Wisdom Of The IZM

Book Description

“Need to stop simping? Want to have your way with women? The only way is through the IZM.” -The Professor Of Pimpology The IZM is a set of sacred principles, actions and wisdoms passed on to only the chosen few. So the style of dress, the slang used, the theories, practices and the belief systems of a pimp is the IZM. The IZM transcends and expands all over the world. From country to country, state to state, city to city the Pimp Game lives in those privileged enough to receive “The Game.” So those who are able to access this wisdom and absorb the IZM to the level of understanding and application are guaranteed to elevate into a higher form of masculinity and manhood. Because once the IZM is in you, it’s in you forever. “A real pimp lives by the IZM and dies by the IZM, that’s why with women, pimps are winning.”

Pimp Game 204 “The IZM” Pimp Game Wisdom

Book Description

The “IZM” is the study, science, and mathematics of pimping. It basically governs the pimp philosophy and the pimp commandments. The Pimping is in you, not on you. You can’t wear it like a t shirt. You represent me everywhere that you go and with every move that you make on this chess board called the streets. So, don’t disappoint me or there will be consequences and repercussions for your actions. I put this game plan together. Now execute it like my queen and partner in crime. The universe and the world belong to us forever because we are married to this game together until death do us part.


Book Description

The pimp has reached nearly mythical status. We are fascinated by the question of how a guy from the ghetto with no startup capital and no credit -- nothing but the words out of his mouth -- comes not only to have a stable of sexy women who consider him "their man," but to drive a Rolls, sport diamonds, and wear custom suits and alligator shoes from Italy. His secret is to follow the "unwritten rules of the game" -- a set of regulations handed down orally from older, wiser macks -- which give him superhuman powers of charm, psychological manipulation, and persuasion. In Pimpology,star of the documentaries Pimps Up, Ho's Downand American Pimp and Annual Players Ball Mack of the Year winner Ken Ivy pulls a square's coat on the unwritten rules that took him from the ghetto streets to the executive suites. Ken's lessons will serve any person in any interaction: Whether at work, in relationships, or among friends, somebody's got to be on top. To be the one with the upper hand, you've got to have good game, and good game starts with knowing the rules. If you want the money, power, and respect you dream of, you can't just "pimp your ride," you need to pimp your whole life. And unless you've seen Ray Charles leading Stevie Wonder somewhere, you need Ken's guidelines to do it. They'll reach out and touch you like AT&T and bring good things to life like GE. Then you can be the boss with the hot sauce who gets it all like Monty Hall


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Memoirs of A Mack

Book Description

The Manuscript addresses the analytical dynamics of the lifestyle known as the Game. In addition to discussing the narrative storyline. Pimping is a Thinking Man’s Game. The Sex Trade is global, as is Free Market Enterprise and the System of Capitol. Point of fact; the Sex Trade is a symptom of the disease known as Capital. Historically, regardless of ethnicity, people of oppressed populations gravitate towards the lifestyle known as the Game to become Pimps, Whores, Conmen, and Thieves. Globally, the Sex Trade garners 186 Billion Per annum. Sex has been a consistent and noteworthy commodity for sale in the Global Marketplace, from the Institution of Civilized Man at the Dawning of Time Memorial, until date. To date, there are roughly 13Million, 828 Hundred Thousand, 7 Hundred known whores in the world, which generate this $186 Billion per annum. The only way a real live pimp doesn’t have at least one whore, is if he chooses not to have one and the only way a real live pimp doesn’t have any money is if he chooses to be impoverished and has taken a vow of poverty. Don’t be misinformed, the Sex Trade Industry is Big Business. $186 Billion is a figure is worthy of recognition, by the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) the NASDAQ and thus the DOW. Pussy sells when cotton and corn won't. The IZM is a Thinking Man’s Game. ~Jimi Starr, G.O.A.T