Book Description
Dear well-wishers, We the new parents of "YASHVI'S LITTLE HEART" are overwhelmed with joy and gratitude for the outpouring love of our newly born child. All the kind words, warm wishes and hospitality have touched our hearts deeply during the time of my pregnancy. From the bottom of our hearts, we would like to share the precious moments that we have felt during this beautiful journey of baby bump and tiny little kicks in my womb. All of your messages, calls and well wishes have made us feel incredibly blessed and cherished as we embark on the new journey of our parenthood. We are truly fortunate to have such beautiful souls in our lives and we cannot wait for all of you to meet our little bundle of joy. Your love and support mean world to us and we are grateful to have you by our side as we navigate this beautiful adventure !! With heartfelt and precious moments by, Mr. and Mr's.Vinodh Prajapati