to wait. The Warp Gate that will connect Midgard to Nevaria has been built, and so Eryk must journey back to his homeland. However, the Nevaria that he returns to is very different than the one he left…

WIEDERGEBURT: Legend of the Reincarnated Warrior: Volume 20

Book Description

THE BEGINNING OF THE END Several years have passed since Eryk connected Nevaria and Midgard via the warp gate. Since then, he has expanded his base of operations, increased his own personal power, and helped train his son to protect himself. And now, after all this time, he’s finally ready to set out and do what he planned to accomplish ever since he found himself traveling back in time. It is time to take down the Great Overlord of the Seventh Realm. Unfortunately, the phrase “no plan survives first contact with the enemy” has never rang more true…