Worker Participation And The Crisis Of Liberal Democracy

Book Description

Monographic comparison of political aspects of workers participation in Germany, Federal Republic and Sweden - includes an overview of the philosophy of work under differing political systems and discusses the role of trade unions, codetermination, collective bargaining and the integration of political participation and labour relations in relation to theories of democracy. References after each chapter.

Participatory and Workplace Democracy

Book Description

Study on relationships between workers participation and political democracy, with particular reference to the USA - examines related political theories; finds that democratization of the workplace has a positive impact on workers' political participation and job satisfaction; includes a literature survey. References.

The Crisis of Liberal Democracy and the Path Ahead

Book Description

Offers insights into the Global Justice Movement – an influential transnational movement and predecessor of the recent struggles for economic and social justice and against austerity.

Power and Empowerment

Book Description

What role should political theory play in activating workers to engage in class struggle to extend participatory rights in the workplace and, in the process, expand and revitalize American democracy? Bachrach and Botwinick argue that the answer is to construct a theory of participatory democracy that would include a democratic concept of class struggle; a concept that provides workers and their allies an effective and legitimate course of political action. They see this concept not only as a means to encourage workers to become politically active to gain participatory rights, but also as a means to strengthen the democratic process as a whole. The authors contend that working-class struggle should be encouraged as a way of promoting the realignment of political parties along class lines and expanding citizen participation and public awareness of issues of national concern.To illustrate their theory, the authors describe and evaluate worker self-management programs in Germany, Sweden, France, Italy, England, and the United States. Hoping to spur Americans to confront their crisis of democracy with boldness and imagination, Bachrach and Botwinick demonstrate that class politics is on the agenda and that the categories of class and class struggle are now up for democratic definition in a way that is unique in this country. Author note: Peter Bachrach is Emeritus Professor of Political Science at Temple University. >P>Aryeh Botwinick is Professor of Political Science at Temple University and the author of Skepticism and Political Participation (Temple).

Personnel Literature

Book Description

Workplace Democracy

Book Description

Problems for Democracy

Book Description

This book, based on the premise that democracy promotes peace and justice, explores theoretical and practical problems that can arise or that have arisen in democratic polities. Contributors address, with clarifying analyses, such theoretical issues as the relationship between recursivist metaphysics and democracy, the relationship between the economic and political orders, and the nature of justice. Contributors offer, as well, enlightening resolutions of practical problems resulting from a history of social, political or economic injustice.

Workplace Democracy

Book Description

Portugal Since The Revolution

Book Description

This volume examines the economic and political circumstances in Portugal since the 1974 revolution. A succinct analysis of the central themes of Portuguese politics (drawing on public opinion surveys conducted in Portugal) is followed by a framework for analyzing the economic consequences of the coup. The authors then assess the influence of the I