Women Rights in Fata Pakistan

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The overall image of NGOs is not very positive in Pakistan, particularly in rural tribal areas. Many negative perceptions are attached with NGOs, especially those which work for women's rights. The words 'women's rights' by themselves incite many wrong perceptions. In such a non-favourable working environment, NGOs evolve different communication and implementation strategies. The research study aims to analyze the communication strategies and different methods of project implementation that NGOs develop for women's rights projects in Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) of Pakistan. How do they develop communication strategies? Where do they find an entry point and how do they implement women's rights projects? The study does not seek to develop a comprehensive communication strategy which, by following, can guarantee successful implementation of women's rights projects in FATA, but it is an attempt to analyze the strategies NGOs are adopting and which are acceptable to the tribal communities. This study also aims to acquire an understanding of the work of NGOs and the views of the beneficiaries/tribal people with regard to women's rights projects in the FATA region.

Patriarchal Social and Administrative Practices in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA), Pakistan

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This paper attempts to investigate impact of Pukhtunwali and Special Status of FATA on gender relations in FATA. It depicts absence of women in the existing system of political administration and social institutions in FATA. It argues that special status of FATA reinforces existing patriarchal, tribal, customary practices (Pukhtunwali) and deprives tribal women of fundamental human rights. This study also attempts to fill existing gaps in knowledge concerning tribal women, especially customary practices, limiting her multifarious development as an individual. Articulating women's aspirations, it highlights their perspectives of reform in customary practices, political, judicial and social institutions as well as system of political administration. It stresses the need and calls for gender inclusive reforms in FATA to ensure fundamental rights of both tribal men and women. Empirical data from female respondents have been collected in two agencies of FATA, namely Kurram and Khyber, in six Focused Group Discussions and sixty individual interviews, during 2007-9.

The Extended Family

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Contributed articles.

Women in Pakistan

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Though Pakistan has made progress toward achieving its education, gender equity, and health Millennium Goals, it is unlikely to reach 2015 targets. In general, achievements were lower in rural areas and in lower-income households. Pakistani girls still have lower enrollment in primary and secondary schools, and do not perform as well as boys on tests. Adult female literacy varies widely by province. Women continue to face many forms of gender-based violence, and often are restricted from leaving their homes. While employment rates among women have doubled in the last decade, women are more likely to be unemployed than men, and lack access to finance or assets.

The Women's Movement in Pakistan

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The military rule of General Zia ul-Haq, former President of Pakistan, had significant political repercussions for the country. Islamization policies were far more pronounced and control over women became the key marker of the state's adherence to religious norms. Women's rights activists mobilized as a result, campaigning to reverse oppressive policies and redefine the relationship between state, society and Islam. Their calls for a liberal democracy led them to be targeted and suppressed. This book is a history of the modern women's movement in Pakistan. The research is based on documents from the Women's Action Forum archives, court judgments on relevant cases, as well as interviews with activists, lawyers and judges and analysis of newspapers and magazines. Ayesha Khan argues that the demand for a secular state and resistance to Islamization should not be misunderstood as Pakistani women sympathizing with a western agenda. Rather, their work is a crucial contribution to the evolution of the Pakistani state. The book outlines the discriminatory laws and policies that triggered domestic and international outcry, landmark cases of sexual violence that rallied women activists together and the important breakthroughs that enhanced women's rights. At a time when the women's movement in Pakistan is in danger of shrinking, this book highlights its historic significance and its continued relevance today.

Women, Gender, and Terrorism

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In the last decade the world has witnessed a rise in women's participation in terrorism. Women, Gender, and Terrorism explores women's relationship with terrorism, with a keen eye on the political, gender, racial, and cultural dynamics of the contemporary world. Throughout most of the twentieth century, it was rare to hear about women terrorists. In the new millennium, however, women have increasingly taken active roles in carrying out suicide bombings, hijacking airplanes, and taking hostages in such places as Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Lebanon, and Chechnya. These women terrorists have been the subject of a substantial amount of media and scholarly attention, but the analysis of women, gender, and terrorism has been sparse and riddled with stereotypical thinking about women's capabilities and motivations. In the first section of this volume, contributors offer an overview of women's participation in and relationships with contemporary terrorism, and a historical chapter traces their involvement in the politics and conflicts of Islamic societies. The next section includes empirical and theoretical analysis of terrorist movements in Chechnya, Kashmir, Palestine, and Sri Lanka. The third section turns to women's involvement in al Qaeda and includes critical interrogations of the gendered media and the scholarly presentations of those women. The conclusion offers ways to further explore the subject of gender and terrorism based on the contributions made to the volume. Contributors to Women, Gender, and Terrorism expand our understanding of terrorism, one of the most troubling and complicated facets of the modern world.

Gender and Human Rights in the Commonwealth

Book Description

This book brings together the papers commissioned for a Pan-Commonwealth Expert Group Meeting on Gender and Human Rights which took place at the Commonwealth Secretariat in London in February 2004. These papers, together with other key background papers, represent much of the analysis and experience from Commonwealth member countries that informed the development of the Human Rights section of the new Commonwealth Plan of Action for Gender Equality 2005-2015. The papers address a wide range of Gender and Human Rights issues, including the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), gender-based violence, culture and the law, indigenous peoples, trafficking and migration, land and property rights, diversity, and a life cycle approach to gender and human rights. The contributors include government policymakers, judges, lawyers, academics, representatives of civil society organizations, and specialists from multilateral agencies including the Commonwealth Secretariat. The purpose of this book is to contribute to current policymaking, program planning and implementation on Gender and Human Rights. It is intended for a wide audience of policymakers, magistrates, judges and lawyers, academics, and civil society organizations grappling with these issues. It is also intended as a conceptual and policy-oriented resource for those committed to implementing and supporting the Human Rights goals of the new Commonwealth Plan of Action for Gender Equality 2005-2015.