Two Gods in Heaven

Book Description

"In this book Peter Schäfer casts light on the common assumption that Judaism from its earliest formulations was strictly monotheistic. Over and over again in the Hebrew Bible the biblical writers insist upon the idea that there is one and only one God. But the biblical text is multifarious and contains many sources that subvert from within the strong monotheistic thesis. Old Canaanite deities such as Baal and El, although pushed to the edges, prove stubbornly persistent. They come to the forefront in, for example, the famous "Son of Man" of chapter 7 of the Book of Daniel. In sum, Schäfer argues that monotheism was an ideal in ancient Judaism that was consistently aspired to, but never fully achieved. Through close textual analysis of the Bible and certain key post-biblical sources, Schäfer tracks the long history of a second, younger, subordinate God next to the senior Jewish God YHWH. One might expect that with early Christianity's embrace of this idea (in the form of Jesus Christ), Judaism would have abandoned it utterly. But the opposite was the case. Even after Christianity usurps the original Jewish notion of a second, younger God, certain post-biblical Jewish circles-in particular early Jewish mystical circles-maintained and revived it with the archangel "Metatron," a controversial figure whose very existence is questioned and fiercely debated by the rabbis of the Babylonian Talmud. This book was originally published in Germany by C.H. Beck Verlag in 2016"--

Music and Theology

Book Description

The scholar Robin A. Leaver holds a unique place in sacred music scholarship because of his training in both music and theology. He has written widely, bringing acute insights on a variety of musical repertories and topics related to Martin Luther, sixteenth-century psalmody, hymnody, and the sacred music of Johann Sebastian Bach. In Music and Theology, twelve scholars influenced by Leaver's work contribute essays in diverse areas of sacred music history and philosophy, focusing on the intersection of music and theology. Ranging chronologically from the twelfth-century writer and composer Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179) to present-day considerations of American church music and worship, the volume provides thought-provoking new work for all who study church music. Reflecting the prominent emphasis in Leaver's own scholarship, eight chapters deal with the music of Johann Sebastian Bach, including his organ music, sacred cantatas, and passion settings. A final chapter provides a chronological listing of Leaver's own voluminous writings on music and theology.

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Evolution and Judaism

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German/English Dictionary of Idioms

Book Description

This unique dictionary covers all the major German idioms and is probably the richest source of contemporary German idioms available, with 33,000 headwords. Within each entry the user is provided with: English equivalents; variants; contexts and precise guidance on the degree of currency/rarity of an idiomatic expression. This dictionary is an essential reference for achieving fluency in the language. It will be invaluable for all serious learners and users of German. Not for sale in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

Religion und Offenbarung

Book Description

Im kurzen Leben Dietrich Bonhoeffers spielte die hegelsche Philosophie eine bedeutende Rolle. In seinen frühen akademischen Werken Sanctorum Communio und Akt und Sein nahm Bonhoeffer eine kritische Haltung gegenüber Hegels Philosophie ein, die er als eine Art Religion betrachtete. Dennoch bezeichnete er Hegel während des Hegel-Seminars als „theologisch eingestellten Theologen“. Der Grund für diese Veränderung bei Bonhoeffer bleibt bis heute in der akademischen Welt ohne überzeugende Erklärung. Dieses Buch unternimmt den Versuch, anhand einer Gegenüberstellung der Texte von Bonhoeffer und Hegel eine theologische Erklärung für diese Transformation aufzuzeigen.

A Quest for the Historical Christ

Book Description

A Catholic Quest for the Historical Christ brings together a collection of interrelated essays on the historical Jesus and primitive Christology. Sensitive to the diverse, but traditionally Protestant assumptions and perspectives of the "Quest" as well as to the widely lamented disconnect between New Testament exegesis and classical dogmatic theology, an alternative approach is proposed in these pages. Ecumenical and conciliar reference points, along with non-confessional historical methods (e.g. archeology) shape the basic project, which nevertheless assumes some distinctive and important Catholic contours. This particular synthesis injects the voice of a missing interlocutor into an established conversation that has not infrequently been both historically confused and dogmatically (and philosophically) numb. The book is divided into three sections: Historical Foundations, Theological Perspectives, and Jesus and the Scriptures. While the individual chapters represent independent probes, the cumulative argument and arc of the study drives in clear and concerted directions. After a first approach to the Gospel data, attentive at once to historiographical and historical questions, a series of interventions reorienting the present scholarly discussion are suggested. These various, foundational essays lead, finally, to a sustained mediation on the mind of Christ, considered as a unique reader of the Scriptures: a meditation having its proper reflex and reflection in the way Christians themselves, as readers of the Gospels, participate in the Lord's own encounter with the living Word.

Luther & Scripture: Writings on Hermeneutics, Exegesis and Patristics

Book Description

A new 2023 systematic of Luther's works across 7 volumes. This volume contains new translations of the following major works: 1. Auslegung und Deutung des heyligen vater unsers/ Interpretation of the Lord’s Prayer (1518) 2. Predigten über 1. Korinther 15 – Von der Auferstehung/ Sermons on 1 Corinthians 15 - On the Resurrection 3. Ein kleiner Unterricht, was man in den Evangelien suchen und erwarten solle/ A Little Lesson on What to Look for and Expect in the Gospels (1522) 4. Ein Sendbrief vom Dolmetschen/ A Letter on Interpretation (1530) 5. Predigt zu Lukas 15,1-10/ Sermon on Luke 15:1-10 (1533) 6. Der Grundgedanke des Briefes des Hl. Paulus an die Galater/ Commentary on St. Pauls' Epistle to the Galatians (1535) 7. Über das Studium der Theologie/ About the study of theology (1539) 8. Von der Menschwerdung des Menschen / On the Incarnation of Man. An Academic Lecture on Psalm 127 (1545) 9. Vorrede auf die Epistel S. Paul an die Römer / Preface to the Epistle of S. Paul to the Romans (1545) This is volume II of "The Essential Luther" from NLP. This series lays out Luther's complete major writings along with the original German or Latin text in the back of the book for quick reference. These are the only Bilingual editions of Luther's works ever printed. These manuscripts have been meticulously translated into English from the Original Fraktur manuscript. The German texts have been transcribed into the modern German text. This series is intended to introduce Luther's works systematically and includes all of Luther's writings including minor and obscure texts in 7 editions. Some of these sermons and letters have had no modern English translation until now. Volume I. Luther Contra Mundum: The Ninety-five Theses and other Major Treaties Volume II. Luther & Scripture: Writings on Hermeneutics, Exegesis and Patristics Volume III. Luther on Divine Sovereignty & Human will: Conversations with Erasmus Volume IV. Luther & the State: Writings on Secularism Volume V. Luther's Creeds: Catechisms & Confessions Volume VI. Luther's Table Talk Volume VII. Luther's Sermons and Letters