
Book Description

In recent years, the IMF has released a growing number of reports and other documents covering economic and financial developments and trends in member countries. Each report, prepared by a staff team after discussions with government officials, is published at the option of the member country.

World Report on Guyana

Book Description


Book Description

The purpose of this book is to examine the performance of Guyana's economy during the era of dirigisme and the period of economic liberalisation with emphasis on a market economy, using all available micro-and macro-data. In a much broader and meaningful sense, this book deals with the socio-economic progress of Guyana from the 1960s, with heavy emphasis on the market reforms, because this is the dominant and interesting story for policy lessons in the Third World. This book also focuses on what has happened to poverty, inequality, and other social indicators during the reform period. Until now, there has not been any systematic examination of the effects of the economic reforms in Guyana on unemployment, wages and industrial activity; poverty and inequality; farmers' response to price liberalisation; education and health indicators; ethnicity and growth; and governance, crime and corruption. These issues and more are the subject matter of this book. The book refers to those aspects of Guyana's history and recent political events that bear directly on economic policy and the performance of the economic system.


Book Description

Economic growth slowed down, but became more broad-based. In 2017, real GDP growth was 2.1 percent, with the non-mining GDP rebounding from its contraction in 2016. The external balance turned negative due to weaker than expected export growth and higher oil prices. Inflation remains relatively low, and the monetary stance accommodative. Oil production is expected to commence in 2020, and additional oil discoveries have significantly improved the medium- and long-term outlook.


Book Description

Following the pandemic-induced recession in 2020, economic growth recovered in 2021, with non-oil GDP growth reaching 4.6 percent, despite being negatively impacted by floods. Inflation increased markedly since 2021 owing to the floods and supply-side disruptions, as well as continually rising fuel and food prices. Oil production increased and will ramp up substantially over the medium term.


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The Guyanese economy has tripled in size since the start of oil extraction (end- 2019), from one of the lowest GDP per capita in Latin America and the Caribbean in the early nineties. Oil production is ramping up rapidly, supporting the highest real GDP growth in the world in 2022 (62.3 percent). With the help of oil revenues, first transferred to the budget in 2022, the government has started investing heavily to address large development needs. Fundamentals remain strong and there are no signs of inflationary pressures or overheating as of yet—annual CPI inflation rate was 1.2 percent in July 2023— since there remains slack in the economy.


Book Description

This 2019 Article IV Consultation highlights that Guyana’s economic growth strengthened in 2018 with broad-based expansion across all major sectors. The medium-term prospects are very favorable as oil production is on schedule to begin in early 2020. Economic growth is projected at 4.4 percent in 2019, extending the broad-based expansion across all major sectors. Policies to fortify the fiscal policy framework to ensure effective use of the new-found oil wealth; develop the necessary infrastructure for a suitable monetary policy framework that facilitates adjustment to oil price shocks while maintaining price stability; and reforms to enhance competitiveness, promote economic diversification, strengthen governance, and achieve inclusiveness. The passage of the Natural Resource Fund legislation is a critical step toward effective management of Guyana’s natural resource wealth. In order to ensure that fiscal discipline is maintained and spending ramps up at a pace in line with absorptive capacity, the fiscal framework should be enhanced to prevent deficits.


Book Description

This book analyzes Guyana's experience with macroeconomic stabilization and structural reforms between 1989 and 2000 and discusses the risks and challenges that the country faces in its quest to achieve sustainable growth and further reduce poverty. During this period, Guyana transitioned successfully from a state-controlled to a market economy. Stability was restored, growth recovered markedly, and poverty declined as a result of implementing strong macroeconomic policies and wide-ranging structural reforms. The success of the poverty reduction strategy that the country has developed hinges on the implementation of sound macroeconomic policies, further lowering of the country's external debt burden, acceleration of the restructuring of institutions and the economy, and the existence of a stable political environment.


Book Description

This 2017 Article IV Consultation highlights the expansion of Guyana’s real economic activity by 3.3 percent in 2016. Subdued agricultural commodity prices, bad weather, and delays in public investment weighed down activity, while large increases in gold output helped support growth. Consumer prices increased by 1.5 percent in the 12 months ending in December 2016 as weather-related shocks to food prices reversed the deflationary trend. The macroeconomic outlook is positive for 2017 and the medium term. Growth is projected at 3.5 percent in 2017, supported by an increase in public investment, continued expansion in the extractive sector, and a recovery in rice production.