Wörterbuch Umwelt / Dictionary Environment

Book Description

Dieses zweisprachige Fachwörterbuch beinhaltet Begriffe der Wissensgebiete Bodenkunde und Standortlehre sowie ihrer Nachbardisziplinen Angewandte Ökologie, Land- und Forstwirtschaft sowie Landschaftsplanung. Die Terminologie der aufgeführten Wissensgebiete umfasst etwa 10.000 Begriffe in deutscher und englischer Sprache. Ein Anhang enthält Pflanzennamen, Tiernamen, SI-Einheiten und Begriffe der Bodenklassifikation. An Teildisziplinen der Bodenkunde werden Bodengeologie, Bodenmineralogie, Bodenphysik, Bodenchemie, Bodenbiologie, Bodenökologie, Bodentechnologie und Bodenschutz berücksichtigt. Ferner werden relevante Begriffe aus folgenden Nachbardisziplinen aufgeführt: Mineralogie, Petrographie, Geologie, Geomorphologie, Geographie, Meteorologie und Klimakunde, Botanik, Mikrobiologie, Biochemie, Pflanzenernährung und Düngung, Acker- und Pflanzenbau, Waldbau und Immissionsforschung. Der Wortumfang reicht aus, um die moderne Fachliteratur auf den Gebieten der Geo- und Biowissenschaften zu verstehen, soweit sie sich mit der Entstehung, Beschreibung, Gestaltung und Nutzung von Landschaften befasst. Die Übersetzungsarbeit wird dadurch erleichtert, dass den Substantiven jeweils relevante Adjektive zugeordnet sind. This technical dictionary contains terms from soil and site science, as well as from overlapping disciplines such as agronomy, forestry, landscape planning, meteorology, geology, geomorphology, physical geography, botany, biochemistry, plant nutrition and fertilizer use, applied ecology, microbiology and technology. The terminology of the mentioned disciplines contains about 10,000 terms in German and English. Appendices include names of plants and animals, SI units, as well as tables of soil classification.

Dictionary of Environmental and Occupational Medicine /Wörterbuch Umwelt- und Arbeitsmedizin

Book Description

Medical doctors, health professionals and scientists from numerous disciplines are involved in studying, preventing or curing health effects due to environmental factors, especially in the workplace. Due to global information exchange, there is a frequent need to translate specific terms. This dictionary makes translating from English into German (and vice versa) easy by providing almost 15 000 entries for each direction of translation. Doctors, scientists and translators will find it a valuable tool for reading and writing in the foreign language.

Routledge German Dictionary of Business, Commerce and Finance Worterbuch Fur Wirtschaft, Handel und Finanzen

Book Description

First published in 2002. The German Dictionary of Business, Commerce and Finance is the second dictionary to be published in Routledge’s programme of bilingual business dictionaries. The series was launched in December 1995 with the French Dictionary of Business, Commerce and Finance. It would not have been possible to compile this dictionary within a relatively short timescale, and to the standard achieved, without the use of a highly sophisticated, custom-designed database. The database’s most significant feature is that it is designed as a relational database: term records for each language are held in separate files, with further files consisting only of link records. Links between terms in different language files represent translations, enabling us to handle various types of one-to-many and many-to-one equivalences. Links between terms within a single language file represent crossreferences between geographical variants and abbreviations. The content of the database for this dictionary was created in three principal phases. A considerable proportion of the English term list was already available following the publication of the French Dictionary of Business, Commerce and Finance. The term list was then sent out to specialist translators - with current practical experience of business translation - who supplied German equivalences and expanded the English and German term lists to include the main relevant terminology in their particular spheres of work.

Routledge German Dictionary of Construction Worterbuch Bauwesen

Book Description

This dictionary consists of some 25,000 entries in both German and English, drawn from all the major, as well as newly-developed areas in the fields of Construction including: Architecture & Building Design * Building Hardware & Interior Equipment * Building Machinery * Concrete Works * Construction Law & Building Contracts * Electronics * Environm

Wörterbuch der Schmierungstechnik / Dictionary of Lubrication Engineering

Book Description

It was often felt as a shortcoming that there was no dictionary of lubrication engineering English-German and German-English on the market, since many terms of tribology are not contained in standard or technical dictionaries. The field of lubrication engineering is multidisciplinary, it overlaps with many sciences such as chemistry, physics and mechanical engineering. Therefore, relevant terms from these sciences have been included as well as terms from the field of applied economics. This publication fills the gap and is inevitable for everyday's work!

Marketing-Wörterbuch / Marketing Dictionary

Book Description

For each headword, the dictionary provides the common translation equivalent, along with a brief definition and/or explanation.

Dictionary of Electronics, Computing and Telecommunications/Wörterbuch der Elektronik, Datentechnik und Telekommunikation

Book Description

Since the first edition was published, new technologies have come up, especially in the area of convergence of Computing and Communications, accompanied by a lot of new technical terms. This second expanded and updated edition has been worked out to cope with this situation. The number of entries has been incremented by 35%. With about 159,000 entries, this dictionary offers a valuable guide to navigate through the entanglement of German and English terminology. The lexicographic concept (indication of the subject field for every term, short definitions, references to synonyms, antonyms, general and derivative terms) has been maintained, as well as the tabular layout.

Work in Tropical Forests

Book Description

This book presents a synopsis, with an innovative approach, of abundance, types and conditions of work performed in the tropical plantation and natural forests. It covers work of formally and informally employed, and of own-account small-scale forest users, women and children. Activities in tree harvesting are analyzed, also on-site conversion by pitsawing, planting and pruning. The abilities of the workers and their efforts while fulfilling their tasks, resulting in performance and workload, are described with many examples of published studies. Influencing variables from organizational, technical and managerial sides are considered as much as included in the studies. The detailed descriptions demonstrate the methodical state of ergonomic research. For better understanding of the coverage the background of the development of forest work science is described. The lasting influence of Taylorism and the roles of ILO and FAO as well as NGOs, e.g. in certification, are pointed out.

Wörterbuch der Handels-, Finanz- und Rechtssprache / Dictionary of Commerical, Financial and Legal Terms / Dictionnaire des Termes Commerciaux, Financiers et Juridiques

Book Description

Die Arbeit an den drei Banden dieses Worterbuches wurde 1932 in London begonnen und ist in standiger Fortsetzung auf denjetzt vorliegenden Stand gebracht worden. In seinem Aufbau und in der besonderen An ordnung des Stoffes erstrebt das Werk, einem doppelten Zweck zu dienen: Besonders leichtes und schnelles Auffinden eines Stichwortes in moglichst vielen "fertig vorbereite ten" Verbindungen und moglichst wirksamer AusschluJ3 von Obersetzungsfehlern, besonders wenn zwischen mehrfachen Be deutungen desselben Stichwortes gewiihlt werden muJ3. 1m Verfolg dieser Ziele ist das Werk im wahrsten Sinne aus der Praxis entstanden. Dementsprechend ist es auch fUr die Praxis als Nachschlagewerk ffir den Alltagsgebrauch bestimmt. An seiner Schaffung haben Men schen des Berufs- und Geschilfts1ebens mit praktischen Erfahrungen mitgewirkt. Der Entwicklung der drei Sprachen folgend, wurde der Text durch Aufnahme neuer Fachausdriicke und Wendungen bedeutend erweitert und auf den neuesten Stand gebracht. Hierbei wurden auch die im Bereich der internationalen Organisationen - insbesondere der Europl\ischen Gemeinschaften - entwickelten und ge brauchlichen Ausdriicke und Begriffe miteinbezogen. Zug, Schweiz, Januar 1979

Hueber-Wörterbuch Deutsch als Fremdsprache

Book Description

2-sprachiges Wörterbuch mit über 100.000 Eintragungen für Deutschlerner mit der Ausgangssprache Englisch.